Five Realms First!

Within just three days, the name had spread.

Everyone is eagerly discussing, after all, after the entire five domains, but such a character appeared for the first time!

Outside the Leiyin School, all the major forces from the Five Realms gathered here, and their eyes were full of awe. Everyone brought expensive gifts, densely packed.

"Oh my god, it's terrifying! How many people have to come to our palace?"

All the students of Leiyin Xuegong's eyes widened.

"His, it ’s amazing, I am afraid that in the Five Realms, I got a little bit of power on the table, and now all of them are here! Which of these people are not usually high above you? But now you see, they are in line! I ca n’t believe it with my own eyes. ”

Congratulations to Wanbang!

Everyone knows that all of this is because there is a man in their palace, Chen Yu!

Lei Guanyu and Gu Tianhe looked at each other and smiled, with inexplicable emotions in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that one day, my Lei Yin Xue Palace will be able to show today's grand situation."

Gu Tianhe nodded, his complex look.

"Yes, by now, Mr. Chen should have arrived at Baiyu College."

One hundred colleges.

Lei Guanyu's eyes looked at the distant sky and sighed deeply.

As a remote place, the Five Realms is really inconspicuous within the Bai Realm. From the Five Realms, there is only one long-distance transmission channel leading to the location of the Bai Realm College.

At this moment, Chen Yu passed through this channel and came to Baiyu College!

"Oh, it feels like coming out of the countryside to college."

Chen Yu laughed at herself.

Looking around, he found that his place was a gathering center. Numerous transmission channels are all connected here, and people are constantly coming out of the transmission channels. Everyone looks like a curious baby.

"Hey, brother, you're here for the test, too."


Chen Yu froze and saw a fat boy. At this moment, he came over and said since he was familiar.

"I won't change the money. I'm from Hongfeng Starfield. How are you preparing for the entrance exam of Baiyu College?"

"There is nothing to prepare, so come here." Chen Yu said lightly.

He did not make preparations. He had the admission token of Bai Yu College. He never thought about what preparations needed to enter Bai Yu College.

Jin did not change his face, his smile even worse.

Rubbing his hands, Jin Buchang laughed.

"Well, it seems that the brothers are well-informed. If I have the opportunity to enter Baiyu College in the future, I hope that the brothers will take care of them."

Jin didn't change his smile, and there was a touch of flattery. The entrance examination of Baiyu College has a very high elimination rate. There are not many people who dare to come without even the slightest preparation. Those who dare to do so are all people.

In the eyes of Jin Buhuan, Chen Yu is such a person!

Jin Bu turned around, and several others came together, and everyone smiled.

"I don't know how to call a friend, where do they come from?"

"Five Realms, Chen Yu."

Chen Yu said calmly.


Hearing this, the crowd froze, and the smile on the knot just disappeared instantly, leaving only a deep indifference.

"Five Realms, came from such a remote place? I remember there was a hairless, always weak. What kind of people can be in this place?"

"That is, no one in the Five Domains has ever entered the BaiYu College. They are too weak to even have the qualifications for admission."

"Huh, that tone is so big. I thought it was an extraordinary genius, but it turned out to be just a small country guy. Sure enough, people in small places have never seen the world, but they are confident. Now. "

The people who had just come together were completely dispersed in an instant, and everyone's face was not good-looking.

Jin did not change the same look, his face was a bit subtle. I thought Chen Yu was a big tree, but I didn't expect it, but it was just a small person from the Five Realms.

"Hey, I'm really unlucky. I thought I could hold my thighs and I can't count on them now."

Jin Buchang shook his head again and again.

"Brother, let's consider this fate, rest assured, if you can successfully enter Baiyu College, I will definitely take care of you."

Chen Yu frowned, this guy was very calm, and his heart was not bad.

"Oh, don't change gold, you are just a waste, and you want to take care of other people? It's really interesting."

At this moment, an arrogant voice came over, and Jin Buchang looked at the person, his face changed instantly.

"Qian Yingyao, what are you doing?"

Qian Yingyao smiled and said, "Naturally, I came to see you as a waste. After all, I'm your distant cousin. Hehe."

Then, glancing at Chen Yu, Qian Yingyao laughed.

"A waste, a hunk, is really a good match. I hope you can be admitted to Bai Yu College, I am waiting for you at Bai Yu College, hehehehehe."

Qian Yingyao smiled and left. Chen Yu's eyes froze with a chill. Although he knew that the Five Realms were inconspicuous in the entire hundred realms, he did not expect that the status of the Five Realms was so low.

"Qian Yingyao is very arrogant."

Kim didn't change his gloomy look, saying: "He is my distant cousin. He is very talented. During the entrance examination of Baiyu College, his teacher said that he could pass the test 100%."

"What about you? Seems he looks down on you?"

Hearing this, Jin didn't change his head, scratched his head, and was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, hey, if you don't find a relationship, there is only a 30% chance. But my father has already done something, and I went in this time, and there was no problem."


Chen Yu frowned, and it seemed that the family that Jin Buhuan was very powerful. The existence of Baiyu College is not to say that it should be done.

Let ’s go now. The entrance exam is about to begin.

Where they are now, that is the planet of Bai Yu College, a subsidiary planet next to it. To enter Bai Yun College, they need to go through the teleportation array.

Jin didn't change his voice and sang, and went to the planet where Baiyu College is located with Chen Yu.

Baiyu College, where the planet is named Baiyuxing, is as large as ten suns. This is also the core area of ​​Baiyu. It is extremely prosperous.

"My God, there are too many of them."

Jin Buhuan exclaimed. They are now in front of the gate of Baiyu College. It is a huge square, but it is crowded with young people from all over the place.

"Are these all coming for the exam?"

Chen Yu was a bit surprised. Roughly calculated, there are at least a million people here.

"Yes, they are all here to take the exam, but Baiyun College is taking the elite route. The admissions this time is said to be more than 7,000."


Hearing this number, Chen Yun frowned, with some surprises. The pass rate of this admission was really low.

Qian Yingyao apparently saw the two, sneering disdainfully.

"Two wastes."

Those who knew that Chen Yu had come from the Five Realms just smiled slightly and looked extremely disdainful.

"Situzi hasn't seen the world before, shouldn't he be frightened. Hahahaha."

In their laughter, your loud voice made everyone shocked,

The entrance exam has begun!

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