Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1914: These words are returned to you!

"Yes, sir! According to the rules of our auction, whoever has more money, who has the final say. Now Mr. Sun's assets are just in tenth place. If anyone exceeds him, then naturally, he must give up his seat. . "

The staff look respectful.

"Yo? Why? Want me to let it out?"

Sun Huidong raised an eyebrow, clasped his hands on his chest, and looked at Chen Yu up and down, sneering disdainfully.

He has been in the market for a long time, and he has a strong ability to observe people's colors. One person, in the end, is able to see one or two from the other person's dress.

For example, An Cangsheng, her clothes are customized, and several pieces of jewelry can be seen from the master's hands. Obviously, it is very unusual.

On the other side, Chen Yu seemed too ordinary.

Sun Huidong doesn't think that such people can have any money!

"Sir, do you want to verify the capital?"

The staff obviously had some doubts, looking at Chen Yu's eyes and asking.

Chen Yu nodded and handed out a card.

"Look at this."

"OK, just a second."

After receiving the card, the staff began to verify it on the spot.

Sun Huidong held his hands in front of him and sneered.

"Want to squeeze me out? It's ridiculous. I want to see. How much money do you have? Want to squeeze in the top ten? Naive!"

"Master Chen?"

An Cangsheng frowned and had some doubts on his face.

Master Chen, isn't it really rich? Do not! impossible. The rich man in Xingzhou, the prisoner, knew him all his life, but he had never heard of Master Chen's name!

Hey, it seems that Master Chen still doesn't understand how rich Sun Huidong's family is.

Shaking his head in secret, An Cangsheng did not think that Chen Yu could squeeze Sun Huidong out.


As I was thinking, an exclamation suddenly sounded, and An Cangsheng and Sun Huidong were shocked.

The two turned their heads and saw that the staff looked at Chen Yu's eyes, full of respect.

"Mr. Chen, please collect your card."

He bowed deeply, and the staff returned the card to Chen Yu with both hands.

"This, this is ..."

Sun Huidong was stunned. Even if he was in the top ten just now, he had never been treated like this!

An Cangsheng saw this scene, his eyes flashed.

Is it!

"Mr. Sun, sorry, your box is going to be cancelled. Now you can only take a seat."

Looking at Sun Huidong, the staff smiled apologetically.

"What did you say! He, he really squeezed me ?! He entered the top ten !?"

Sun Huidong's body shook, his eyes widened and his voice shouted, his face was incredible.

There is even more such a guy in the net worth than him?

An Cangsheng glanced at Chen Yu unexpectedly.

Did he really squeeze Sun Huidong out? !!

"How many are he? Cao, I'll borrow money right away, and I don't believe he can compare with me!"

Sun Huidong was almost mad, and between his eyes, there was a faint flash of anger. This kind of thing is already about his own face, he must not, shame in front of Chen Yu!

In particular, people are constantly entering the auction site at this time, and the storm that just happened here has long attracted a large number of people to watch.

These people are not ordinary people. They are all rich or expensive. Many of them also know Sun Huidong and point to Sun Huidong, talking in a whisper, which makes Sun Huidong intolerable.

"Sir, I'm afraid you can't compare to Mr. Chen."

The staff looked at Chen Yu in admiration, his face was a little complicated.

"Mr. Chen's total assets now rank first!"

In a word, everyone, all of them suddenly froze. The scene was suddenly quiet, all the noise, all disappeared!

The fierce Sun Huidong just now, stiffened, and froze, and opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

"No, first ?!"

How can this Nima compare? If it is similar to him, then Sun Huidong is still confident and can compete with Chen Yu.

But **** the first place, directly cut off Sun Huidong's thoughts!

An Cangsheng covered her mouth, her eyes widened.

Oh my god, this master Chen next to himself is so rich!


No wonder that Chen Yuntai is so unruly! Master Chen supports him. He really has the confidence!

Around the audience, after a brief death, suddenly, a loud noise broke out.

Too exciting!

It's just too exciting!

I never expected that someone could directly change the seats of the entire first-class seat!

You know, the top ten came basically early. Until Sun Huidong and Chen Yu came, no one was able to reach the top ten!

And now, Chen Yu has become the first, how can it not be shocking and crazy!

"Well, I really didn't expect that Dang Sunhui Dong would kick the iron plate, even being squeezed out of the top ten."

Fingers pointed at Sun Huidong distantly, a sound of laughter kept ringing, making Sun Huidong embarrassing.

"Mr. Sun, do you still need to verify the capital before the holiday? The auction will begin soon.

Staff reminded.

Sun Huidong suffocated and shook his face twice.

What assets are still tested? That's the first! If his grandson Hui Dong could not, he would not be able to borrow so much money!

"No more, no more! I admit it!"

With a wave of his hand, Sun Huidong was extremely irritable and walked towards the venue.

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

"What's the use of entering the venue now?"


Sun Huidong stepped forward, turning his head to look at Chen Yu, his eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, just to tell you that today, you don't want to buy anything, everything you fancy, me, all!"

Looking at Sun Huidong, a sneer appeared in the corner of Chen Yu's mouth!


Sun Huidong's pupils shrank fiercely. This sentence was exactly what he told Chen Yu before, but he did not expect that this sentence would come back so soon!

"Huh, okay! I want to see, how much money do you have that can make me buy nothing?"

"You don't believe it, try it."

Chen Yu shrugged, not caring.

Sun Huidong took a deep look at Chen Yu, and then he looked unwilling and rushed into the venue!

"Master Chen, you have overwhelmed him. If you really spend money to overwhelm him, then it will be worth the trouble."

An Cangsheng could not help reminding.

"This time it is estimated that there are many good things. Strong buyers are even more numerous. Money is used on the blade."

"Is it?"

Chen Yu smiled, "It doesn't matter, Qianjin is hard to buy. I'm happy. I never cared about money. Let's go and see what's good."

Stepping out, Chen Yu entered the venue. An Cang looked at Chen Yu's background stupidly, looking dumb.

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