Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: Dayan Jiancheng (two more)

In the spirit liquid, a grain of strange crystal shimmers in it, adding a little hazy feeling to the spirit liquid.

After ten days of smelting, he finally melted the indestructible void dust and worked with the blood snake stone to refine the spirit fluid in front of him.

Now only one last step!

"Condensed!" Xia Qingchen exhaled with open mouth, dividing the red spirit liquid into ten, and then ten fingers flicked, condensing them into ten three-foot swords.

As the temperature subsides, the melt formed gradually cools down and becomes a long sword with a dark red handle.

The sword has a rough body, a sharp blade, and the sharpness of an unknown sword. At first glance, it looks like an abandoned ninja. Such a sword will be rejected by anyone.

But Xia Qingchen grabbed one of the swords and showed great satisfaction: "The Dayan sword finally succeeded."

I saw his wrist shake, the rough sword shuddered suddenly, the sword body cracked and cracked, there were dense cracks, it was about to break!

The Dayan sword he had worked hard to make was broken!

However, what is unexpected is that Xia Qingchen gently waved his long sword in hand, and countless broken powder slipped from the sword body, revealing a smooth sword body, two blades as sharp as cicada wings, and the whole body exuded a glare Bright red long sword.

The sword is as light as hongmao and warm as cold, and the touch is very comfortable.

The most peculiar thing is that the sword is clearly made out of stone ore, but the sword body has a wooden texture. I don't know it is a wooden sword carved from mahogany.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Qingchen flew continuously on the other nine-handed swords, flying all the impurities on its surface, exposing the blood sword body.

"Ten handle Dayan sword." Xia Qingchen slightly relieved, he finally succeeded in taking a key step, refining the real Dayan sword.

His hands were sealed, and ten runes each entered a sword. The ten bright red Dayan swords were centered around Xia Qingchen and gently surrounded.

"Within a hundred steps, no one is the enemy." Xia Qingchen murmured confidently.

Unless Xiu Qingchen has no chance to cast a sword array if he is strong, Xia Qingchen will emerge within a hundred steps, and the heroes will be stunned!

With one stroke in his palm, ten large swords returned, nine of which were enclosed in the sword box and placed in the space ninja, and only one of the sword was inserted into the sheath and hung around his waist.

Xia Qingchen got up and got out of the sedan chair when Dayan sword was made. He just concentrated on practicing the sword just now, and he didn't overly listen to the noisy outside sounds.

Unexpectedly, he could stand up, and his proud son collapsed from it!

He responded quickly, raised his palm and flew the collapsed sedan out, and looked at the outside with vigilance.

Under a glance, his complexion changed slightly.

His sedan chair is in a flowery courtyard, but at the moment, the courtyard is in disarray and ruin!

All the plants and trees were cut off by the waist, the rockery and the rock were smashed, and even the far courtyard walls were neatly trampled, the living room collapsed into ruins, and the dust was everywhere.

The most amazing thing is that, not far away, Bai Zhantian was holding his **** arms, staring at the sedan in surprise.

On his arm, there was a scar almost visible to the naked eye.

On the sky, Qiu Qiuzheng was flashing a flying ninja, and his two hooves were holding Bai Xiaozhu and Luo Narcissus. His dog eyes widened and his eyes were horrified.

Xia Qingchen confused: "What happened here?"

Qiu Qiu dared to linger in mid-air and dared not to fall, he said with a tongue: "Master Chen, I should ask you, what were you doing in there just now? How could you destroy a yard?"

It turned out that there was a subtle red sword gas flashing from the sedan chair without warning, and it was round and slamming in all directions.

Qiu Qiu, Bai Xiaozhu and Luo Narcissus are all within the range of the rifle, and they are about to be killed by sword gas. Fortunately, Bai Zhantian shot in time and blocked them in front of them, with a good armor and the strong tyrannical repair in the later period of Xiaoyue as the hard anti-sword gas , Gave them a chance to escape.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unbearable.

Xia Qingchen couldn't help but look at the Dayan sword in his waist, and he just realized that it was the inadvertent release of the sword qi that he had inadvertently manipulated the sword array around him.

Fortunately, he didn't try to use Dayan sword, otherwise, the power of sword gas would be ten times better than just now.

If this is the case, I am afraid that Bai Zhantian will not be able to resist the past, or he will be destroyed by sword qi and die.

Dayan sword is much more dangerous than he expected!

"I'm sorry, I inadvertently hurt you during the practice." Xia Qingchen fists to Bai Zhantian.


Bai Zhantian was surprised, with Xia Qingchen Xiuwei, able to hurt him in the later period of Xiaoyue, it was already Shi Baotian shocked, but to listen to its meaning, the blow just now was inadvertently hurt.

What swordsmanship is he practicing, why is it so terrible?

Of course, with Bai Zhantian's cultivation base, if he wanted to hide, the sword energy just now could not help him, only to protect Qiu Qiu and the two girls, he had to resist.

"The injury is not serious, and he can recover quickly, don't care." Bai Zhantian didn't care much: "I want to talk to Master Xia alone."

Xia Qingchen groaned a little and nodded, "Just right, I want to talk to you too."

The two moved into the secret room.

Bai Zhantian opened the door and said: "I want to ask you something."


Xia Qingchen said: "The commander's remarks are too heavy. If you have anything to say, just say it."

He was quite fond of Bai Zhantian's defense of the frontier and the commander who was not afraid of the king's power. If he did not ask too much, he could agree.

Bai Zhantian looked calm: "I hope, you can endure the disrespect of Liang Wang."

Xia Qingchen's eyes dropped, and he said lightly: "Why do you say this?"

Bai Zhantian sighed deeply: "Xia Zhan God's current situation, will the coach be unclear?"

He stared at Xia Qingchen and said with a long heart: "You are a famous general from ancient times, a person from the town of Liangjing, but you were born in a state of faint monarch."

This is almost a consensus among the senior leaders of Liangjing.

The Cool King is indeed faint, especially when the door to **** opened 20 years ago. After experiencing the wrath of the Devil Palm, the Cool King is still faint, sitting on the cold environment.

Its narrow-minded heart and suspicion that the strong-hearted nature is exposed.

Xia Qingchen, who has made such great contributions, has seen what will happen after Zhongyunjing comes back alive.

Such a king is a typical unconscious king!

"But even so, I still beg you, for the sake of hundreds of millions of people in the cold environment, continue to guard the cold environment." Bai Zhantian got up and bowed in front of Xia Qingchen.

"No matter how narrow and cool the King of King is, I hope you can be forbearing temporarily."

He gave a big gift, not only pleading, but also coercing with rites, so that Xia Qingchen could not refuse.

However, how could Xia Qingchen agree?

"Why do you want to be forbearing?" Xia Qingchen's eyes looked cold: "People who perpetrate me must be chased! Three places at home and abroad can't be avoided!"

He is the God of Nine Heavens. Why should he be accommodated in a mortal king?

"But..." But when Xia Qingchen's voice changed, he got up and said: "What I can promise you is that as long as he is not excessive, it can be seen for your sake of lifting the sedan for me, bear him once!"

The premise is, do not touch the bottom line of Xia Qingchen.

Bai Zhantian clenched his fists: "Thank you!"

He just took the initiative to lift the sedan chair in vain, and finally got a promise from Xia Qingchen.

It turned out that he lifted the sedan chair just to increase the bargaining chips at the moment. (Five points update the rest)

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