Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1863: What about your gift?

"Mother, you say, what is going on?"

Kong Qianqiu looked at Zhou Youji and muttered softly.

Zhou Youji shook her head, her eyes hazy.

"I don't know, what happened today is too weird! In the clan records, once the vision appears, it will last a long time, never like this."

Kong Qianqiu frowned, looked at Chen Yu, thought for a moment, and suddenly gave a light sigh.

"Mother, you say all this, is it because of Chen Yu?"

Chen Yu?

Zhou Youji's heart moved, and she also muttered.

Not only him, but many guests came whispering, pointing at Chen Yu, his face flashed with horror and suspicion from time to time.

"Hey, this, is this really like Chen Yu said, the ancestors can't stand his worship? So it just disappeared?"

"His, it's possible, otherwise, how can this be explained?"

"Guy, no wonder he doesn't pay homage. It turns out that's the way it is?"

Listening to everyone around, Zhou Youji slammed the table!

"Enough! Shut me up!"

Wow, everyone was shocked and didn't dare to speak again.

"Well, Chen Yu, say! What sin do you want to make the ancestors sink? Sacrifice to the ancestors is a great thing for us to swallow the heavens. If you do n’t worship and anger the ancestors, it ’s simply a sin! Elders, you Say, what should I do ?! "

Looking around, Zhou Youji looked at the Presbyterian and asked.

In the Presbyterian Church, all seven elders glanced at Chen Yu, disdainful.

"I think Youji makes sense. This son disturbs the ancestor worship and kills!"

One person stood up and spoke coldly. Someone else stood up and prepared

"Yes, ancestor sacrifice is a major event of my clan. This time, it was all because of this kid that destroyed the ancestor sacrifice. They should be caught and sent to the forbidden area!"

"Not only him, but the two students as well. It is the so-called upper beam and lower beam distortion. They are not good things and should be sent to the forbidden area together!"

. . . . . .

A loud voice sounded, and a smile appeared on Zhou Youji's face.

"Come here, grab them and send them to the forbidden area!"

With a strong wave, Zhou Youji greeted people.


Suddenly, there was a bang and it spread throughout the audience!

When he saw Kong Wanxiang fist, he slammed on the table next to him, his face showing anger.

"You Ji, I'm not dead yet, why, you treat me as if I don't exist?"

"You Ji dare not! You Ji just remember too much about the ancestral offerings to the ancestors, and this is urgent. Please ask my father to forgive me."

Zhou Youji said quickly.

Kong Wanxiang turned his head and looked at the members of the Presbyterian Church that had just opened, his face frosty.

"This is my banquet! I am the patriarch. Do you have any opinions?"

The several members of the Presbyterian looked at each other and were silent.

Although the Presbyterian Church is very powerful, Kong Wanxiang really angered them and they did not dare to do too much.

"Oh, naturally there is no opinion, everything, all listen to the patriarch."

One of them laughed and flinched.


Kong Wanxiang snorted coldly, looked at Zhou Youji and Kong Qianqiu, and looked at Chen Yu again, and then spoke again.

"Well, the ancestor image disappeared. This is the meaning of the ancestor. Today is the feast of the old man, so start now!"

"The banquet begins!"

The host on the side got the advice from Kong Wanxiang, and shouted, and the whole scene was lively again!

What happened just now was chosen to be intentionally forgotten. But everyone knew very well that the contradiction between Zhou Youji and Chen Yu was already deep and deep!

Next, I'm afraid a fight is inevitable!

"Huh! It's never dead!"

In the crowd, Kong Qianqiu cursed, his eyes were gloomy.

"Don't worry, there are many more opportunities to kill them next!"

Zhou Youji sneered, "I'd like to see, how do they spend the next gift-giving session!"


After hearing this, Kong Qianqiu's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Dear everyone, please bring your present to the podium!"

The host said.

After the ancestor sacrifices, it is the gift-giving link. At this time, it is also a process of secret comparison between the major forces.

This is the best time to show the strength of a family, and it is also a good opportunity to win the relationship with the Tuntian Peng family.

"Haha, Lord Clan, this is a flying picture of Kowloon. Little things, no respect."

"Hehe, the old patriarch, this is the Eastern wood carving, it is a masterpiece of master, please smile with hope."

. . . . . .

The individual guests took out the gifts they brought from the ring and sent them to the podium.

Jia Cui just glanced, she didn't pay attention, and continued to sit in the corner, eating and eating.

Chen Yu looked at each other and presented gifts, looking sad and joyless.

"Wow, so many things, really amazing." Jian Shuang was a little shocked.

Jianyue just smiled slightly.

"You are so rare and weird. Although these things are good, they are certainly not as good as our teacher. Teacher, you are right."

Chen Yu smiled and said nothing.

"Look! Zhou Youji is about to give gifts!"

At this time, an exclamation sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes turned, and they all converged on Zhou Youji and Kong Qianqiu.

"Oh, my father, I wish you longevity. You are the master of the swallowing demon Peng family. You have your domineering power. Chiaki has spent all his energy and finally got this treasure, especially for you!"

"Qianqiu, take it out!"

Kong Qianqiu nodded, took out a long knife from the ring, and placed it on the podium.

This is a large knife with a length of 2 meters. The handle is white and the blade is blood red. It looks fierce in shape.

As soon as this knife was taken out, I saw the blade above it, and suddenly a sound of beasts rang out, imposing!


Almost everyone was shocked. Looking at this long knife inconceivably, he took a hard breath. Even if it was Kong Wanxiang, they all stood up abruptly, looked at the long knife with their eyes, and took a hard breath.

"This, isn't it!"

"Heavenly beast sword!"

"Hisse! Heavenly beast sword! Is this really the legendary sword? It is said that it was made from the bones of a hundred wild beasts. It's a murder knife! "

Someone was amazed and wanted to get closer and take a closer look.

On top of the beastly sword, a blade of air was immediately stimulated, which cut off a strand of hair of the man directly, making everyone jumped.

Seeing the shocked look of everyone, Kong Qianqiu and Zhou Youji were both proud and full of satisfaction.

However, when the two looked at Chen Yu, they couldn't help it.

Chen Yu's face was still the same, so bland?

"I don't know you, what gifts have you prepared?"

Zhou Youji looked at Chen Yu, sneer again and again.

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