Chapter 514 Reproductive Isolation

Transforming steel is several times stronger than transforming iron, which is a special composition structure of Vajra’s blood and transforming iron.

Shen Cong has done an experiment, cutting the transformed steel, storing it for a week, and then alloying it when it is deactivated into ordinary metal. At this time, you will find that after alloying, it still becomes steel, not iron. In other words, metamorphic steel is a material that cannot be reduced to metamorphic iron, rather than a short-lived compound.

Therefore, the blood of Vajra can strengthen the transformation of iron into steel, which should not be the effect of active waves.

The effect of the active wave will be restored with the attenuation of the active wave. For example, active water waves can strengthen ordinary people as insect warriors, but after cutting off the insect core, they immediately begin to attenuate, and the strength of the insect warrior will plummet. After Death, his physical fitness returned to normal.

Since it is not an active wave, the secret of the blood of Vajra must be deciphered from the raw materials.

“These liquid metals are similar to mercury, like the result of mercury activation. Similar to the blood of Vajra, they are natural vehicles and the spirit of fire…” Shen Cong simply grasped one common point. The common point is that they All are catalyzed by the energy of fire debris.

In fact, everything in the new world is brought about by fire.

Starting with fire is the best entry point. The blood of Vajra is directly activated by metal, so the characteristics should be similar to natural vehicles and fire spirits.

In the next few days, Shen Cong was delving into this issue.

Feel the mystery of the blood of Vajra carefully.

The blood of Vajra not only allowed the metal materials other than the iron core of Vajra fortress to evolve into steel, but also could be exchanged for Shen Cong by Vajra fortress to speed up Shen Cong’s metal gradient.

Now Shen Cong is in the Lv2-Dark Age-Golden Gland Stage.

From the beginning of April to the beginning of the metal gradient, to now in mid-May, one and a half months, he is still at this stage, there is no sign of entering the Lv3 era. Shen Cong is not in a hurry about this, because at this stage, the entire endocrine system is changed, and too much metabolism is involved.

It can be said that from digestion, reproduction, breathing, excretion, endocrine, sensory and other systems, subvert carbon-based life and evolve metal life.

Therefore, Shen Cong has gradually lost his appetite for organic foods, and has begun to look for metal foods instead.

The frequency of excretion also began to decrease, and the urination was still normal, and the bowel movement was only once every three days. This also has something to do with his relatively low food intake now.

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body are more sensitive than ever, and the sensory system replaced by metal is obviously better than organic substances.

In addition, Shen Cong is very concerned about the reproductive system.

His sexual function has not been lost, and his desire still exists, and his girlfriend often uses it to wash himself. Just looking at the essence of silver-white glittering metallic luster, Shen Cong no longer knows what to think.

“If I find a woman to have a child, will the child be born… will it be made of direct metal? If so, will it start in the Lv1-Pure Gold Age, or the Lv2-Dark Age, or the Lv3, Lv4 Age?”

“Will my genetic code have also been metalized, no longer DNA, but what molecular atoms of metal make up substances?”

“I should have been reproductively isolated from ordinary humans, but what about me and the evolutionary? The evolutionary stage of the evolutionary is different, and it is very likely that reproductive isolation will occur. Only when the sperm and eggs are each metalized can they Combined, there is no reproductive isolation.”

Shen Cong thought that whether it is Iron Man or Golden Man, before combining with ordinary people, or between evolutionary people, they can have children. The babies born are all golden men, all golden men in the Lv0-active age.

No metal babies were born directly.

This is true for the evolver, and so is the evolving beast. In the known cases, the descendants of the evolving beast are also the evolution beasts of the Lv0-active age.

“From the analysis of the Eastern Theater, we can know that the offspring of the golden man with strong talents are also much stronger. My talent is so strong, will my offspring be stronger? Can I give birth to a golden child, more than half? Is the talent of the Beast King even stronger?”

The King of Half Beasts is still being held by Shen Cong, and his wildness has been tamed a lot, although the secret of his 3.995H talent is not yet clear. But Shen Cong already knew that the King of Half Beasts had a lot of adventures, and he had been talented Ascension at least twice.

It is very simple to come to this conclusion.

Shen Cong took out his own fire shards and irradiated the King of Half Beasts. The King of Half Beasts did not respond and had no Ascension talent. He also fed the King of Half Beasts fire spirit medium, and the King of Half Beasts still did not have the talent of Ascension. The reason for this is obvious. He has encountered fire fragments.

After being irradiated by the fire fragments, even the fire fragments changed and evolved into the spirit of fire, and then was eaten by the king of half beasts.

Otherwise, it is not enough to explain that a half-orc is actually several times more talented than the thousands of golden men in the Eastern Theater.

“I met the spirit of fire, and others may also meet it. It’s not surprising.” After Shen Congnao made up for this possibility, his interest in research on the King of Half Beasts dropped a lot.

He had never thought of domesticating into a hunting machine, similar to Pan Hua’s wife Hu Yan, because the king of half beasts was strong and powerful, but he could no longer keep up with Shen Cong’s pace. Moreover, IQ is too low, and there is no way of communication. Commanding depends entirely on gestures and conditioned reflexes.

Shen Cong didn’t have the patience to train.

He intends to throw the King of Half Beasts to the Eastern Theater for domestication, and let them study the secrets of King of Half Beasts to see if it has more value.

“Judging from the efficiency of Vajra, the four-legged dragon, and my talent Ascension, the initial talent of the King of Beasts may exceed 1.5H and is still very strong. At present, there is no golden baby who exceeds 1.5H at birth in the Eastern Theater. It is possible for my offspring. I am a matchless iron man after all, and not far from the Super Six talent.”

Shen Cong is confident that his own blood is the most powerful.

No one can compare to him.

“But it’s hard to say, in case the woman’s genes are not good enough…” Shen Cong suddenly thought of Chen Xiuni, “Chen Xiuni’s talent is 2.549H. After exposure to fire fragments, it may reach 3.5H or more, which is not satisfactory. If I combine with her, I will be born. The offspring of, may exceed 2H, after all, the genes of both parties are too strong.”

Chen Xiuni looks good, very beautiful, and has a good temperament.

If you really think about having children, Shen Cong thinks she is a good egg provider, after all, there is no iron female with a stronger talent than her in the Eastern Theater.

“It’s not safe to do it directly.”

“Why don’t I ask Chen Xiuni and ask her to provide eggs? Give birth to an offspring for research?”

“I’ll ask if it’s okay. It’s a big deal. I don’t have time to take care of the baby, and I won’t. It would be very annoying to have a child. If you leave it to Chen Xiuni, Chen Xiuni is already in the Eastern War Zone. People, sooner or later my offspring will be brainwashed by the war zone… If the offspring are too good and trained in the war zone after brainwashing, it will be a threat to me!”

There are always Diao people wanting to harm me, and Shen Cong has already made up for the scene of father and son being mutilated.

Can’t help but change his face.

Stop the divergent thinking about reproductive isolation in time.

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