Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1365: Peak battle! Eye-catching!


Hearing this, the man's side was all surprised, why was it just two simple moves, he thought that Chen Yu was finished?

What exactly is going on?

"Hey, you can make it clear, why is Chen Yu finished? What is Manny Nine, what is it?"

Someone asked impatiently. The others on the side were also curious.

"You don't know, but the elders in my family have been to the proud home!"

The man said a word and immediately made everyone stunned, and then his eyes were full of envy.

Proud of home, most people are not qualified to enter! Those who can enter are not ordinary people. Naturally, they can also know some unknown insider!

"The Manner Nine is the method of melee combat recorded in Manner Tianjue! You don't know how overbearing this exercise is!"

With that said, the man glanced proudly, and his eyes were full of awe.

"Nine types of Mansion, recorded nine methods of killing with fists, palms, claws, heads, fingers, elbows, feet, body, knees! The changes in the extreme moves were curious, and lethal. The parents were Among the proud homes, he once saw that Ao Zongxiao was alone and opposed to the nine elders of the Ao family. Without using real power, Ao Zongxiao directly subdued nine people in just a hundred strokes! And he At that time, the Manner Nine was used! "


In a word, everyone was stunned, and then took a sigh of air conditioning, which was extremely shocking.

The nine elders of the proud family, but they are on the same level as Gong Liushui! Well, but the real old monster! Rich experience in combat, which one did not step on that level without stepping on the bones of many people?

However, in the hands of Ao Zixiao, the nine people joined forces and did not even support the hundred moves? How terrible is this? How terrible is the nine proud style?

"I also heard that Ao Zongxiao inherited all the fighting experience of Aojia's ancestors. After hearing what you said, it really is."

Everyone nodded.

"That's right! There are nine styles of Wan Ao, and all the battle experience of Aojia's ancestors. How can Chen Yu win?"

For a moment, no one thought that Chen Yu could win!

And at this moment, the battle between Chen Yu and Ao Zixiao has also entered into a fierce heat!

I saw the two fighting furiously on the whole Douwu platform!

Proud Zodiac casts Mana Nine, the whole person is transformed into a killing machine, and all parts of the body can launch attacks!

"Chen Yu, yes! You are very good! You can make me use this strength. You are the first person. Of the many people I have encountered in Pride Sky, I will call you the strongest. one person!"

Ao Zongxiao blasted out with a palm, and shot directly on a tens of meters high stone monument on the side. The stone monument exploded and turned into a stone powder.

"Really? Unfortunately, you are nothing among the opponents I met."

Chen Yu flashed a few steps to the side, smiling coldly, full of disdain. In his life, the Tianjiao he had seen before was unknown, and it was really nothing!


Proud Xiaoxiao's face rose instantly. A thick humiliation and embarrassment made him run away almost instantly. At this moment, he felt the indifference and arrogance before him, and disappeared in no time!

"You're looking for death! Mansion Nine, the quadruple killer!"

With a loud roar, a momentary meal at the foot of Ao Zongxiao, a few gurgling sounds came out of the body, just like the sound of a big tendon. Just hearing the sound, you can feel a trembling force.

Then, around Chen Yu, a heavy phantom suddenly appeared. When everyone saw the scene in the field, they suddenly took a breath.

Around Chen Yu, there were four pride heights, each of them was exactly the same, looking at the pride height indifferently!

"This! This is!"

Someone looked at this scene and couldn't say a word.

"Oh my God! This is the pride of Ao Zixiao in a special way. Three phantoms have been generated! And in these three people, I actually feel that there is a real power to work! Ao Zixiao Under this great array of spirits, you can use your true power! How is this possible? "

Here, the true power of all people is suppressed in the body and cannot be separated from the body, but Pride Sky can be transformed into three phantoms with true power, making everyone shocked.

The sound of absorbing air-conditioners burst into pieces.

"Although I have been suppressed by Zhenli, I cannot use all my strengths, but these three phantoms also have half of my own strength. Chen Yu, how can you deal with this time?"

Ao Zongxiao looked at Chen Yu, her mouth raised with a touch of pride. He wanted to see the expression of shock and fear from Chen Yu's face.

However, he was destined to be disappointed.

Surrounded by Chen Yu, she just glanced around, and raised her brows slightly, with some surprises and curiosities.

"Yes, this method is really interesting. If it is four people, it can barely fight me."

Chen Yu laughed.


Hearing this, the corner of Ao Zongxiao's mouth immediately glanced down.

"Hum, not bad, die!"

Four pride in the sky, Qi Qi roared, from four directions, attacked Chen Yu away! Only for a moment, countless punches directly drowned Chen Yu!

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The continuous sound of blasts made the scalp numb to everyone, arrogant Xiaoquan came out like wind, and the fists and toes suddenly dazzled.

"Kill me, you're not good enough!"

Surrounded by Chen Yu, he yelled at the same time, punched out like a dragon, and fought alone in all directions.

Facing the attack of Ao Zongxiao, Chen Yu did not evade, hit hard by hard, strong by strong, between each other, in just ten seconds, they have already fought thousands of punches!

The strength and strength, the earth torn, and the fine cobwebs, as the two men fought, continued to extend around. The figures of the two were completely blurred, and the eyes of the two could not keep up with their speed.

"Oh my god, this Chen Yu is too strong, can he even reach this step with Pride?"

Seeing the two men fighting, the sound of exclamation sounded. They never thought that Chen Yu could do this! That's the pride of the sky. The well-deserved Bai Yu is the first day of arrogance. This kind of character is actually like Chen Yu?

"Huh! Even if Chen Yu is powerful, but this must be temporary, he can never win the proud heights! Manao's nine-style mystery is not something Chen Yu can handle!" The man who spoke before, hummed coldly, Not optimistic about Chen Yu. His remarks were also endorsed by others.

No one thinks that Chen Yu can win, even if the battle is so fierce now, in their eyes, it is only Chen Yu's support!

However, in the heart of Ao Zixiao, it became more and more shocking! He even found that his nine proud styles seemed inferior to each other? !!

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