Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1619: Challenge, invalid!

Prince's servant!

Hearing these words, everyone's heart was a fierce jump.

Unexpectedly, just now they were still thinking about the relationship between Chen Yu and the Prince, and the Prince's servant appeared.

This feeling is like the Prince has been paying attention to Chen Yu. It really makes people have the illusion that there are gods in the first three feet and there is nowhere to hide in the world.

And there is no doubt that this **** is the prince!

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Yu looked at Zhao An and said lightly.

Zhao An smiled.

"Hehe, this time I'm here to give you a great fortune. Although the prince is not in the capital now, he also knows what is going on in His Majesty's Palace. His Royal Highness let me come this time to see if you have Without qualification, he was beloved by His Royal Highness and became his follower. "

"And now it seems that you are very good and qualified to follow His Royal Highness. Now, Mrs. Chen Yun is obedient!"

Talking, Zhao An looked around the audience and spoke loudly.

"Mr. Chen Yun is specially invited to be led by His Royal Highness the Inner Guard! As a reward, Mrs. Chen Yun is granted the Supreme Masterpiece, and one scripture!

Zhao An's hand took out a simple page of scripture with a faint seal on it, and others could not watch it.


In a word, everyone changed.

Leader of the Internal Guard! This seat has been vacant there since the killing of Omo, the commander of the Internal Guard, and it was unexpected that His Royal Highness fancyed Mrs. Chen Yun! And it also gave Mantras!

You know, Wan Dao Jing is a lost practice, and it is said to be in an ancient mausoleum! Many people have tried to find this scripture, but no one has found it, and the casualties are heavy!

Wan Dao Jing is very magical, and it will greatly increase the probability that practitioners can break through the realm of Taoism! Can be said to be precious! Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness would even come up with this kind of thing as a gift to Chen Yu!

For a while, everyone looked at Chen Yu's eyes, all changed with envy.

"It's good luck to be crowned by His Royal Highness."

"Yeah, I thought that His Royal Highness would not be able to tolerate him, so as to suppress him. But I did not expect that His Royal Highness's energy would be so great that he would not only suppress him, but would also help him. It's too big, it's too big! "

"And you have to think about it, His Royal Highness, how can you come up with such things as Mantra, what kind of exercises are there in His Royal Highness?"


After hearing this, everyone returned to God. Yes, if there is no absolute certainty, then how can His Royal Highness give the Mantra to Chen Yu? In the hands of the prince, there must be more advanced exercises than Wandao Jing!

"I heard that His Royal Highness went to a relic alone, and it seems that he has learned a lot!"

"Unfathomable, His Royal Highness, really unfathomable!"

Voices of emotion, one after another. The crowd worshipped His Royal Highness even more. At the same time, everyone agreed that Chen Yu had absolutely no reason to refuse this time.

After all, that's the Mantra that can increase the probability of breaking through to the realm of Taoism!

"Oh, Wan Dao Jing? What a big deal."

Chen Yu raised her eyebrows, her lips twitched slightly, and there was a look of contempt in her eyes.

"In your eyes, this pen may already be considered a big day. But in the eyes of His Royal Highness? Oh, to be honest, His Royal Highness has not been put in his eyes!"

Zhao An was smug.

"His Royal Highness is a dragon among people, not something you can imagine. Following His Royal Highness, your future benefits are absolutely indispensable. Mrs. Chen Yun, kneel down and continue!"

After speaking, Zhao An threw Wan Dao Jing to Chen Yu! With one hand behind his back, in his eyes, there was a touch of arrogance.

Seeing Wan Dao Jing coming in the sky, Chen Yu's eyes calmed, and then he waved his hand violently, and a streamer hit the Wan Dao Jing directly. He heard only a bang. The sky is flourishing!


Everyone froze, watching the scene in shock, their heads rumbling.

"Wan, Wandao is destroyed?"

"You, what do you do?"

There was no smile on Zhao An's face, only stagnation left.

"Don't you see what I did? Mantra? Well, isn't it nice?"

Chen Yu smiled coldly.

In the eyes of others, this is the Supreme Gong Fa, but in the eyes of Chen Yu, it is nothing!

Not to mention, kneeling for this mediocre exercise is simply a joke!

"Do you know, what are you doing? You have rejected His Royal Highness!"

After a brief stagnation, Zhao An reacted, and his face immediately became extremely cold.

Everyone was shocked.

Rejected the kindness of the prince, is this to stand directly on the opposite side of the prince!

"What about rejection?" Chen Yu smiled coldly.

Zhao An narrowed his eyes, looked at Chen Yu deeply, and shook his head.

"You don't know how terrible the prince is! I'm here to announce my prince mouth!"

Talking, Zhao An's face suddenly disappeared!

"This time the Ascension Challenge, the Prince announced that it is invalid!"



Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at each other, but their eyes were shocked. Then there was a weird look on his face.

It took Chen Yu such a great price that he became the master of the palace, because the word of the prince was completely useless?


Chen Yu frowned and looked at Zhao An.

"Yes! It just doesn't work!"

Zhao An smiled coldly, her eyes full of disdain.

"The Prince has doubts about the challenge of His Majesty's Palace, so let me announce that this time, he disagrees!"

This was also the order the Prince had given to Zhao An.

If Chen Yu is really successful, then recruit him, if not, then suppress him severely!

"Idiot, do you think you can compete with His Royal Highness? Oh, naive."

Zhao An sneered in his heart, looking forward to waiting for Chen Yu's anger.

"Hey, it's still too arrogant. This Mrs. Chen Yun, if you accept His Royal Highness' invitation, this is a very good thing. At that time, as the Lord of the Grand Palace and your Royal Highness's Guard, you can say it is flying Tengda, but he , But in the presence of so many people, His Royal Highness has been rejected. This is over! "

"Yeah, young, still too young! Do you really think that you can compete with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? He doesn't know how amazing His Royal Highness is."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"Now, Mrs. Chen Yun, roll down from that seat!"

Zhao An looked at Chen Yu and suddenly scolded!

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