Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1438: This thing is not heavy

Asshole! Asshole!

In Lannuo's heart, Chen Yu was almost scolded to death. I have never been treated this way by the opposite sex. At this moment she leaned against Chen Yu's arms, smelled the smell of Chen Yu's body, and then felt the warm and powerful big hand around her waist, and she suddenly felt her whole body soft.

Could not help but Lan Nuo bowed his head, his face flushed, as if a cloud of fire.

But Guo Yuan's complexion became gloomy.

The woman I fancy is in the arms of another man at this moment, so close to the other person? Guo Yuan just felt above his head, as if he had a green grassland!

But then he smiled, but his smile was full of gloom.

"Oh, friends are domineering! Now that you have become married, I can't say anything more. Here is a congratulatory gift for you as a new wedding. Take it."

A person came from behind Guo Yuan, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and took out a small sculpture from the ring, a phoenix with wings flying, showing a dark red color.

As soon as he took it out, the man's feet sank suddenly, and there was a bang on the ground, and the floor tiles broke! At the same time, a burst of light erupted on the man, and it turned out that he had already run all of Zeni's power before holding the sculpture!

But even then, the man still had some difficulty!

"This is Tian Zhongshi!"

Seeing this, Lan Yuan shouted in surprise.

"What ?! Tian Zhongshi!" Lan Nuo was also shocked.

Such a thing as Tian Zhongshi is really famous, because he only has one characteristic, that is, heavy! Unparalleled weight.

But apart from that, there are no other characteristics at all, the hardness is not enough to make a weapon, and it is also difficult to be a carrier of treasures. So in general, this is a prominent but ineffective waste rock!

Unexpectedly, Guo Yuan would send a statue carved from Tian Zhongshi!

"Oh, yes, this is exactly carved by Tian Zhongshi, but I got a handicraft a long time ago. I always like it. I didn't want to give it away. But since it was Lanno's wedding, I also I can't bear it anymore. "

Looking at Chen Yu squinting, Guo Yuan raised his mouth.

"Groom officer, come on. This is a special gift specially prepared for you. You won't, don't move."

In a word, several people behind Guo Yuan laughed.

"Haha, Guo Shao, how can you say that? We are all practitioners, how can we not take Tian Zhongshi? Is that still a man?"

"Yeah, you can be fancy by Miss Lanno. I think this guy is very strong, and it will never be a soft spot."

"That's right. If this thing can't be picked up, what kind of guy is it? It might as well be cut directly and save the man a shame."

. . . . . .

The laughter and curse were endless, Lanno's face changed!

"You! You! Shameless !!!"

Obviously, they are targeting Chen Yu! How can a guy who has no real power rely on the power of the flesh to move the sculpture made by Tian Zhongshi?

If Chen Yu really takes it, I'm afraid it will be crushed to pieces in no time!

"Since it was brought by Guo Yuan, we naturally want to accept it."

Lan Yuan smiled slightly and stepped forward to take over the sculpture in the man's hand.

However, Guo Yuan stepped in front of Lan Yuan and stopped Lan Yuan.

"Oh, Uncle Lan, this little thing of getting things is naturally done by the junior. Which round did you get to get these things? And this friend and I are as good as ever. This thing is naturally given to him in person! Friends, do you accept this sculpture, or not ?! "

After that, Guo Yuan's eyes had the undisguised killing intention!

A waste, also want to grab a woman with me Guo Yuan? Do you have that life?

The whole courtyard suddenly solidified!

Lan Yuan immediately clenched his fists, anxious. At the same time, she was also very guilty, she used Chen Yu as a shield, but did not expect that it would hurt Chen Yu!

"I'm sorry ..." It murmured gently and passed it to Chen Yu's ear.

Chen Yu frowned, looking at Guo Yuan with a cold smile.

"What the hell, what about it?"

In three steps and two steps, Chen Yu walked to the follower of Guo Yuan and looked at the sculpture in the man's hand.

"Don't!" Ranno was startled, his face pale.

While others looked at Chen Yu, there was no concealed irony in the corners of his mouth!

Idiot! This thing is so heavy, even if it uses real power, it takes a lot of effort to pick it up. Do you want to hold it with one hand?

Why, do you think your physical strength is strong?

Come on, let's see, how did you get ugly?

At this time, Chen Yu's hand has been pressed on the sculpture, and then!


Take the sculpture directly with one hand, and not only that, Chen Yu still put it in his hand, and turned it upside down at will!

"I, my Cao!"

The people with a smile on their faces just widened their eyes and looked at this scene suddenly, their faces were all in shock!

How is this possible? How is this possible! !! !!

He picked it up! Still **** upside down?

Am I dazzled? Fuck, I must have been dazzled!

How could this happen?

It was as if thundering in their minds. Looking at the sculpture flying up and down in the hands of Chen Yu, they were completely stupid!

"This, this, this !!!"

Guo Yuan, who was very confident at the moment, seemed to see a ghost at this moment, rubbed his eyes, and watched the scene incredibly.

He can be sure that when Chen Yu picked up the sculpture, he did not use any real power at all. He, by virtue of his flesh alone, had such power?

Me, I Cao!

Horrified, Guo Yuan could not help but take a breath.

Lan family, where did you find this freak? !!

"Me, my God!"

Lan Nuo covered her mouth, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at this scene incredible, really picked up! He really picked it up! Who the **** is this guy?

Lan Yuan's eyes burst into light, staring at Chen Yu, without saying a word.

"This thing is not heavy." Chen Yu laughed, throwing the sculpture in his hands at will.

Although he can't use Emperor Dragon's power now, but the body, it is a real Emperor Dragon's body!

"How is this possible? This is obviously Tian Zhongshi. Why isn't it heavy? Hey, you, show me the sculpture again, this is absolutely impossible!"

The attendant who had just given it to Chen Yu did not believe it, and immediately scolded Chen Yu, not at all polite. In his eyes, Chen Yu is just a superfluous one, there is no need to give Chen Yu a good look!

Chen Yu's face was cold, and then she sneered.

"You want to see it? Okay!"

Holding the sculpture, Chen Yu put it directly in the hand of the follower! Then, the palm was lightly pressed!

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