"What? Ziwei Emperor?!"

Suddenly, two exclamations came from behind Haoxu and Xuannv. Turning their heads, they saw Kong Xuan, Fengluan and Fengming coming out. The ones who exclaimed were naturally Fengluan and Fengming.

Ziwei Emperor is one of the six emperors of heaven. He governs all the stars above, controls all laws in the middle, and governs Fengdu below. He is the master of all the stars in the sky.

He commands the four saints of the North Pole, the eleven great stars of Shangqing, the seven elements of the North Dipper, the left assistant and the right assistant, the three stars of Santai, the six officials of the South Dipper, the three true ones of the Central Dipper, the two messengers of Qingyang Tuoluo, the twelve natal stars, the sixty Jiazi Taisui stars, the twenty-eight stars of Yuntian, the thirty-six Tiangang in the Dipper, the seventy-two Disha, the spirit officials of the gods in the Dipper, the Zhoutian Lieyao stars, the Tiangang Great Sage, the Kuigang stars, and so on.

These stars in the sky and the Milky Way.

His status is lofty, not inferior to the Lord of Heaven.

Moreover, Ziwei Emperor is the king, and Haoxu spread all over before. The Grand Marshal of the Primordial Army is a minister.

No matter how much power a minister holds, it can never compare to the Emperor.

Emperor and minister, emperor and minister, the emperor is above and the minister is below.

Of course, Feng Luan and Feng Ming exclaimed not because they were in awe of the Emperor Ziwei, one of the Six Heavenly Emperors.

It was because they originally thought that Hao Xu was only the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Army. When they heard that Hao Xu had another identity, the Emperor Ziwei, the change from a minister to an emperor made Feng Luan and Feng Ming stunned, and they exclaimed subconsciously.

Hao Xu also knew this. He knew even more clearly that although he had the identity of the Emperor Ziwei, there was no one else in his Ziwei Starry Sky except him and Kong Xuan. It could be said that it was just an empty shell. Hao Xu would definitely not become arrogant because he was the Emperor Ziwei.

"What happened?"

After nodding slightly to Fengming and Fengluan, Haoxu looked at Kong Xuan and asked.

Glancing at Fengluan and the others, Kong Xuan smiled and replied,"He woke up from the scolding!"

"cough cough...."

Hearing this, Fengluan and Fengming blushed and coughed twice, as if to signal Kong Xuan to save some face for them.

Then, Fengluan was worried that Kong Xuan would say something to embarrass them, so she quickly said to Haoxu:"The prince's words have opened my eyes. Since the prince has chosen to follow the emperor, then our Feng clan will naturally follow the prince's steps. Please move to the main hall. I want to hear how the emperor wants to treat us Feng clan members.""


Haoxu first glanced at Xuannv, who was no longer angry but had a pair of beautiful eyes showing joy, and then turned to Fengluan and responded.

Then Haoxu strode towards the hall, followed by Kong Xuan, and then Fengluan, Fengming and Xuannv.

Obviously, a situation with Haoxu as the leader has emerged among the crowd.

After entering the hall, because the Phoenix Clan has not yet truly joined the Heavenly Court, Haoxu did not sit at the head, but sat side by side with Fengluan. Kong Xuan sat below Haoxu, and Fengming sat below Fengluan. This was normal. However

, Xuannv, as an elder of the Phoenix Clan, did not choose to sit with Fengluan and Fengming. She did not hesitate at all and sat directly below Kong Xuan. It was obvious that she had made up her mind to follow Haoxu. Xu, joined Haoxu's Ziwei Star Palace.

Upon seeing this, Haoxu and Kong Xuan couldn't help showing a hint of joy, while Fengluan and Fengming looked at each other, with a hint of bitterness on their faces.

Their Phoenix Clan's prince Kong Xuan and elder Xuannv both followed Haoxu. What kind of magic does Haoxu have?

