Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1247: Aotiancon's card


Seeing Aotian's hand, Chen Yu frowned.

It was a very small disk with a rough pattern carved on it and a wild beauty.

"Oh, Chen Yu, to be honest, I really didn't expect that you should be so deep and so powerful. If you are outside, maybe I really have a big loss! But here?"

Aotian raised a brow and smiled slightly, full of pride.

"Even if you are strong, what can I do? I can still let you die without a burial place. Because here is my home field!"

Strong self-confidence rose from Aotian's face!

He was very fortunate, fortunate to be here, to meet Chen Yu, fortunate to be here, to know the power of Chen Yu!

Otherwise, once it is encountered outside, God knows what will happen?

"Is it?"

Chen Yu glanced at Aotian's hands and smiled contemptuously.

"Oh, very confident? Then I will let you know now, what is fear!"


The disc was crushed directly by Aotian Cong, and a high-pitched beast roared directly, far away.

"Haha, Chen Yu, tell you the truth! The Beast Emperor here is my friend! And just now, I already called him over! You are over!"

Aotian laughed from his laughter, his face expressing a strong sense of pleasure.

"Aren't you crazy? I'll see it later, when you were killed by the Beast Emperor, wasn't you so arrogant!"

Gong Nian's face changed suddenly, extremely anxious!

"Chen Yu! Run away! This is a conspiracy! Hurry up!"

"Haha, run? Can he run away? This is the deepest part of the Cangshou Mountains! Even if he is more powerful, he never wants to rush out from here!"

Aotian laughed.

"Run? Why should I run?"

Not only did Chen Yu not run, she found a stone, sat down, and looked playful.


Aotian was stunned. This guy is not afraid at all? Does he think I'm scaring him?


He must think I'm bluffing! After all, how could the Beast Emperor be related to human beings?

Humph! You will know in a moment, can I call the Beast Emperor!

Just thinking, the map suddenly shook!

From a joy, Aotian looked toward the valley, and saw a lot of fierce beasts. The neatly lined up stood in two rows and rushed directly to it.

And in the center, a supercar pulled by eight giant wolves rushed straight up!

"It's over !!!"

Seeing this scene, Gong Nian's face turned pale, full of deep despair and guilt, all because of her, and Chen Yu, who was harmed, died here with her! Otherwise, with Chen Yu's strength, returning to the college will inevitably have an extremely bright future.

"Chen Yu, sorry ..."

Gong Nian whispered to herself, at the same time, her hotness became stronger and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Haha, here it is!"

Aotian looked at Chen Yu, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, full of speculation.

"Oh, Chen Yu, have you seen this? This is the Beast Emperor, my friend who is proud of Tian Cong! As long as I say a word, you can't leave Burial Beast Valley!"

Chen Yu said nothing, but she had a strange look on her face.

This sea is so frightening?


When they came to the three, the many beasts stopped. Every fierce beast is imposing, with a snort of anger in his mouth and nose.

In the big car, it was blocked by thick curtains, and the scene inside was completely invisible.

Before going to the cart, Aotian bowed respectfully to the cart.

"Master Beast Emperor, Aotian has been courteous. This time I invited Master Beast Emperor to come, and also requested Master Beast Emperor to help me and kill this guy for me!"

After that, Aotian pointed at Chen Yu.

"Let me help? Kneel down and ask me!"

A hoarse voice came from the cart.

From the moment Ao Tian suddenly looked a little ugly!

The ferocious beast is really just a ferocious beast! How dare you let me stand on my knees? But now he needed the strength of the Beast Emperor, so he smiled reluctantly, Aotian nodded, and slowly kneeled in front of the big car.

"Please, Lord Beast Emperor!"

Aotian shouted from his heart, but in his heart, he had decided that after returning, he promised all the exercises to the beast emperor, all void!

In the big car, there was a sudden silence, and there was no sound at all.

Aotian started from a moment ago, with some doubts in her heart, wondering what happened, suddenly! A hilarious burst out suddenly from the cart!

what happened?

Aotian raised his head and looked blankly at the cart.


The curtain of the cart was opened, and a fat figure appeared directly in front of Aotiancong!

It's not gold!

At this moment, he was standing on the cart and laughing arrogantly, still holding Donglan in his hand.

"Wow ha ha ha, the chairman of the destiny society, he will give me a hoe, I Cao, it's so cool! Ha ha ha ha."

"Gold, isn't it?"

Aotian stunned, his eyes widened, and a blast in his head made him completely blindfolded.

What exactly is going on?

Shouldn't this beast emperor? Why does Jin Buhuan appear on the cart?

"This, what's going on?"

Gong Nian was paralyzed on the ground, with a pair of beautiful eyes full of shocking expression.

A desperate situation that was supposed to be dead, why did he suddenly run out of Jin Buhui?

"Damn! Beast Emperor! Why are you a fat pig here?"

Aotian stood up immediately, and yelled angrily.

This feeling is like his own hole card was originally Wang Feng, and the result came out one-to-three! How can he tolerate such a thing?

"You looking for me?"

At this moment, a female voice came out of the cart again, and the sea came out of it. When Jin Buhuan passed by, she rolled her eyes.

It's all this guy. It's really fun to play with Aotian Cong.

"You, you are the beast emperor? Where is Su Feng? Where is he?"

Looking at the sea, Aotian stunned and did not respond at all.

"That traitor?"

The sea smiled coldly, pointing casually around.

"Perhaps he is here, or there, anyway, he died here, maybe there is his body at your feet."


Like a thunderstorm, Aotian took several steps back from the company to stand still.

At this moment, his face became pale and instantly, a thick uneasiness suddenly appeared in his mind.

Suddenly turning his head, he looked at Chen Yu hardly, but he didn't believe it.

"No wonder you are not afraid, it turns out that you already know all this !!!"

Chen Yu glanced at Aotian Cong and smiled indifferently.

"What do you say? This is my home field, not yours."

Aotian shook from his body again! Bitter smile. I never expected that this would happen!

His hole card became the opponent's hole card!

"I'm not willing, I'm not willing !!! Chen Yu, how dare you fight me!"

Aotian roared.

"Oh, want to fight with my man? Have you asked me?" Cang Hai smiled coldly and said.

Aotian Cong and Gong Nian all widened their eyes.

What did she just say? Beast Emperor, man? !! !!

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