Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 985: Actual combat (four more)

  Among all Shizi, Sanshizi has the highest talent for martial arts, and Zhongyun Ranking ranks second, second only to Haotian.

   King Zhongyun's love for him is no less than that of the big prince, even a little higher.

   It's just that the third-generation son is not as good-hearted as the big-world son, and won't envelop all forces.

   Zhou Xingyun's eyes lit up.

   The so-called good birds choose wood and live. Since Da Shizi no longer attaches importance to him, he naturally wants to choose a different master, right?

   He stepped forward and clenched his fists, saying, "Sanshizi, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I am more and more beautiful."

   This is an ordinary compliment. In exchange, Sanshiko's eyebrows are cold and right: "Go!"

   Zhou Xingyun's smile suddenly froze.

   He knew that Sanshizi was not good at dealing, but he wasn't such a scumbag?

   said hello, and actually attracted the word "roll"?

  No matter who is the third son, Zhou Xingyun can only swallow his voice and swallowed it aside. His heart is puzzled. Why is the third son treated him so badly.

  Even if there is a first-day arrogant like Haotian under his command, Zhou Xingyun ranked third, it's not bad!

  When he was just at a loss, Haotian also cast a cold look, with a threat in his eyes: "Zhou Xingyun, give you a reminder first, when you get to the cave, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

   Haotian all say such serious things?

  Zhou Xingyun quickly caught up with the two and whispered in the back: "Zhou Mou didn't know where to offend the two, please give a clear statement."

  The three sons didn't bother to care about him, Haotian paused and said, "Go and ask your sister, what good things have been done at Yanbo Pavilion!"

  Zhou Jingxuan?

   turned out to be her!

   "Something is not enough to accomplish something! I want to see, what can you do when you are in the cave?" Zhou Xingyun felt angry.

   Afterwards, personnel from all parties were present.

   including Xia Qingchen, also came to the scene quietly.

   Except for a few people who knew him, the rest did not pay any attention to Xia Qingchen.

   Xia Qingchen stood alone in the corner, silently observing the giant pit.

  According to the information collected by Xuelou, Shenliudong is held every two years, allowing more than 200 people to enter each time.

  According to the danger level, Shenliu Cave is divided into four areas.

   Safety zone, adventure zone, danger zone and death zone!

  After two hundred years of exploration, the safe area and the adventure area have been explored by the Tianjiao people who have entered one after another.

  Hazardous areas have also been explored by some of the top arrogants.

  Only the most central dead zone, no one dared to take a step so far.

  Because of the Tianjiao trying to enter, all died tragically, and none survived.

   At that time, the madman's sword was accidentally dropped on the edge of the dead zone, and it was lucky to pick up a void dust.

   Xia Qingchen's goal is the dead zone.

   The other three districts, he is not interested!

  Noon on the sun.

   A ray of falling sunlight shone on the extremely deep sky pit, showing the smooth cliffs around.

   The cliff has no trace of carving and chiseling, and it is as smooth as a mirror. Mo said that people, monsters who are good at flying cornices, can hardly climb down the cliff.

   dong dong dong ——

   Suddenly, the ground vibrated slightly, and a Wanqi riding scale Qingqitian group galloped from a distance.

   Each cavalry bears a long ladder.

   "Set up the ladder immediately!" Wan Xiaoqi directed on the spot.

  The soldiers took the ladders and connected them on the spot, connecting more than 10,000 long ladders into a giant ladder that was three hundred feet long, and then put the ladder down into the sky pit.

   "Close the ladder after a cup of tea!" Wan Xiaoqi said.

   This means that they can enter the Tiankeng.

   Haotian and Sanshizi, as well as the recommenders they brought, went in a group of four first.

   followed by Zhou Xingyun and Qiu Zifan he selected, followed by the blue flower fairy alone, and then the rest of the eight sons of Fengming.

   Xia Qingchen was not sick, and only landed at the end before going down the ladder.

   As soon as he entered the tiankeng, Xia Qingchen felt a hint of coolness. There was no wind around him, but his body felt cool.

   "Good cold environment." Xia Qingchen rallied, the more squalid the land, the more murderous rampage!

After    landed, the ground was dark, and it was no exaggeration to describe with five fingers.

   Obviously, people can hear the sound of people nearby, but none of them can be seen.


