Son! !! !!

At this moment, Guo Tao bowed their respectfully on the ground, and the words they spoke were creepy.

One is that Shen Fei is not here at all, and the Holy Son in their mouths is not Shen Fei!

The second is because the dignified patron and the three elders bowed down to the Son! You know, before they treated Shen Fei, this attitude was completely different!

Thirdly, because the sight in front of me is too horrifying!

噗通, 噗通. . . . . .

The sound of a beating heart seemed so obvious in a quiet back room.

This is indeed the sound of a beating heart!

Because in front of Guo Tao, a whole body was bright red, and a fist-sized heart was floating in the air, beating slowly!

Below the heart, seven or eight naked young girls are staring wide and staring blankly at the heart. From above the young girls' bodies, bright red blood vessels stretch out from the young girl's heart. Out, Unicom is on the heart above!

The bright red blood, carrying the essence of life of these girls, were all delivered to the heart above!

From the eyes of these young girls, there is no glory at all, but it is obvious that they still breathe, but they only breathe. In addition, they don't feel any characteristics of them as a living person.

It's like, they are just nourishment, providing a steady stream of nutrients for that heart.

If a disciple of Huanhaige saw this scene, he would scream out loud.

Because these women are the female disciples who disappeared in recent years! And she is a very talented, energetic, and very outstanding female disciple!

But now, all these female disciples have become like this! This scene is really scalp and trembling.

Moreover, what Guo Tao said was even more frightening.


They even bowed to this heart and shouted to the Son! What is Shen Fei?

"Did you find it ..."

Suddenly, from the heart, there was an extremely weak voice, full of grief.

Guo Tao bowed lower.

"Master, the Son has been arranged. Ten days later, before the inheritance ceremony of the Son, we will call Shen Fei, and you can take him away and recover again!"

Speaking here, Guo Tao's tone is already a little fanatical!

"Okay, it's good! The imaginary phantom, this constitution, although not as strong as I was before, is enough. Since that time, I have survived, and finally, I can recover."

There was a trace of excitement in the heart.

"Hehe, this revival of Lord Son will surely lead us to the greater success of Shenhai Pavilion! It is his honor that Shen Fei can serve as a container for Lord Son's recovery."

Ji Changtian smiled, then raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth again.

"It's ridiculous. The Shen Fei thought he was truly unique. He can inherit the Magic Sea Pavilion and become the owner in the future, but he doesn't know that he is just a furnace of the real Lord!

The other two also smiled, and looked disdainful.

"Yeah, Shen Fei, he's just a fake sage, the real sage is here!"

Several people's faces were very relaxed, but then Ji Changtian frowned.

"There is one more thing, obituary to the Lord. This time, not only is there an illusion, but his elder brother has also arrived at our hall of magic. And his elder brother is very special ..."

"What's so special?"

"That's it. His elder brother, named Chen Cangyu, has reached the ultimate combat power of condensed spirit! And he also has a very deep cultivation practice. Before that, his true power was sealed. As a result, he defeated Dan and Huanhai Broken Soul Cave has even unblocked his true power! But he himself is intact! "

Having said that, Ji Changtian still felt a deep shock.

"Oh? How about this? Is this Chen Cangyu so amazing? Bring him over! Let me see, maybe, he is more suitable as my furnace."

The faint sound came, with a hint of indifference, like the voice of a ghost, chilling.


Guo Tao bowed and walked out.

The whole room was once again in darkness, and only the throbbing heartbeat and the inaudible breathing of the women intertwined a thrilling movement!

. . . . . .

In the past few days, Shen Fei was so refreshing, she was so refreshing to fly.

Since the last incident, anyone who has seen Shen Fei and Chen Yu has retreated. Even if Ji Boguang who did not put Shen Fei in his eyes in the past, after encountering Shen Fei again, his face changed greatly and he retreated!

"Oh, brother Yu, you do n’t know how cool it is! When Ji Boguang and the others saw me, they were so arrogant and arrogant. Now that they see me, they are like mice and cats. Hehe, it's so refreshing! "

In the room, Shen Fei smiled.

Chen Yu also smiled lightly, all these things were within his expectations. The thing he cares about most now is the inheritance ceremony of the Son later!

Chen Yu had a premonition. Among them, there was a strong conspiracy.

"Sir, Lord, the Lord Lord asked you to go to him with Lord Chen Cangyu, and said that there are important things to tell you, the three elders are also there."

At this time, Yang Jian came in and said very respectfully.

"I see, I'll be right there."

Shen Fei froze and nodded. Yang Jian then lowered his head and backed out.

Chen Yu stared at Yang Jian's back.

The chief executive smiled a little when he lowered his head just now. The smile was very cold.

Meaningful. . . . . .

Chen Yu smiled coldly, looking at Yang Jian's back, there was a murder in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's go to Guo Tao and see what's going on. Maybe it will surprise me."

Before long, the two had met Guo Tao.

In the room, Guo Tao and the three elders looked at Chen Yu and Shen Fei, all with smiles on their faces, without the kind of tense atmosphere a few days ago.


It's coming.

Let Master Shengzi see who is more suitable as a furnace.

Under the floor, a few tens of meters deep, is that secret room, which contains the secret room that beats the heart!

In that beating heart, many transparent tentacles suddenly stretched out, slowly extended towards the top, passed through the layers of floor, and walked through the gap between the floor tiles, and gradually approached Chen Yu!

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