Zixiao Palace, the Taoist temple of Hongjun, is located in the depths of chaos.

Since Hongjun preached, Zixiao Palace has been in seclusion, and no one has ever set foot here.

However, after several epochs, the gate of Zixiao Palace opened again, as if to welcome guests.


Not long after, several clear lights flashed, and six figures suddenly appeared in front of the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Looking closely, they were the top existences in the prehistoric world, the six great saints who were known to be immortal, indestructible, and immortal.

They were Taiqing Taishang Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Tongtian Jiaozhu, Shengmu Nuwa Niangniang, the two leaders of the West, Jieyin Taoist, and Zhunti Taoist.

The six great saints who regarded all living beings as ants, now faced the Zixiao Palace with respectful expressions on their faces.

The six saints stared at the gate of the Zixiao Palace in silence, looking at the open gate but not daring to step in, as if they were waiting for something.

Finally, a leisurely voice full of indifference to all living beings came

""Come in!"

Hearing this voice, the six saints looked at each other and then walked into the Zixiao Palace together.

After the six saints entered the Zixiao Palace, they saw the Taoist Hongjun sitting high on the cloud bed.

Not daring to neglect, the six saints immediately bowed and called out in unison:"Disciple greets the teacher."


Hongjun nodded slightly, and then he stopped talking.

Hongjun didn't speak, and the six saints, even if they were as strong as Laozi, didn't dare to speak.

In the hearts of the six saints, they were full of awe for Hongjun.

Let's not talk about the time before he became a saint. Now the six saints have already become saints. Logically, they shouldn't be so in awe of Hongjun, even if Hongjun is their teacher. After all, the arrogance of the saints is not just talk.

However, going back a long time ago, Hongjun broke the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation of the Twelve Ancestral Witches with just one finger a few Yuanhui ago.

The six saints still remember that indifferent look.

You must know that the Pangu phantom gathered in the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation is absolutely as powerful as the saints.

Except for Laozi, Tongtian, and Jieyin, who are somewhat sure to break it, the other three saints such as Yuanshi, Nuwa, and Zhunti are not very sure to break the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation.

And Hongjun Not only did it break, but it was done so easily. This has left an invincible mark in the minds of the six saints.

Moreover, now that they have gathered in front of Hongjun, no one can see Hongjun's depth, which has deepened the six saints' awe of Hongjun.

Of course, although the six saints are silent, it does not mean that they are not guessing in their hearts the purpose of Hongjun calling them here at this moment.

You must know that the Zixiao Palace has not been opened for several Yuanhui. At this moment, the war between wizards and liches has just ended, and Nuwa has just finished repairing the sky. Hongjun immediately called them to the Zixiao Palace, which made the six saints silently guess Hongjun's purpose.

Sanqing and Nuwa are fine. They are not worried about anything. They are just simply guessing the purpose of this trip.

On the other hand, the two saints of the Western religion, Jieyin and Zhunti, are a little scared.

Especially Zhunti, the two wizards and liches The war between the two tribes seemed to be a war between the two tribes for hegemony over the prehistoric world, but Zhunti knew clearly that he himself had pushed a lot behind the scenes.

For example, the ten sons of the fallen Demon Emperor Dijun fled to the prehistoric world due to Zhunti's calculations, and finally Houyi took the lives of nine little golden crows, which brought forward the time of the war between the wizards and liches and made the battle even more tragic.

For this reason, Zhunti had to worry. He was afraid that Hongjun would punish him for it. After all, the cruelty of the war between wizards and liches could not be described in words. Even the so-called corpses everywhere, the lives of the people were in charcoal, and the blood flowed like a river.

If Hongjun punished Zhunti for this, Zhunti himself would have no way to deal with it.

Zhunti never thought that what he did could escape the eyes of Hongjun.

It can be said that at this moment, Zhunti was... His heart was hanging high. He hadn't felt this way for many eons. It was really unpleasant.

Jie Yin's worry was simple. He was worried about Zhunti. Other saints might not know about all Zhunti's calculations in the war between witches and liches, but how could Jie Yin not know? For this reason, he had to worry about Zhunti. Hongjun was silent. The six saints had different thoughts, which made the atmosphere in the entire Zixiao Palace very strange.

After a long while, Hongjun half opened his eyes and looked at the six saints with different expressions in front of him. He sighed slightly in his heart. How could he not guess the thoughts of the six saints.

At the same time, he also knew that if he didn't speak, Laozi and the other six saints would definitely not dare to speak.

Finally, Hongjun himself broke the weird atmosphere and said,"Under the way of heaven, there are reincarnations of catastrophes, and there is no eternal protagonist in the world. The witches and liches have fallen, and the human race should rise, but the heaven cannot be without a master for a day. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Hongjun said, directly stating the purpose of calling the six saints.

This finally put an end to the random guesses in the hearts of the six saints, especially Jie Yin and Zhunti, who finally put their minds at ease.

Then, the six saints' eyes moved, their eyes narrowed slightly, and they began to think about Hongjun's ideas.

Today's Heaven has become dilapidated because of the previous war, and there is no trace of the glory of the demon clan ruling the sky and ruling the masses.

Moreover, the Heaven is a place of cause and effect, and it is difficult to extricate oneself from it.

The six saints don't want their disciples to be trapped in it.

But in other words, the Heaven occupies an orthodox position and controls the three realms. Whether it is the Three Pure Ones, Nuwa or the two saints in the West, they don't want to give other saints a bargain.

This has to make the six saints think carefully about who among their disciples will be the most appropriate to serve as the Emperor of Heaven.

While thinking, Zixiao Palace became quiet again.

But everyone knows that no matter who breaks this tranquility next, there will be a fierce battle of words.

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