Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1118: Top one hundred

Looking at the back of Ye Heer's departure, the whole square was full of shock.

On the high platform, many inspections caused the look of the kneeling begging, all of them were shaking.

Su Qin patted him on the ground, as if he had lost his soul, his face was pale and desperate.

At this time, someone already grabbed Su Qin's hair, just like dragging a dead dog, and dragged Su Qin directly.

"Ah! No! Yan Shou, save me, save me! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

The sound of misery rang throughout the venue.

Yan Shou's face was complicated.

In a word, Su Qin was killed directly, which made Yan Shou very emotional.

"It turns out he is so strong!"

Ran Le and Wan Zhengqing looked at each other with intense frustration in their eyes.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. At first I thought that he was just a kid of the personal tribe. He hadn't even seen him in the right eye, but did not expect that An Qi was in his hands, and he didn't even go through one move. , Even he was crushed to kneel on the ground! "

"It turned out that he had never looked straight and had seen us! We are ridiculous!"

Thinking of his proud look before, Ran Le felt hot on his face, and the whole person had a strong flush.

Wan Zhengqing sighed, his eyes were complicated.

"We're in front of him, and I'm afraid it's no different from the ants. The gap between them is too big!"

Both were proud and proud, and considered themselves to be the strongest existence in the 20 area, but now, their self-confidence and pride have been completely shattered into **** by Chen Yu!

But all this is completely unintentional!

"You said, can he become the top 100 of the demon servant in the next 100 district scuffles?"

Ran Le asked suddenly.

Wan Zhengqing froze, then a hint of uncertainty appeared on his face.

"Our 20 districts can only be regarded as the middle reaches in the dark forest. Among the former districts, there are countless arrogances. If it is not because the districts cannot communicate with each other, I am afraid that any one of them will come to us and it will be enough to kill us. . "

Looking at the direction where Chen Yu left, Wan Zhengqing pursed his lips.

"If, his strength is just as shown just now, I am afraid it is dangerous. You forgot, how terrible are those monsters in the top ten areas?"

Ran Le was stunned, remembering that before, Biaoqiu had taken the three of them to visit other areas. At that time, in the 13th area, a person who was about the same size as them discussed with them. Defeated the three of them directly!

And that person is said to be in the 13 areas, not even the top 20!

She smiled and shook her head, Ran Le covered her forehead.

"I think too much. Even if this step Ye Yu is really powerful, but it is only in our 20 area. If you compare with those people, it is not enough to see. It is even more difficult to get into the top 100. Harder. "

As the two discussed, Chen Yu and Ye Heer had arrived in Ye Heer's room.


Ye Heer knelt directly on the ground.

"Master, I'm sorry, it was because I didn't arrive in time to make the master angry."

Ye Heer said in a panic, Chen Yu waved and didn't care.

"Come up, it's not bad to show some strength now, you go to preside over the selection, I'll wait for you."

Ye Heer nodded, and then backed out.

In front of these, Chen Yu was nothing more than a fool. What he was most concerned about was entering the Broken Soul Demon Mountain, rescuing Lei Guanyu, and finding out what the aliens were going to do.

. . . . . .

The selection was very fast. In just one day, all the selections were over. After the end, 100 people stood out. Among them, Ran Le and Wan Zhengqing were also listed.

Ye Heer took the hundred people directly through the teleportation array to the demon servant selection venue in the first area.

Here at this moment, many people have gathered.

This is under the rule of the alien race. Among the more than one hundred areas, all the selected magic servants have more than 10,000 people.

"Now, you are already the servants of the Broken Soul Demon Mountain! Now we will go to the first area, where you will fight with all the other people in the area to determine the rank of the magic servant, and the top one hundred magic servants It is even more honorable than you can imagine. You are now following the guide and preparing for the next battle. "

After speaking, Ye Heer glanced at Chen Yu, nodded, and left directly beside the crowd. As the head of the area, everyone came to the meeting after he came here. A guide approached immediately, and took everyone to their venue.

Chen Yu's face was calm. Ye Heer brought him here and completed his mission.

But beside Chen Yu, everyone else was excited. Becoming a demon servant is a supreme glory to them. If they can break into the top one hundred, then it will be the name of the entire dark forest!

"Oh, if we can get a chance to enter the top 100, the glory will be too great!"

"Oh, you are daydreaming. The top one hundred are the only peerless Tianjiao in the super area to be able to fight for, we? That is to see the world."

"That is, that's the top 100. When did you hear that there were people in our 20 districts?"

Everyone talked.

"Bu Yeyu, how confident are you that you are in the top 100?"

At this moment, Ran Le went to Chen Yu's side and asked with a smile.

Glancing at Ran Le, Chen Yu looked indifferent.

"Ten percent."


Ran Le froze, then laughed.

"Really, then I wish you time to make history."

Even so, in Ran Le's mind, Chen Yu was only joking. Top 100! How difficult is that? In his opinion, Chen Yu's ability to break into the top 500 among these 10,000 people is already a valuable thing.

Sure enough, he still swelled.

Ran Le thought so.

"Ha ha, ten percent? A big tone."

At this moment, a disdainful voice sounded, immediately shocking everyone.

Ran Le turned his head and looked at him, his whole body shook, his eyes flashed fiercely. Wan Zhengqing on the side was also instantly tense, full of strong alert.

"Cangfeng, why are you here!"

Ran Le was shocked, even his voice changed.


Chen Yu froze and said, "Do you know each other?"

Ran Le smiled bitterly.

How could you not know? It was Cangfeng's eldest brother who defeated the three of them at the time!

At this moment, Cang Ming looked at Chen Yu, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Inferior waste in District 20? Want to enter the top 100?"

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