Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Real means (four more)

Xia Qingchen walked toward the top of the mountain with a hand, and said lightly: "If they are scattered in one place, it will take some effort. Since they get together, then let it be done!"

Boom Boom--

The soldiers put down the wounded, with a heart of revenge, followed Xia Qingchen to kill the mountain.

At that time.

In the palace, Hu Yifan successfully repulsed the enemy, inspiring the rebel wolf robbers on the west side.

The barbarians of the Eastern Front separated by five hundred feet each were unconvinced, and their blades snorted: "What's so proud of them, if they attack Lao Tzu, they will be wiped out long ago, like you, let go most of them!" "

In this regard, the cool man on the west side rebelled against the wolf robbers and scolded: "You put your mother's shit, are you blind? They are the mobile troops in Xia Qingchen's team, the best is the body method, can shoot Several people are still the reason why our Deputy Chief Hu is in ambush. If it is you, you will scare people away in advance."

"Fuck you! Who are you scolding? A group of incompetent useless waste." The barbarian suddenly blasted the pot, and the barbarian headed by the tooth blade shouted loudly.

The two sides immediately fell into scolding. The old leader of the southern line sandwiched between the two rooms, Tie Qing said with a face: "Shut up! The enemy is still arguing?"

With a bang, the two sides calmed down quickly.

The old leader fiercely stared at Hu Yifan in the distance, scolding: "Take care of your people! The danger is not over, you are proud, how do you discipline them?"


Hu Yifan clenched his fists secretly, his heart furiously rising up.

This old guy, seeing his limelight pressed against his blade, pressed it indiscriminately!

He killed the enemy for merit, and the old leader discouraged him. He even opened his eyes and blamed him for making nonsense. It was clear that the blades were jealous and asked for trouble.

The more he thought, the more he suffocated, and the more he suffocated, the more angry he became.

"Give me peace, respond to the enemy with all your might, have you heard it?" The old leader stared at Hu Yifan and scolded.

Hu Yifan lowered his head: "Yes, old leader!"

In his eyes, there was a thick and gloomy color.

Covered with teeth, staring at Hu Yifan from far away, his mouth full of sneers: "Due!"

He turned around and stared at the scene outside. Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his expression became serious: "The enemy is coming, approaching three hundred, coming towards my east line."

Upon hearing this, the old leader immediately reminded: "Be careful!"

In the eyes of Hu Yifan, the injustice was even worse. When he met the enemy on the west side, the old leader didn't say a word, as if he could not have been more casualties.

The enemy came over the tooth blade, and immediately felt like a father.

He watched the movements on the east side coldly, but wanted to see how the blade could kill several people.

What made him shook his head was that Xia Qingchen's team had not yet reached the range of the strong crossbow, and the tooth blade jumped on the city wall, patting his chest and laughing: "Cool waste, come, there is a kind of come Kill us, I'm waiting here!"

As a result, as soon as he appeared, Sang Yu immediately ordered everyone to stop: "There are ambushes ahead, all stop."

Hu Yifan looked sneer, and his own people kept laughing.

The fool can see that he is irritating them. Is this guy treating Xia Qingchen's team as a stupid pig like him?

The tooth blade felt that his face could not be put aside, waving a stone rod, and scolded Sang Yu: "No guts, come on, you **** come!"

Sang Yu regarded it as air and shouted, "Line up! Prepare for storm attack!"

In the puzzled eyes of the tooth blade, the old leader and Hu Yifan, the troops of nearly three hundred people formed a circle in situ, and each other's arms were only holding arms.

Tooth Blade laughed abruptly: "Haha, what are you doing? Do you want to play the game of losing your handkerchief?"

The old leader couldn't help but sneer: "Isn't the regular army in Liangren such a line-up combat method?"

He has seen Bai Zhantian's team, which is like a rainbow, and the formation of the battle is also brave. The Xia Qingchen training team formed a circular battle array, which is really nondescript.

Only Hu Yifan's eyes flickered lightly. Based on his knowledge of Xia Qingchen, this man could lead a soldier well, and if he didn't take the soldier seriously, he would never be able to train such a muddy formation.

However, after glancing at the old leader and the tooth blade, he was too lazy to remind, and he reminded anyway that they would not take it seriously.

Sang Yu took a deep breath and said, "Get ready!"

Everyone took a deep breath and calmed down the tense mood.


As a result, they held hands and started to circle.

Yes, go round!

Endless laughter came from within the city walls, looking at the clown-like team, all laughing.

It was only gradually, they couldn't laugh, the team was turning faster and faster, and it actually moved the surrounding atmosphere and rolled up a strong wind that was not weak.

Moreover, the wind is getting more and more intense.


After ten breaths, the strong wind was so strong that they could not open their eyes or even speak.

As soon as I talked, the violent wind blowing against my head filled my mouth, and the ordinary voice could not be heard at all.

And that team's speed is getting stronger and stronger. Their figure in the circle has been blurred, leaving a residual image, and a light blue color condenses around them. That is because the wind is too strong, blocking the light.

And the dust all around was rolled up, centering on them, forming a cone-shaped tornado.

Even more shocking is behind, nearly three hundred people, under the influence of the cyclone, actually got off the ground and slowly flew up.

"What are they going to do?" Hu Yifan grabbed the raised stone of the city wall tightly and yelled with open mouth, but when he opened his mouth, the wind blew back and turned his face red.

At this moment, everyone is under the hurricane, and they have to grasp the hard things nearby, so as not to be swept away by the terrible wind.

Their shirts, helmets, and accessories on their bodies were all taken away. The weapons, stones, props, etc. scattered on the ground all flew with the whirlwind, slammed on them, and injured a person, even some Some unlucky ones were directly killed!

However, everything is just the beginning of a nightmare.

A team of nearly three hundred people rose into the air, and they manipulated the increasingly tornado to move towards the east line of the palace.

The venom pool of the moat was swept away by the tornado, and the towering stone wall that was solid as a golden soup swayed in the approach of the tornado.

On the wall, the screaming tooth blade stared at the tornado, and his face was pale for a while.

That ridiculous formation can actually create such a terrible natural disaster?

"Tooth blade!!! Come down!!!" the old leader shouted.

However, it is reminded at this moment that it is too late, and a violent tornado quickly winds up, slowly rolling the two-foot-tall blade.

At a critical moment, the old leader yelled at Hu Yifan with force: "Come on! Save him with your star power."

As a barbarian, the old leader has no physical strength to resist the tornado, but Hu Yifan's star power is different. While the tornado has not yet reached its maximum state, there is still a possibility of rescue, but it will be quite dangerous.

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