   Suddenly, thousands of feet ahead, a dark green light appeared without any sign, reflecting the Tiankeng green.

   At the source of the green mang, an old man in white robe faced everyone.

   He is not someone else, but Huang Zizhen.

   It turns out that every time the **** stays in the cave, the king of the cloud will send a strong star to host.

   This year happened to be Huang Zizhen's turn.

   "People over the age of 23, please leave consciously, otherwise you will be responsible for all disasters."

   Shenliudong is a very special place. There is a kind of dust called Wuxin Dust in the air.

   It is a companion that vanishes with the void dust when the strong breaks the void.

  It doesn't matter if young people inhale it, but if the elderly inhale, they will rot bones from the inside, turning people into a pool of meat.

  Even if you cultivate up to the mid-month position, you will never escape.

   That's why, in the past two hundred years, no one has set foot in the dangerous area of ​​Shenliudong.

  Because the older elders cannot enter.

  If the age is not enough, it is difficult to achieve the qualification to enter the danger zone.

   "Since there is no, then accept the repair as a test, and enter the corresponding area." Huang Zizhen said.

   The blue light behind him suddenly turned into a small grid of thousands of square feet, covering everyone and separating them.

   Xia Qingchen is no exception.

   The small grid is isolated from all sides, not only can't see, but also can't hear the outside.

   seems to be blocked in a small room.

  This is what Xiao Qing said, the test before entering the Shenliu Cave, as long as you want, you can challenge without limits.


   In the center of the room, there is a clear projection, there is a line of small characters on the top of the head.

   "Two hundred years ago, the eighth place of Fengming's eight sons, Cui Haojian!"

  The projections of this place are the heavenly arrogants who once participated in Shenliu Cave.

   Xia Qingchen has been waiting for a long time. Without any martial arts, he only uses martial arts to fight!

   After the film.

With a puff, Cui Haojian's projection disillusioned, and a voice appeared in the secret room: "The challenge is successful, you can enter the adventure zone, or continue to challenge and enter the higher zone."

   It turned out that the test can analyze the strength of the participants and recommend them to the corresponding district.

   In order not to match the strength and the area, causing life threatening

   "Continue to challenge!" Xia Qingchen was in a good mood and continued to fight!

   From the eighth place, he has been fighting to the first place.

   Except that the first place took a little effort, the rest was easily solved.

   At this time, time passes by a tea.

   The outside world, the vast majority of people have passed the challenge, the cubicle will automatically disperse.

   Sanshizi panted and said, "Unlucky, I met the dream plum from the second place of the last Fengming Bazi, shaking for a while."

   Haotian also took a deep breath and relieved his wheezing, saying: "I met the head of the last Fengming."

  Looking at the rest of the people, they are all gasping for breath, and they look very embarrassed.

   It turns out that the projection is based on your ranking in the Zhongyun Ranking, and the opponents that appear are almost the same as your own strength.

   So it is especially difficult to fight.

   "Ten people have not come out, they should have no hope."

   "Well, one tea didn't come out, lose more and win less! The challenger's physical strength, energy and star power will be consumed, but the projection will not. The projection must prevail over time."

  Sanshizi didn't care, but he couldn't help but sneer at the glance: "Oh, I know you can't pass the test!"

   Haotian looked down his eyes and saw one of the ten cubicles.

   Above the cubicle, there was a line of words-the tester, Wang Kai.

   Zhou Xingyun also looked over, with a sneer smile: "I thought it would be so much tolerant, such a simple test can not pass! Only rely on the waste of power!"

  The fairy with blue flowers slightly pursed her red lips and sighed bitterly: "You are really in vain."

   For Xia Qingchen's recommendation, the Blue Flower Fairy and Sanseiko completely fell apart, and were almost insulted.

  To the end, Xia Qingchen did not play the recommended effect.

   At this time, Huang Zizhen said: "People who have come out, go to the corresponding area. Your time is only half a month. How many useful things you can find depends on yourself!"

  Everyone who dares to stay has poured into a huge darkness, scrambling to seize the opportunity.

  Only Xia Qingchen, who is still in an arrogant and impatient combat, sharpens the star power in his body. (Haha, I'm so happy to be too early. I only wrote one more at night, and guaranteed two more at noon tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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