Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1484: Your face, I'm set!

"Bo Guang, what is this? Why do I feel this little tripod is special?"

Luo Haner looked at this little tripod, and spoke strangely.

"Hehe, Liu Shan is the young owner of the Liu's Chamber of Commerce. The industry of the Liu's Chamber of Commerce, but all over the place, many goods are strange things, this little tripod, I'm afraid they found it when doing business. "

Ji Boguang looked at Xiaoding and smiled slightly.

"Is that so? Then we won't win?"

Luo Haner's face was full of joy.

"That's natural." Ji Boguang's face had a confident smile.

"Although Liu Shan was young, he followed his father early and came into contact with the business of the Liu Chamber of Commerce. And not only that, Liu Shan's vision was very discerning. There are not many things that can enter his eyes, even more. Do n’t say, the things he has collected. I am afraid that this little tripod is the rare thing Liu Shan encountered when he was doing business, and he collected it. It is definitely not an ordinary product! "

"This thing, I can't even see what it is, but I feel it faintly, it seems to be familiar, let alone the Chen Cangyu and Shen Fei. It's not that I look down on them, because of their vision, even if I No matter how much they value them, it's impossible for the two of them to see what this thing is! If they can see it, I'll follow their last name! "

Ji Boguang's determined look.

In fact, not only him, but the other people present did not see what the treasure that Liu Shan took out.

"Oh, how?"

Glancing at everyone present, they found that everyone shook his head, his face confused.

Liu Shan couldn't help but be proud.

"I can tell you that I found this thing when I went out to do business with my father and found it in an old farmer's house. At that time, my father gave the old farmer a full 30 million star coin to get this thing. But even , My father said that it turned over! "

"Afterwards, my father even spent a lot of money. I invited ten masters of refiners and ten masters of history to identify this thing. It took thirty days to search for more than 900 books, only to find out What exactly is this thing! "

Liu Shan talked eloquently, his eyes filled with pride.


Everyone in the audience was surprised when they heard Liu Shan's introduction.

Unexpectedly, for this little tripod, the Liu Chamber of Commerce has spent so much effort!

"Hehe, it's terrific, it's really terrific! I didn't expect Liu Shan to take out such a thing as soon as he shot it. It really opened our eyes and added a lot to this party. Haha."

Shang Hao said with a smile.

"Yes, Liu Shan is indeed the young master of the Liu's Chamber of Commerce. He really made an extraordinary shot, alas, it is really amazing!"

Meichuan admired.

The crowd also praised again and again, making Liu Shan feel happy and full of joy.

"Hehe, wherever I am, it's nothing but ugliness. The starry sky is so big, and our Liu Chamber of Commerce is still too small. We have spent such a great price and time on these things. Just a joke, and in an instant, you can know what it is. "

Although Liu Shan said so, the smile on his face was undiminished. Obviously, Chen Yu was not included in this category of people.

"Oh, Liu Shan, don't be humble. Where would that kind of person exist? Whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway."

"Yes, Liu Shan, who can recognize it, I immediately called his father!"

"Did you call dad? Now if anyone can recognize me, I immediately call him grandpa!"

Without exception, everyone looked at Chen Yu when they were speaking, and their eyes were full of a slight provocation. Seems to be saying to Chen Yu, come, be our father and grandpa.

"Oh, Chen Cangyu, how about this? This is a priceless treasure. It is something that my Liu's Chamber of Commerce has listed as a heirloom. It is definitely not for sale! Someone once asked for all kinds of rare things to exchange. Our Liu family did not agree. If you can answer what this thing is, then he is yours! "

Liu Shan's proud look.

"Brother Yu, you can do it." Shen Fei asked worriedly.

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said, "Shen Fei, remember, never ask a man, okay."

Shen Fei froze, Chen Yu had already looked at Liu Shan, and said lightly.

"Looks like your heirloom is not good. A copy of it is so crazy that you are so crazy? How have you never seen the world?"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and some were unclear.

But Liu Shan, who was still smiling, suddenly changed his face, and his face was full of horror.

impossible! He, how did he see it?

It took my Liu family so much energy to determine this thing. How could he say it in a word?

It must be Mongolian! He must be blind!

The stormy sea was set off in Liu Shan's heart, but his face was calm.

"Oh, joke, what imitation? What do you know? If you really know it, say it."

Later, Liu Shan's tone was slightly erratic.

Chen Yu smiled slightly and looked at the small tripod that Liu Shan took out.

"This thing is modeled after one of the top ten alchemy furnaces in the starry sky, Dahua Tianmo Alchemy furnace. I am right.

Chen Yu smiled coldly, Liu Shan's face turned white suddenly.

The crowd was shocked and looked at Chen Yu inconceivably. He really knew? Is this fake?

The top ten alchemy furnaces in the starry sky are the most top-level alchemy furnaces in the sky! But this kind of thing, the average person just heard this name, but never seen the real thing.

So after the initial shock, everyone was frowning, and some were not convinced.

Just Ji Boguang lowered his eyes, and after thinking about it, his eyes flashed suddenly.

I remembered!

Why was he so familiar with this thing, he finally remembered it!

Because, based on his ancient books, he has seen the introduction of the top ten alchemy furnaces in the sky! Among them, there is an illustration, which is very similar to the Dan furnace in front of you!

Did this guy really recognize him? Does he still have this vision?

Looking at Chen Yu, Ji Boguang's eyes were startled.

"Am I right? Father Liu?"

At this moment, Chen Yu looked at Liu Shan with a sneer.

Liu Shan stiffened stiffly and stammered with a smile.

"Ha, ha ha, what Dahua Heavenly Magic Alchemy Furnace, what are you talking about? I can tell you right now, you're wrong! Get ready to be shamed by me!"

Obviously, Liu Shan is lying!

"Oh, it seems you guessed wrong. If you can't prove what you said is true, then you are willing to gamble and lose."

Ji Boguang's eyes flickered and he sneered softly.


how to prove?

This is a small tripod furnace, is it possible to find a real Dahua Tianman Alchemy furnace for comparison?

how can that be?

It can be said that even if Chen Yu really guessed it, it would not help!

Here, last name Ji!

Boy, your face, I'm set!

Ji Boguang smiled coldly.

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