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At first, Lu Ya found Ying Zhao, Chi Tie, and Lu Wu, three demons, and went to the Wa Palace together to seek from Nuwa a way to save the fortune of the demon clan.

Then, Nuwa prepared to let them all go to heaven and rely on the help of heaven to continue the fortune of the demon clan. For the future of the demon clan, Ying Zhao, Chi Tie, and Lu Wu resolutely accepted it.

However, as the son of Emperor Jun, Lu Ya could not work with the witch clan that killed his parents, uncle, and nine brothers, so he could only leave the Wa Palace alone.

After leaving the Wa Palace, the more Lu Ya thought about it, the more he felt sorry for the demon clan, and even more sorry for Ying Zhao, Chi Tie, and Lu Wu.

Especially after the three demons Yingzhao, Chitie and Luwu swore to the Heavenly Dao that they would stay in the underworld forever, and were willing to be under the ordinary witches and wait for the witches to send them, Lu Ya's feeling of being sorry for the three demons Yingzhao became more and more intense.

For this reason, even if the three demons Yingzhao stayed in the underworld forever to continue the fortune of the demon clan, Lu Ya did not intend to just muddle along, and decided to continue looking for other ways to continue the demon clan.

One person's plan is short, and two people's plan is long. Lu Ya could not think of any good ideas by himself, so he had to find other great demons to discuss and see if there were any good ideas.

With Lu Ya's unremitting efforts, he finally found the trace of Jiuying, one of the ten great demon commanders.

After telling Jiuying the purpose of his visit, Jiuying was also touched by the choice of the three demons Yingzhao before, and decided to work with Lu Ya to continue the fortune and future of the demon clan. The two discussed this.

During the discussion, Jiuying suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that the demon clan was in such a difficult situation now, and the source was the slaughter of the human race by the demon clan in the past. In this case, the root of the problem was the human race.

In this way, they can start with the human race.

Infiltrate the human race, gain the trust of the human race, and gradually eliminate the hatred of the human race against the demon race, so that the relationship between the human and demon races can be eased.

After thinking of a solution, Jiuying and Lu Ya immediately took action.

Jiuying and Lu Ya went to the human race.

With the efforts of Jiuying and Lu Ya, many people's perception of the demon race has been somewhat alleviated, but most people still have an irreconcilable relationship with the demon race. After all, with the strength of Jiuying and Lu Ya, they are weak and cannot effectively ease the relationship between the demon race and the human race.

After all, the life span of the human race is short, no more than a hundred years.

In a hundred years, Jiuying and Lu Ya have improved the perception of this tribe towards the human race, but a hundred years later, a new generation of human race was born.

The deep hatred flowing in their blood makes the new generation of human race continue to hate the demon race.

This is simply a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution.

Moreover, they can infect at most two human tribes together, which is just a drop in the ocean in front of the human race that is spread all over the prehistoric world.

Seeing that this method did not get a good effect, Jiuying and Lu Ya came together to discuss again.

This discussion strengthened their approval of this method, because it was proved to be effective, but the direction was wrong.

So Jiuying and Lu Ya decided to start from the top of the human race. However

, at that time, the leader of the human race was still Huangdi, and there were many talented people under his command. No matter how hard Jiu and Lu Ya tried, it was difficult to climb to a high position. In desperation, they could only wait until Huangdi succeeded and a new leader succeeded to the throne before seeking a solution.

Hundreds of years later, Lu Ya and Jiuying finally waited for Huangdi to succeed in proving his Taoism, and Duobao's disciple Zhuanxu Emperor Gaoyang succeeded to the throne. Lu Ya and Jiuying knew that their chance had come.

So according to the method discussed before, Jiuying went to the city alone, and Lu Ya found some monsters with deep blessings and good morals based on his observations over the past few hundred years to mix into the human tribe and help Jiuying continue the fortune of the monsters.

At the same time, in order to gain the trust of the human race, Lu Ya even cruelly found some monsters that often harmed the human race and sent them to Jiuying and the group of monsters with good morals, asking them to kill them and gain the support of the human race.

Sure enough, this time Jiuying and Lu Ya's plan was very successful, and soon attracted the attention of the common lord Zhuanxu.

Zhuanxu summoned Jiuying. When he saw Jiuying for the first time, Zhuanxu was moved and wanted to marry Jiuying.

At that time, Jiuying thought about it for the sake of the demon clan, and then agreed to marry Zhuanxu. After all, becoming Zhuanxu's wife would better help the demon clan continue its luck and gain the trust of the human race.

When she first married Zhuanxu, Jiuying did not like Zhuanxu.

But as time passed, Zhuanxu's love for her melted Jiuying's heart little by little. At some point, Jiuying really fell in love with Zhuanxu.

Jiuying, who fell deeply in love with Zhuanxu, felt very guilty for deceiving Zhuanxu. After struggling for a long time, she chose to confess to Zhuanxu.

·Request flowers···········

When she confessed to Zhuanxu, Jiuying was ready to be driven out of the human race by Zhuanxu.

But Zhuanxu's behavior was beyond Jiuying's expectations.

Indeed, after Zhuanxu first learned that Jiuying was the demon leader of the demon clan, it was hard for him to accept it, but his deep love for Jiuying made him unable to bear to drive Jiuying away from him. Zhuanxu, who didn't know what to do, chose to ignore Jiuying.

After her identity was announced, she was not driven away, which made Jiuying completely understand Zhuanxu's heart and his feelings for her, which completely melted Jiuying. Jiuying regained her brilliance and chose to temporarily forget her identity as a demon clan member, and she stayed with Zhuanxu unremittingly, no matter how Zhuanxu ignored her, scolded her, or gave her the cold shoulder...............How could Zhuanxu

, who was deeply in love with Jiuying, resist Jiuying's tenderness? After a heart-to-heart talk, the two reconciled.

Jiuying no longer asked about Zhuanxu's handling of political affairs, and Zhuanxu chose to ignore Jiuying's telling him about the demons hiding in the human race.

After all, this group of demons really wanted to make up for the damage that the demons had done to the human race. They were down-to-earth and wholeheartedly helped the human race develop, and took care of the human race more than the human race itself. Zhuanxu really couldn't find an excuse to drive them away, so he could only let them go.

With the tacit understanding of Jiuying and Zhuanxu, the two were inseparable, and the human race was thriving, and everything was developing in a good direction.

But happy times are always short.

Just when the two were at their strongest, Zhuanxu's teacher, Duobao Taoist, the eldest disciple of the Shangqing Saint Tongtian Sect Master, came out of retreat.

Although Duobao was not as strong as Jiuying, as a disciple of the saint, the evil spirit of Jiuying naturally could not be hidden from Duobao. The moment Duobao appeared in front of Jiuying, Duobao discovered Jiuying's identity, so the two flew out of the human capital and came here to fight.

In order to prevent Jiuying's identity from being known by other humans, and worried about the safety of his wife and teacher, Zhuanxu secretly ran to the place where Jiuying and Duobao were fighting.

Later, the previous scene happened

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