Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1267: By him? Is it worth it?

"what happened to you?"

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, Gong Liushui was stunned. From now until now, this was the first time he saw Chen Yu, showing such an expression. After all, he didn't know that Chen Yu came from the earth.

"Nothing, you continue to say."

Chen Yu depressed her heart and said.

"Although I do n’t know the secret of Aojia, I have heard rumors. It is said that at the beginning, Aojia was not a big deal. Among the hundred domains, it was not ranked at all, but later, Aojia After getting a work method, this has risen step by step, becoming the number one in the 100 domains now! And this work method, I heard that the proud family got it from a place called Earth! "

Chen Yu's eyes flashed, and many thoughts passed through her heart.

For a long time, he had speculations about his rebirth. After all, this kind of thing is really incredible. Now it seems that it is unusual! And this is not ordinary, most likely, it has something to do with the earth!

Earth, what secret do you have?

Chen Yu was surprised. The spiritual civilization of ancient times was cut off in the later period, and there are only some relics left. Is it really just because those people have sucked out the aura?

There are also ancient myths and legends. At present, everyone is laughing at most, but Chen Yu feels that among them, there is still a secret!

After all, an exercise of the earth creates an proud home. The earth is by no means simple!

It seems that my rebirth and the great secrets of the earth have not been solved.

When Chen Yu returned to Earth again in the last life, it was hundreds of years later. At that time, he was not in a good mood, and did not thoroughly explore the earth. He hurried away and found nothing unusual. .

But after the rebirth of this life, he felt that the earth is not ordinary, very unusual! I thought that I had discovered the past of the earth, but now I heard the words of the palace flowing water, Chen Yu knew that his understanding of the earth was not enough!

"Interesting! Really interesting! I'd like to see what happens after this heavy fog!"

Chen Yu thought to himself.

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, Gong Liushui only said that when Chen Yu had understood the current situation, he said again: "At that time, after the proud family got this exercise, only the proud family ancestors were thoroughly trained, and the proud family's descendants could not. Reaching the level of great consummation, but Pride is different! "

"Ao Zongxiao bears Jiuyang Xuanqi and has great strength. The most important thing is that in his body, there is the immortal inheritance left by his proud ancestor. With all the combat experience, skills, skills and knowledge, as Ao Zixiao's strength increases, he can continue to unleash this heritage, so Ao Zixiao has achieved such success in just a few decades! And others In comparison, he simply has an invincible plug-in! "

Gong Liushui was full of emotion and said, "This is why Aozong Xiao marries Gong Nian, because Gong Nian's Jiu Yin Xuan Qi can help Aozong Xiao break through and unlock the inheritance of Wan Ao Tian Jue again."

"Is that so?"

Chen Yu said lightly, all this made sense. Ao Zixiao has the inheritance of the proud ancestor and Jiu Yang Xuan Qi. In order to improve his strength, he wants to marry Gong Nian.

"That's it. The strength of Ao Zixiao is not what you can imagine. Do you know that in our college, the president of the Destiny Society is proud of Ao Tianzong, and he is also a proud family member. The capital is comparable to that of Xiaonian, but in the proud house, he is just a sideline! There is no chance to enter the main house. "

Gong Liushui opened his mouth and wanted to see Chen Yu's reaction, but to his disappointment, Chen Yu was still indifferent.

"You say Aotian? I have let the sea kill him."

Chen Yu spoke at will.

"Oh, my Cao? What are you talking about? Killed?"

Gong Liushui was suddenly startled, eyes wide, and looked at Chen Yu suddenly.

"Grandpa, it's true. Aotian was lying in the burial beast valley and was killed by a sea move. It was Chen Yufa's words then."

Gong Nianyouyou said.

Gong Liushui pumped his face, letting the sea kill Ao Tianzong? Nima, commanding things like the Beast Emperor, how can most people do it? Only this guy can do this kind of thing, and it's like a okay person.

Shaking his head, the palace flowing water spoke again.

"He didn't mention it first, but this time, you are really in big trouble. The Battle of Heavenly Pride of Bai Yu is about to begin, and the location is the solar system where the earth is located. And Pride will also participate. After that, Pride The family will formally come to my palace to propose a marriage. Although I can suppress the news that Xiaonian lost you, I can't hide it after the hegemony is over. "

With a deep sigh, Gong Liushui's eyes snapped coldly and he said, "If you don't want to take a small idea, then there is only one way. You can leave Bai Yu with a small idea! In this way, even if the proud home comes, my palace They are insulted the most, but not destroyed. "


Gong Nian's tears flowed down instantly when he heard the water flowing from the palace. Although it is easy to say, this kind of thing is just playing against the proud family's face. Is it so simple as the palace family wants to get through this difficult time?

A mood of guilt and panic appeared in Gong Nian's heart.

"Is Bai Yu Tianjiao fighting for hegemony? Hehe, I want to see it too."

At this moment, Chen Yu smiled lightly, full of confidence.

"You, what did you say?"

Gong Liushui stunned and shuddered, and said, "No! Absolutely not! If you participate, it will definitely be a dead end! Pride will not let you go!"

"Really? That's right, I didn't plan to let him go."

Turning his fingers, Chen Yu smiled lightly.

"It's just a condensed state, and I haven't killed it."

Gong Liushui's pupils shrank, and she had not spoken yet. Gong Nian looked at her grandfather and said, "Grandpa, in the burial beast valley, Chen Yu alone fought against two beasts of condensed spirits, blasting iron and suppressing wind Finally killed two beasts directly! "


In a word, Gong Liushui's pupils shrank sharply, and they shook incomparably.

Explosion of iron and wind, but the fierce beast that is a real and condensed state, even if it is more than itself, will not be too much difference, but now, even this boy was killed?

Seeing Chen Yu with a light face, Gong Liushui only felt scalp tingling for a while.

Among the hundreds of domains, in addition to the pride of the sky, is there such a demon? !!

Gong Liushui trembled suddenly and seemed to see the future. The shocking battle between Chen Yu and Ao Zixiao!

"That being the case, then, well, I will let you participate in this hegemony, when it will be dead or alive, it depends on your fortune!"

After hearing this, Chen Yu smiled.

"Ha ha, die? With him, do you deserve it?"

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