Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: See the enemy at last (four more)

Xia Qingchen stood up and said lightly: "I killed Yu Tingtong one by one, do you have evidence?"

Based on the smell of tears and slurs, it can be concluded that Xia Qingchen really killed the other party?

In the end, is it Liang Wang and Jiu Shizi who can predict the future, or are they guilty of sins?

"Why, you still want to resist the purpose?" The old man in Qingpao snorted heavily.

Xia Qingchen hadn't been given permission by Liang Wang before. For the first time, Xia Qingchen resisted. He did not dare to act rashly. After all, Xia Qingchen's identity was really special.

But now, Liang Wang personally instructed to capture Xia Qingchen, what else did he dare not do?

Xia Qingchen frowned slightly: "Why, I can't even have a question?"

He asked the other party if he had any evidence, and he was detained with a charge of non-compliance.

Liang Wang and his neighbors are quite obvious about Xia Qingchen's malice.

"Let's talk nonsense, either follow the purpose, or just catch your hand!" The old man in Qingpao obviously didn't give Xia Qingchen extra opportunities.

Xia Qingchen's eyes are faint, is this forcing him to resist the purpose?

His right foot was lifted, and he was about to leave without ignoring the order. A slight dissatisfied voice floated: "Special envoy Sheng, the life of condemnation is my six fan palace, so he will not be envoyed."


The clouds in the sky were scattered, a tall crown stepped on a long sword, and a middle-aged man with a handsome face came from the sword.

He is the master of the Six Fan Palace!

Since the old man in Qingpao came here, he has been watching silently in the sky. The original intention was to send the Six Fans to invite Xia Qingchen back to explain in detail the accusations of tears.

But the attitude of the old man in Qingpao was really bad, and he almost convicted Xia Qingchen.

"Six Fan Palace Master, I have the will of the cool king!" The old man in the green robe immediately bowed his fist, but said again.

The Six Fan Palaces said objectively: "The purpose of the Cool King is to let me try the Six Fan Palaces instead of letting you convict people with one mouth?"

Even if he is the six-sect palace master, he must have full evidence to convict a person. The old man in the green robe is better. When his mouth touches, Xia Qingchen becomes the criminal who killed Yu Tingtong.

The old man in the green robe was stagnant, and after a while, the cheek gang wriggled and said: "It's reckless for the younger generation."

Master Liufan groaned and turned to Xia Qingchen. He glanced at the ruined Jiu Shizi mansion behind Xia Qingchen, then turned his eyes away and smiled: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Only by relying on you can you win a great victory.

In terms of well-informed information, among the ten houses, the six fan houses say second, and no one dares to say first.

"The words are too heavy, it is their efforts, it has nothing to do with me." Xia Qingchen respected and grateful to him.

At the very least, he fought for Jiang Xuexin for half a year, and resolved the conspiracy of Liang Wang to provoke him and Yujia in a decisive battle.

Master Liufan patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "It's embarrassing for you to be born in such a country."

The implication is that he feels unfair for Xia Qingchen's unfair treatment.

"This time Huawen tears reported you and alarmed Liangwang. You should still walk in the intermission. You follow me to Liufan Palace. As long as you are not killed by you, I guarantee you are all right!" Open mouth.

As he spoke, Xia Qingchen would not embarrass him and said frankly: "Lead the way!"

It is said that the Master of the Six Fan Palaces breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that people were not killed by Xia Qingchen. In that case, there is no problem.

"I'll take you for a ride!" The Master of the Six Fan Palace grabbed Xia Qingchen's shoulder, and Yu Jian flew back to the Six Fan Palace.

Just a short incense stick, they arrived at the gate of the Six Fan Palace.

To their surprise, there was a person standing at the gate of the Six Palaces, with a middle-aged posture, an ink cape, and fair skin like a woman.

His eyebrows were sharp, his eyes were like torches, his nose was tall and his lips were ruddy.

At first glance, it is a pretty handsome middle-aged.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a dark red mark on the eyebrows, which looks like a flame, which is very mysterious.

And the clothes he wears are all treasures of the fourth-order nirvana! !

Under the world, except for the cool king, who is qualified to pass such a noble Chinese costume?

When he saw him, the indifferent pupils of the Six Fan Palace flashed a trace of fear, and the surface calmly said: "The Lord Yu is coming, my little Six Fan Palace is flourishing!"

Master Yu?

Xia Qingchen's eyes suddenly sharp as a sword!

The current owner of the Yu Family affairs is not someone else, but Yuhua Dragon!

The person who once competed with Xia Yuan for Huang Yanran, but failed in the end, but forced the Xia Yuan and Huang Yanran to each other from the next day by inferior means!

He was extremely despicable. He set a twenty-year contract on the surface, but actually insulted Xia Yuan, making it impossible for him to cultivate in situ. He also arranged a lot of traitors to suppress him.

Even the final battle between life and death, arranged a stranger to replace his own biological son to participate in the battle.

It's a pity that he never dreamed that Xia Qingchen defeated the alien he thought he would win!

Xia Qingchen is also the first time he has seen this feathered dragon deity who has heard countless times!

On the surface, he does not seem so insidious as he imagined, but instead has the heroic spirit of a gentleman, and he should have practiced some special martial arts to make him look old.

"The clan was assassinated. How could Yumou just ignore it?" Feathered Dragon's voice was gentle, but it implied strength. He said, looking at Xia Qingchen while looking at it.

Just looked at it and said, "Are you Xia Qingchen? Well, it looks a bit like your father!"

The power implied in the voice turned into a thorn without warning, and spurred to Xia Qingchen.


The six fan palace masters waved lightly and waved this sonic martial art.

However, the scattered power bypassed him and went straight to Xia Qingchen.

In an instant, Xia Qingchen felt that the blood vessels in the body were boiling. Those sound waves passed through the pores and reached the inside of the body, causing a backflow of blood. Without the help of a master in time, he must hurt his heart.

However, Xia Qingchen's body is not ordinary.

His hidden space was suddenly released, and the power of horror physique shocked in the body, easily squeezing the other party's sound wave out of the body.

"Huh?" Feather Dragon was slightly surprised. Xia Qingchen could actually dissolve his sound wave?

It's incredible!

The Six Fan Palace Master, who was about to be annoyed, also noticed that Xia Qingchen was abnormal, and was very surprised.

The first blow didn't hurt Xia Qingchen?

Although it was a blow from the Feathered Dragon with a lesson attitude, just to embarrass Xia Qingchen and did not have lethal power, but it was a great miracle to be safe and sound.

"It's better to be famous than to meet, a bit familiar." Yu Hualong commented briefly.

Xia Qingchen also spoke lightly: "You too, are as nasty as expected."

The strong man in the middle of the month, to teach the juniors, just come forward, he secretly started, really in line with his usual style!

"Your father doesn't have the guts you have." Feathered Dragon said lightly.

Xia Yuan did not dare to stand in front of him, blaming him shamelessly.

Xia Qingchen held the Dayan sword, his eyes full of slight contempt: "I still have something my father didn't have!"


The sound of a sword blared, and the red light shone!

(There will be an outbreak tomorrow night)

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