
When I saw this scene, everyone was stunned and didn't understand what Chen Yu was doing.

At this moment, I saw five golden lights directly shot into Hong Lei's Dantian, and then a flame pattern spread directly from Hong Lei's Dan Tian to the whole body. Only in a moment, it spread to Hong Lei The whole body.


With a faint whisper, I saw these flame patterns, and they all burned! Hong Lei himself, like a fiery man, exclaimed everyone.

这 "This, what's going on! How can this happen to Hong Lei!"

Teacher Yao slammed forward and shouted in a loss.

From the flame, he can feel the raging heat wave contained in it. If it is used on alchemy, it will definitely do more with less!

"Chen, Teacher Chen, me, what's wrong?"

Xi Honglei raised his hand and kept looking at his body, his eyes widened.

Just now he just felt that the few golden lights shot from Chen Yu's five fingers directly hit his body, and his body seemed to be opened like a yoke, and a force broke out from his body!

Chen Yu smiled slightly, and then said.

"You are the body of the fire spirit. This system allows you to control the fire as you want, but it is very difficult for this constitution to awaken. Therefore, you have not been able to refine the alchemy for three years because there is no awakening of the fire spirit. Body, your ability to control fire will be greatly disrupted. "

"Now I have opened up the two hidden meridians in your body, and let your fire spirit body be fully inspired. From then on, you are the fire spirit body. There is a kind of fire in your body. You will not die, the fire will not die! Even alchemy And no longer need to resort to any outside sources of fire! "

He said, Chen Yu glanced at the stagnant medicine Bai Qi, and spoke again.

"You are not waste at all! It is an extremely rare alchemy genius! The method used by Yao Baiqi to pass you on, although it will allow you to suppress the fire spirit body and allow you to control the fire for a short time, but it will also hurt your origin and last long. In the past, your fire spirit body will disappear, and your constitution will become weaker and weaker, until the last time you can't make alchemy at all! "


Hong Lei's complexion changed greatly. The joy of alchemy just disappeared at the moment!

No wonder!

It's no wonder that just after practicing alchemy, he felt that he had been greatly impacted. I thought it would be fine to bite my teeth and overcome the past, but I never expected that there would be such serious consequences!

After everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and then whispered.

After all, Hong Lei's appearance was obvious to all, and I couldn't help but believe what Chen Yu said.

所有人 At the moment everyone looked at Yao Baiqi's gaze, all with a hint of doubt.

"This this!"

Peony Bai Qi turned pale and looked at the crowd with some panic in his heart. He was just enjoying the excitement of the crowd just now, but he didn't expect it to turn into an instant!

"Hum, it's nice to say. If you have the ability, let him make a panacea!"

Peony Bai Qi still gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

Chen Yu smiled coldly, and said, "Since that is the case, I am as you wish!"

"Hong Lei, you do what I say!"

Wu Honglei was shocked and nodded heavily.


No word, Hong Lei, under the guidance of Chen Yu, kept putting pieces of alchemy materials into the furnace.

Chen Yu doesn't talk much, just say two sentences on the most important nodes, such as let him pause for two seconds, put one gram more.

But in Hong Lei's perception, he was able to perceive that everything Chen Yu said was the perfect match for refining Xie Yuandan!

Not only that, since Chen Yu just inspired the fire spirit body in his body just now, he feels like he is transformed into a flame! The flames that couldn't be controlled before, at this moment are playing with him at will.

This feeling is that he has never experienced it!

这 "This, this is the body of the fire spirit? I, I can control the flame to such a degree?"

Hong Lei 愣愣 said that Chen Yu had been worshipped to the utmost in his heart.

The mountains are high and the sky is moving!

In his heart, Chen Yu is like a towering mountain, so he can only look up!


There was a strange wave, and the whole audience was filled at this moment, so everyone was shocked.

Alchemy is over!

"Get out and show everyone."

Chen Yu said lightly. Hong Lei nodded and shook his fist nervously. Then he took the elixir out of the Dan furnace.

With a single glance, Hong Lei was struck by lightning, and he was instantly stunned.

On top of the elixir, seven lines of elixir are rippling on it, proving to everyone that this is the second product of elixir!

"Seven, seven patterns! It turned out to be seven pattern elixir !!!"

I'm boiling!

The scene is boiling!

Everyone was exclaimed.

"Oh my god, a guy who can't practice a single elixir for three years has even made Qiwen elixir! This, am I dreaming?"

"I'm sure, I haven't dreamed? It's just soaring!"

Many teachers who came to the audience also took a sigh of cold air at this moment, and the expression was shocked.

Teacher Yao Yao was holding on to the railings, his eyes stared out.

"It is possible to make Qiwen Pill!"

He said, he bowed his head and smiled, shaking his head.

"I have the most, but I can only make six-stripe elixir. I did not expect Hong Lei to surpass me immediately! Mr. Chen, what kind of existence is you!"

If it was not Chen Yu, no one would have thought that the tail of the crane in the eyes of Hong Lei would be such a genius!

"Overnight, the fate of a person's life changed! Mr. Chen, you are too great!"

Teacher Yao said, everyone on the side nodded.

On the podium, Yao Baiqi had completely froze.

Seven pattern!

This is just crushing him!

"Mr. Chen in the Lei Yin Xue Palace, that is a Wizard of the World, I am afraid that in the Five Realms, no one is his opponent!"

"Genius? Oh, in front of Mr. Chen, you will know what a genius is! No, he is no longer a genius, he is more evil than a genius!"

"IMHO, Yaobaiqi is in front of him, I'm afraid it's still worse."

Alas. . . . . .

Kariya Hiroshi's words before, now hovering in Yao Baiqi's mind. He didn't even bother before, so he came here to see what Chen Yu looked like.

I did not expect that at this moment I was shocked to the point where it could not be added!

"Haha, Yaobaiqi, have you taken it now?"

Chen Yu waved his sleeves and looked proudly at Yao Baiqi, with a smile on his mouth.


Peony Baiqi's complexion turned pale instantly.

"I, I, I'm convinced !!!"

Gritted his teeth and squeezed out the word, Yaobaiqi felt only the strength of his whole body, as if evacuated.

Chen Yu smiled, and then found out with a palm, Yao Baiqi's chest badge, was directly caught in Chen Yu's hands.

"Thank you, the badge has been sent thousands of miles!"

(End of this chapter)

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