Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 972: Lazy woman

   Xia Qingchen was just surprised, it didn't matter, the money in the world was not important to him.

   "Hmm." Xia Qingchen entered, planning to retreat for a few days, waiting for the opening of Shenliu Cave.

   The maid followed, saying: "Maidservant Xiaoqing, who is a close-knit maid from today, can ask any request, and Xiaoqing tries his best to meet."

   Xia Qingchen waved her hand: "I will find you when necessary."

   "Yes, visitor!" Xiao Qing retreated with a smile, silently standing by the wall outside the door, waiting for Xia Qingchen to order.

   Xia Qingchen faded his shirt and immediately entered the hot spring, and began to practice through the huge aura released.


   Xia Qingchen suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a slight pain between her eyebrows.

  He touched the abdomen where Xingquan was, and murmured: "It is really hard to escape the malpractice."

  He successively experienced the opportunity of the mysterious enquiry and the Futuro Tower, and repaired it within two months from the mid-star position to the nine-point breakthrough to the big star position.

  A huge breakthrough in a short time naturally has unavoidable drawbacks.

   That is the disorder of star power and damage to Xingquan.

  Each breakthrough is accompanied by a tear and expansion of Xingquan. In a short period of time, Xingquan will tear several times in a row.

   Frequent tears did not give Xingquan time for self-repair and eventually suffered damage.

  'S sudden increase in star power has not been effectively placed, and its operation is slightly disordered.

   This situation is called "unstable foundation" in the world of martial arts.

  If the damage to the Star Spring and the disordered star power are not properly handled, the future practice will not only greatly reduce the speed, but also limit the final height.

   Therefore, this hidden danger must be eliminated.

   Fortunately, the loss of Xingquan said that it only needs a period of rest and no longer breaks through, it will repair itself.

   But the disordered star power can only be smoothed out after repeated hardening through massive release and retraction.

   And the most effective way to release and withdraw is actual combat!

   "Xiaoqing, come in."

  The waitress outside the door immediately entered: "Please ask the guest to order."

   "I need a lot of discussion, can you do it?" Xia Qingchen said.

   Didn't she say, can all requirements be met?

  Xiao Qingdao said: "Good guests! This is to prepare a recommendation letter for Shenliudong, where you can meet the customers."

   Xia Qingchen was startled: "God stay in the hole?"

   "Yes! When you enter Shenliu Cave, you will enter a virtual battlefield, where there is the projection of the ancient King of Pride, if you want, you can challenge there."

   It turned out that when entering Shenliu Cave, it would pass through an ancient battlefield.

  The entrants will randomly encounter a war shadow from the ancient Tianjiao. Only by defeating them can they continue to move forward and get the opportunity of staying in the cave.

   "Recommendation letter is not necessary, please prepare the following materials for me." Xia Qingchen Luo listed a list of materials to supplement physical strength, energy and star power.

   By the time, he may have to use the environment there to temper his own star power.

   Many battles, you need to prepare a lot of supplementary pharmacy.

   "Yes, visit!" The maid immediately took the list and went to the sixth floor.

   On the sixth floor, there is only one room.

   She stood outside the door and said, "Master, a customer asked for materials."

   The sixth floor is not a neighbour, but the owner of Yanbo Pavilion!


   Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the list in the hand of the maid flew off, and flew in through the door.

   Soon, a lazy voice came from the room: "What is the origin of this customer?"

   "The return owner is the room reserved by the branch of Tingxuelou, but the person who came is a teenager, not sure of his specific identity."

   The lazy voice sounded again: "Oh? It sounds a little bit unexpected to hear that Snowlord is a teenager."


  Xin Qingxin said, how does the landlord determine that the young boy must be the snow landlord?

   It is said that the landlord Xuexue has reached the mid-month level or above, can't it be a teenager?

   "That quasi-ecstasy that replenishes physical strength was a recipe for a thousand years ago, but it disappeared as early as a thousand years ago."

   "The quasi-elixir for energy rejuvenation is a remedy for three thousand years, and the last time it appeared was two thousand eight hundred years ago!"

   "As for the final quasi elixir of supplementary star power, it is even more remarkable. It was created by Zhou Taixu, who broke the void into a **** four thousand years ago."

  Xiaoqing could not help hearing.

  Every thousand years ago, Danfang was really incredible.

   "Should he find it in some ancient secret realm?" Xiao Qing guessed.

  'S lazy voice, with a hint of interest: "The first two may also be found in the ancient realm, but the last one to supplement star power is not."

   Xiaoqing resignedly: "Why?"

   "Because, Zhou Taixu didn't leave the secret recipe in the world!"

  Xiaoqing heard a stunned god: "Master means that his Danfang comes from Jiutian God Realm?"

"So, I said that it's interesting to listen to the Snow Lord. Looking at the secret medicines on the market, they are all antiquity, um, and there are those from God Realm!" There was a little curiosity in the lazy voice: "He , Who is it?"

   There was a silence in the house, and a voice came again: "His request, all can be done. In addition, his room remains unchanged, but the treatment is raised to the level of VIP."

   "Yes!" Xiao Qing was shocked secretly.

  Present guest level, that is the treatment that can only be obtained by King Zhongyun, King Liang and the first strongest player in Liangjing.

   Listen to the snowlord, I can get such a preferential treatment!

   spread out, it is bound to shock the world!

   "Well! After I finish reading this scroll, I'll talk to this little guy and chat, giggling..." Inside, there was a lingering voice that lasted for a long time.

   Yanboting works quickly.

  Just half an hour later, all the dozens of less common materials will be collected.

   Xia Qingchen was refined immediately.

   worked hard all night, and the three secret medicines were refined into hundreds, which was enough for him to use for a long time.

   "This quasi elixir should be refined in large quantities and allocated to the Zizi Tiantuan. In this way, the march to war is not disadvantageous." Xia Qingchen murmured.

  Replenishing physical strength and energy can be added instantly.

   while adding star power, you can instantly add half.

   If it is handed over to the Zizi Tiantuan, you can almost march to war without interruption.

   Looked at the sky, Xia Qingchen went to Tingxuelou, handed them three supplemental potions, and listened to the information of Shenliudong.

   The relevant information was very confusing. At dusk, he understood and returned to Yanboting.

  When it comes back, go to the restaurant on the first floor.

   At the moment at the restaurant, a conspicuous dining table was surrounded by a group of people on a flower boat such as Hong Qianfan and Jiang Tianguo, as well as a fairy with blue flowers and a young man with a calm expression.

  The meeting of their Yanbo Pavilion was held as scheduled.

   The unfamiliar young man should be the third son of the royal family.

   "Blue flower fairy, Wang Kai, why didn't you come?" Hong Qianfan asked.

  The blue flower fairy is difficult to open his teeth, and he has to say: "The prince of the king has other important things, so it is inconvenient to come."

  The story of the missionary valley has been spread, and it is known all over the city. Can Hong Qianfan not know it?

   He chuckled: "Blue Flower Fairy, I heard that Wang Kai listened to Master Huang's teaching, and he only got zero points in the test. Is he coming in front of him today?"

  If it is him, the scandal spreads all over the world, and the face is strange. (Continue to update at night)

(End of this chapter)

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