Chapter 491

The shining red stone has a warm feeling at first, the quality is not heavy, and it is lighter than ordinary granite. There are two types of stones, flashing and non-flashing, but the boundary is not obvious. It is roughly that the outer stones have no light, and the red light that flickers inward increases.

“This is metal, a very peculiar metal, and the structure of the gold core is similar. I have feelings about it, I don’t know if it can be swallowed!”

Now the battle is fierce, and Shen Cong has no time to study the rocks.

He just picked up these stones one by one, and then quickly wrapped them with the Pijin he had hunted before, covering up the radiation fluctuations, and stuffing them into the material room of Great Vajra.

Then he drew out a mushroom arrow again, found the right opportunity, and prepared to shoot the fire spirit.

After the Tinder Spirit was pitted by Shen Cong, he suffered a lot of beatings again, and a lot of the stones on his body were beaten down. These falling stones were all targets of Shen Cong.

But there is another guy who is stealing stones, and that is the snail traveler.

It has been hiding in the volute and rolling around, and has accidentally injured his teammates several times. In addition to fighting, it has no specialties. But at this time, the Tinder Spirit was appearing in the appearance of a fat Shen Cong beast, walking unsteadily, let alone attacking. So the snail traveler leaned out quietly and gnawed a few stones.

“Damn snail, grab my stuff!” Seeing this, Shen Cong couldn’t wait to give it an enhanced version of Mushroom Arrow.

He had already regarded the spirit of fire as his personal possession.

However, this thought flashed and disappeared, mainly because the spirit of the fire seed was too large, and the fat version of Shen Cong beast that it transformed into was simply the legendary Titan giant. Such a large weight is no different from a small mountain. No matter how much Shen Cong swallowed, he didn’t think he could eat a mountain in one bite.

“The core part, I must get it!”

After thinking about it, the opportunity came out again.

Shen Cong once again shot an arrow and plunged into the cracks in the folds of the fat Shen Cong beast.


A round pit was blasted out, and countless stones cracked.

At this time, the radiation fluctuations of the Tinder Spirit scanned his body again, and Shen Cong transformed again, this time into a fatter spherical Shen Cong beast.

The fire spirit squirmed, and the spherical Shen Cong beast was born.

If it was still lying on its stomach before, now it can only roll on the ground.

With Shen Cong’s guidance, the Tinder Spirit was completely restrained, the outer shell was beaten off layer by layer, the battlefield moved more than a thousand meters, and red light stones were scattered everywhere.

“Little Si, Blackhead, come and pick up the rocks! If you want to eat, I allow you to eat a few!” Shen Cong couldn’t finish picking up the rocks alone, so he simply asked his own battle pet to come and clean the battlefield.

The breath of the unparalleled golden beast in the distance was too strong, and the four-legged dragon shrank a little, but after all, he followed Shen Cong’s knowledge and knowledge, and after a little resistance, he began to get busy.

It also has a strong desire to swallow the red light stone, and it really swallows the red light stone: “It’s unpalatable… delicious… Bobo… eat…”

After swallowing several red stones, the four-legged dragon couldn’t eat anymore and began to carry it back to the cave.

Blackheads performed better than the four-legged dragons. Perhaps the ignorant were fearless, plus heeded Shen Congyan. With a group of Vajra ants, he began picking up stones mightily.

“Industrious… gain… the black head is great…”

Suddenly, Shen Cong, who was taking the cold from the outside, gained a lot. As long as this continues to be maintained, it will be enough to use the power of five non-mammoths to completely consume the fire spirit, and then rob its core part.

But the gradually thinning fire spirit is not really a life body without IQ. After being pitted by Shen Cong several times, it finally woke up and no longer imitated various strange-shaped versions of Shen Cong beasts, but began another imitation-it imitated four behemoths in succession.

Huang Taixian’s body, big python’s mouth, fat duck’s wings, snail traveler’s volute.

So a four does not appear.

The fighting power of this four-dimension was simply overwhelming, and it instantly reversed the situation. Even with the harassment of Shen Cong’s enhanced mushroom arrow, it still couldn’t change the huge fighting power under its super defense.


It was another hapless fat duck. The other wing was bitten by the big beak of the snake, and it was torn off directly, and the blood gold was splattered everywhere.

“Quack quack quack…”

The fat duck screamed and wanted to escape, but he couldn’t bear it. After hiding in the periphery for a while, he staggered to join the battle group.

Just when Sidonian was showing great power, there was a strange cry of “cuckoo cuckoo” in the sky.

Shen Cong looked up and saw that it was a huge owl, more than twice the size of the 2.785H talented black-headed eagle previously hunted by Shen Cong.

This is not the ultimate golden beast, or at least the super golden beast.

And it can fly, obviously occupying more advantages, comparable to the fighting power of the Ultimate Golden Beast.

Unlike the four who just hovered in the sky for a short while, they couldn’t bear the temptation, so they swooped down and joined the battle group.

Immediately after the owl, there was a large flexible monkey, much larger than the violent great ape king that Shen Cong had hunted. The monkey bounced around, only it was not like four, and four was not like it could not be beaten.

Subsequently, more and more super golden beasts came, and these large-sized golden beasts usually did not know where they were hiding, but now they arrived one by one.

All the golden beasts went crazy, ignoring the coercion of the Wushuang golden beasts, and began to fight frantically with Sidonian.


The two golden-core claws of the owl directly left a few scratches on Sidon’s body, and many stones were removed.


The four-different python bit off the throat of a wild boar super golden beast, and the blood spilled all over it, and then was absorbed by the red-shining stones.

Killing and being killed are continuing.

The battlefield is chaotic.

At this time, there was no room for Shen Cong to intervene, and these golden beasts were all irritated into madness. Shen Cong also had a huge thought of killing in his heart. This thought was stimulated by the radiation fluctuations of the fire spirit, especially after its outer shell continued to fall off, the stimulation became more and more intense.

The four-legged dragon also had red eyes and wanted to join the battle.

But Shen Cong stepped on his head and stomped back: “Fuck off, pick me up the rocks honestly!”

The four-legged dragon was still a little reluctant, and muttered in his heart: “Bobo…kill…”

It is not irritated lightly.

Without Shen Cong’s strong self-control, it is impossible to control this radiation fluctuation.

As for the black-headed Vajra ants, they cannot perceive the radiation fluctuations. They are at best afraid of the growing number of powerful golden beasts. Under Shen Cong’s instructions, he still conscientiously moved the red stones. More and more rocks filled the caves soon, forcing Shen Cong to continue digging new caves to store the rocks.

The red light stone has subtle radiation fluctuations, and the spirit of fire is a kind of nature.

Fortunately, the penetrating power is not strong. After being placed in the depths of the cave, it is difficult to perceive this radiation fluctuation.

However, there were still more and more stones, and Shen Cong had to give an order to the black head: “There are too many stones, choose the stones with strong red light, and the stones with dim light, and throw them away!”

And he himself, taking advantage of temporarily unable to intervene in the battlefield, began to analyze a piece of red light stone.

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