Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1733: That person is me

PS: I went to the hospital during the day, and the update was a bit late, please forgive my brothers.

Dead silence!

Without laughter, without screams, all sounds disappeared, as if there was a hand and the pause button was pressed.

This hand is not someone else, it is Chen Yu!

At this time, he stood quietly, his eyes were cold as ice, looking at the aliens in front of him, holding the hands of the aliens' heads, and dripping drops of blood.

Several aliens took a step backwards, staring at Chen Yu, and couldn't help breathing down the air.

What happened just now? They just felt a flower in front of them, and their companions beside themselves were killed? How could such a terrible figure appear in the forbidden area of ​​Ryukaku Pavilion?

Shui Rou's mouth was open, her mind was blank.

Flicking to kill someone, just picking an alien's head? That's an alien with a level of combat power! How could it be so easy that he would be killed before he could resist?

Who is this mysterious man in front of me? How did he get into the forbidden area? What's his purpose?

A series of questions surfaced in Shuirou's mind, making her heart very disturbed.

But at the same time, she looked at Chen Yu standing in front of her, and the back of the less powerful shore gave her an infinite sense of security.

Even Shuirou himself didn't know. At this moment, Chen Yu had been deeply imprinted in her heart and could not be erased anymore!

"Ah! I, my body, then, that's my body, no, don't !!!!"

Suddenly, a terrible scream rang suddenly, revealing incomparable terror and despair.

Howling is the alien who was taken away by Chen Yu's head instantly. At this moment, Chen Yu grabbed his hair and watched it more than ten meters away. His headless corpse spewed like a fountain, soaring into the sky. There was a strange light in the sun, and there was a beauty of death.

"No, don't, give me my body back."

The stranger who was caught by Chen Yu's hair was screaming at the moment, tears flowing. He couldn't accept everything before him. Obviously they were in control at the last moment, obviously this guy is just a human waste to be killed by them. Why is it now like this?

"Give it back to you? Okay."

Chen Yu smiled, throwing it with one hand, the head of the alien race grunted directly to the headless corpse, but at this moment the last vitality had been completely cut off. The alien who was so arrogant just now was completely dead!

"Now it's your turn."

Chen Yu glanced at the remaining groups and smiled coldly again.

"No good, run away! Run away! We are not his opponents! Go and find General Casey! Tell General Casey that there is a strong man among the people!"

The leader yelled and turned around, and fled here. Other aliens do the same thing. Ready to flee in different directions.

But at this moment Chen Yu moved!


A flash of cold light flashed, the leader just wanted to escape, and stopped, not only that, he also took two steps backwards, his upper body leaning back slightly, his body shaking madly.

In front of him, Chen Yu was standing there, looking at him with a smile. And in the hands of Chen Yu, there are several heads!

At the same time, the several aliens who were about to escape just turned into headless corpses, slammed into the ground, and no longer lived.

"How, how can this be?"

It's hard to imagine, just for a moment, Chen Yu will kill all the aliens!

And he didn't even see how Chen Yu did it!

The difference in strength between the two sides is simply too big!

"Oh my God, this, is this true?"

Shuirou covered his small mouth, and his big eyes were full of shock.

The strength of these aliens, she is clear, each strength is not inferior to herself, and the means are hot and fast, otherwise it is impossible to sneak in to kill herself, but now in this mysterious man In front of him, it ’s like a chick, let alone resist, and there is no chance of reaction!

How powerful is this guy? Who is he?

The water soft shocked.

"Who is General Kasai, can you tell me?"

Chen Yu looked at the only alien left and sneered.

"Well, you are ready to die! General Kasser is coming! You are in fear, waiting for destruction! Haha, because of the guy who angered Lord Tiandu King, you are waiting for General Kasser to bring heaven Lord Wang's anger! "

King of Heaven!

Chen Yu's eyes flashed, and she knew everything. He had previously killed a ray of consciousness in the King of Heaven, which caught the attention of the King of Heaven. I am afraid that this Kasai was sent by the King of Heaven!


Chen Yu's figure flickered, and he immediately approached the leader, and jammed the leader's neck.

"I have a few questions I want to ask you."

"Well, don't even think about it! Even if I die, I won't give you more information!"

"Really? In that case, then you should die, yes, and finally tell you one thing, the guy you said that angered the King of Heaven is me."


Hearing Chen Yu's words, the leader's pupils suddenly shrank, watching Chen Yu incredibly, his head exploded, and he was completely stunned.

"Yes, it's you !!!"


A crisp sound sounded, and Chen Yu did not give the leader any chance to speak. He directly broke his neck and sent him into Huangquan.

"King of Heaven, it seems that the day we meet will not be too far away. I really miss your old friend."

In Chen Yu's eyes, the killer flashed, and then he disappeared deeply.

Turning around, Chen Yu walked in front of Shuirou and frowned at Shuirou. After thinking about it, he squatted down and looked at Shuirou.

"You, what are you doing?"

For some reason, compared with Chen Yu's four eyes, Shuirou's heart suddenly panicked. A feeling that had never passed before came to her mind.

This is the first time she has been in close contact with the opposite sex.

Especially the opposite sex, so mysterious. So, it looks good. . .

"Forget it, save you once."

Chen Yu shook her head and came to Shuirou's back. She tore off Shuirou's tattered jacket, and on the back of Shuirou, the pattern of that blue light appeared again in front of Chen Yu.

"Yeah, you, what do you do again?" Shui Rou suddenly panicked, his hands immediately hugged his chest, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Don't mess around! You've been poisoned by alien rot, and if you don't want to die, just sit quietly."

When she heard what Chen Yu said, Shuirou was really quiet, and she felt a strange pain in her body, a cold and crazy breath that was attacking her body. With her current situation, she wanted to rely on It is very difficult to solve this breath by your own strength.

At the moment she didn't dare to have the slightest movement, and could only sit upright. Only in this state, she had an unusual sense of shyness.

At this time, the palm of the hand has been resting on his back. An unusually warm force poured into the body from that palm, and Shuirou's body trembled violently. Shuirou's complexion turned red instantly.

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