Because of the previous contact, Fengluan and Fengming had a general understanding of Kong Xuan's character, and it was easy to understand why Kong Xuan chose to follow Haoxu.

But what about Xuannv?

They knew that Xuannv was also arrogant, but in such a short period of time, Xuannv even recognized Haoxu. This made Fengluan and Fengming more and more curious about Haoxu, and they also believed that the decision to let the Phoenix Clan join the Heavenly Court was not wrong.

Ignoring Fengluan and Fengming, after seeing Xuannv made her choice, Haoxu said lightly:"Have you decided?"

"Phoenix Clan Xuannu is willing to follow the emperor!"

Hearing this, Xuannu stood up again, facing Haoxu, and firmly stated her decision.


Haoxu showed a look of joy, and he also stood up, looked at Xuannv and said:"Today, you are the Star Lord of Pojun. In the Purple Star Palace, your status is only below this emperor and the Star Lord of Qisha, Kong Xuan."

"Pojun Star Lord?"

Xuan Nu's delicate jade cheeks showed a trace of doubt, and she looked at Hao Xu curiously. Is there such a thing as Pojun Star Lord in the Ziwei Star Palace?

Seeing Xuan Nu's doubt, Hao Xu smiled and explained the existence of the so-called Sha Po Lang Three Star Lords.

Hao Xu is the Ziwei Emperor, commanding the Zhoutian stars, sitting in Ziwei Star, and guarded by all the stars.

Among these ten thousand stars, there are three stars that are the most special, namely the Sha Po Lang Three Stars.

The special thing about these three stars is that they do not have entities, but exist as phantoms. When Ziwei Star appears, the Sha Po Lang Three Stars will appear as phantoms to guard Ziwei Star.

So since ancient times, the Ziwei Star has been under the command of the three stars. All the stars have star gods, and they are also the most powerful force in Ziwei Star Palace, while the three stars of Sha Po Lang are more like fate than stars.

Therefore, the three stars of Sha Po Lang have never appeared as star masters.

At this time, the Seven Killing Star Gods conferred by Hao Xu on Kong Xuan and the Po Jun Star God of Xuan Nu are actually a bit similar to the Grand Marshal of the Army conferred by Hao Tian on Hao Xu, neither of them is a fixed god in the Heavenly Court.

However, the three stars of Sha Po Lang occupy a very important position in Hao Xu's heart, and can be said to be the sharpest blade under Hao Xu's command.

Because, since he has become the Emperor of Ziwei and commands the stars in the sky, Hao Xu will naturally not forget the past. The biggest trump card of the demon race is the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array.

Although Hao Xu has not mastered the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array yet, he has been planning for this formation for a long time and he is determined to obtain it.

Then, in Hao Xu's eyes, the three stars of Sha Po Lang will be the ones who will be in charge of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, and only those with great magical powers can be competent.

Whether it is Kong Xuan or Xuan Nu, in Hao Xu's mind, they are the right people to preside over the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array, which is why Hao Xu did not confer them the highest-ranking North Pole Four Saints under his command.

At the same time, because the Heavenly Court is not yet complete, Hao Xu, who has the dual identities of Ziwei Emperor and Heavenly Court Army Marshal, is capable of The enfeoffment of the three-star lord of Sha Po Lang, who originally did not exist, can maximize the status of these three star lords.

It can be said that in the former Purple Star Palace, the four saints of the North Pole were the most respected under the Emperor Ziwei.

But now it is not the case. Under the operation of Haoxu, the status of the three-star lord of Sha Po Lang is above the four saints of the North Pole. He is in charge of the Zhoutian Star Array and controls the power of the stars in the sky.

The status of such a three-star lord of Sha Po Lang is not even lower than that of the five elders of the five directions.

It is enough to see Haoxu's courage.

After knowing this, Xuannv no longer had any doubts. She knelt on one knee, clasped her hands and said:"Your subordinate Pojun greets the emperor!"

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