Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1015: Sad Tibetan Yuanba

be quiet!

The whole scene suddenly quieted down.

The Tibetan Tibetan Yuanba and Tibetan students both saw Chen Yu.

Tibetan Yuanba: "...

Ji Zangsheng: "...

Ancient Tianhe: "...


鬼 What the **** is this fucking! You Yan Bao Dao, it just broke like this? And still under the finger of Chen Yu?

Chen Yu held the broken knife, her mouth twitched, her complexion was a bit complex.

"You knife, is it fake?"

Qiang Tibetan Yuanba changed his face, shaking his head like a rattle.

不可能 "Impossible! You Yan Bao Dao, but the only sabre that left before the slayer disappeared. We usually cherish it too late, how can it be fake?"

He said, Tibetan Yuanba took the broken knife and skimmed it hard, but the sword did not even have a mark on it.

Then, Tibetan Yuanba took out a long sword and suddenly cut it towards the broken sword. I heard a snap, and the sword broke into two sections directly from the middle!

"You see, no problem."

The Tibetan Tibetan Yuanba hurriedly explained, then sighed deeply, took out a pair of scrolls from Najie, opened it, and saw that there was nothing above it, only a red flame.

"This is a piece of treasure we collected from the Great Horned Demon Clan, called the sky fire cloud map. Once used, it can release infinite flames, and its power is extremely horrible. We also hope that Brother Chen will transfer it to the master.

Yuanzang Yuanba looked at the scroll in his hands with pain, then gritted his teeth and handed it to Chen Yu.

Now that the sword is broken, no matter what, it cannot be used as a gift. You can only take one more thing and give it to Chen Yu.


Chen Yu displayed a sky-fire cloud picture and nodded slightly.

This is indeed a good treasure.

But when he was looking at this picture, he only heard 嗤 la!

The sky of clouds in the sky was actually torn in half by Chen Yu from the middle!


A few people all looked at this scene utterly, completely silent!

这个 "This, is the quality so bad?"

Chen Yu said in doubt.

"I, I Cao!"

Seeing this scene, Tibetan Yuanba is going crazy!

Nyima, the sky fire cloud map is made from the skin of the candle fire fox, which is extremely tough. If anyone says that he can tear the sky fire cloud map by hand, he can never believe it!

现在 But now, this scene happened in front of his eyes!

到底 What the **** is going on?

Unwilling Tibetan Yuanba, then took out the furnace from the ring.

The result was directly pinched by Chen Yu.

I took out a sharp sword.

I was shattered by Chen Yu!

I took out the banned book.

I was torn by Chen Yu!

Alas. . . . . .

I took out dozens of things in a row, but in the hands of Chen Yu, there was nothing that could last more than ten seconds, all completely destroyed!

"you you!"

The Tibetan tyrant Yuanba pointed at Chen Yu, his face full of grief and anger, and the whole person's complexion was flushed.

"You **** play with me!"

The ancient Gu Tianhe and Tibetan students, seeing this scene, have stayed completely. Tibetan Yuanba is a master of the Demon Clan, and he is arrogant and unruly, but now, he is like an enraged young daughter-in-law, his eyes are full of infinite grudges, which makes people pity.

羽 Chen Yu's face was also slightly red, and a little embarrassed.

After all, Tibetan Yuanba came to show the good. As a result, he has now destroyed more than a dozen treasures, even Chen Yu.

那个 "That, it's really impossible, you don't give it, your mind, I already know."

I patted Tibetan Yuanba on the shoulder, and Chen Yu wanted to comfort Tibetan Yuanba.

As a result, Chen Yu's slap photographed, Tibetan Yuanba's face changed suddenly! The whole person was like a nail, but was nailed directly to the ground, his two feet stuck in the soil, and he fell to his knees!

The Tibetan Yuanba spit out three old blood in a row!


A few people all froze, and Tibetan Yuanba looked at Chen Yu in horror, and his eyes were already terrified.

终于 He finally knew why all the treasures just destroyed in the hands of Chen Yu. Just now Chen Yu slapped him on the shoulder, it was like there was an ancient magic mountain that kept slamming on his shoulder!

The physical quality of Dalijiao Devil has always been very strong in Thunder Sound, but this time, under Chen Yu's hands, he felt like a little white rabbit and was in the hands of the wolf , Was severely stung.

If it is not his superior physical fitness, if he is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that Chen Yu will be able to shoot people directly!

"What the **** is this freak? Just the power of the body can break the treasure with bare hands? If I fight with him, I'm afraid I will be blown by a punch!

Su Zang Yuanba's mind suddenly raised such an idea.

"Brother Chen, are you really human?"

The Tibetan Tibetan tyrant was about to cry, like an angry young daughter-in-law, who was extremely resentful.

Chen Yuchen looked at his palm and was also very surprised. Although it is known that the Emperor Dragon's Holy Body is extremely powerful, it is still so strong that it still surprises Chen Yu.

Is it because I just broke through and can't control my power perfectly? Is that what caused this?

Chen Yu was a little uncertain, then looked at Tibetan Yuanba, his eyes flickered.

Otherwise, try again?

I do not know why, seeing Chen Yu staring at himself like this, Tibetan Yuan Ba ​​shuddered and suddenly became cold all over.

Haw pulled out an ugly smile, and Tibetan Yuanba's voice was shaking.

"Chen, Brother Chen, what do you want?"

Chen Yu smiled slightly, her eyes brightened.

"Don't be afraid, I will lighten."


After smashing Yuanba, he saw Chen Yu's hand and fell on his shoulder again!

Bang bang bang!

After a series of sounds, Tibetan Yuanba's entire body has been buried in the ground!

"I, I Cao!"

Qiang Tibetan Yuanba coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again, feeling that her entire body was about to fall apart. All bones are crying! Up and down the whole body, as if being rolled back and forth dozens of times by the road roller, sore!

"I am fucking, grief!"

The Tibetan Yuanba shouted.

Chen Yu nodded thoughtfully. Sure enough, he just broke through and couldn't perfectly control the strength of his body.

The Tibetan student beside me, watching this scene suddenly, the whole person suddenly trembled, looking at Chen Yu's quiet face, only feeling a cold, straight from the tail vertebrae!

"Fuck, you can't fight him! Otherwise, you will be dead!"

Such an idea rose up in his heart, and Tibetan students were completely afraid of Chen Yu!

The Tibetan Yuanba and Tibetan students did not know how to leave from the No.1 house, but both had shadows on No.1 house and Chen Yu, a shadow of life!

Just then, Gu Tianhe received the news.

Tomorrow, the Han family's wedding will begin!

(End of this chapter)

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