Chapter 817 Magma Castle

Dr. Manhattan, a superhero under the banner of United StatesDC Comics, appeared in “Watchmen”.

His real name is Jonathan “Jon” Osterman. He is a scientist. His body was destroyed by an accident and his mind entered another Realm. He reassembled himself in the original material world. He can control particles, predict the future, shape changes, and so on.

The background in the cartoon is the Cold War period of the US-Soviet hegemony, so in order to deter the Soviet government, the United States government named him Dr. Manhattan.

Manhattan is the central area of ​​New York. The United States military used Manhattan as the code name to carry out the famous Manhattan Project-research on the atomic bomb.

In the comics, Dr. Manhattan has no entity, but there can be entities everywhere, in the present, in the past and in the future.

For the sake of balance, Dr. Manhattan is basically not allowed to hang out on the earth, and he is going to hang out outside the Galaxy.

Shen Cong didn’t know much about Dr. Manhattan, but after checking the information a little bit, he knew the manga character—but he didn’t like superhero manga, because the screenwriter’s brain is disabled, and the same hero can be heaven-defying for a while. Will be weak and burst into slag, all nonsense.

“The Duke of Yellowstone can be compared with Dr. Manhattan. What kind of existence he is, George Charles, answer this question carefully.”

George Charles was in nostalgia and couldn’t help himself: “Dr. Manhattan is blue, Duke of Yellowstone is red… Dr. Manhattan still retains the basic human image, and Duke of Yellowstone is no different from the spirit of fire… I’ve heard that he is called Matt Sylvester, but the name is no longer mentioned. Everyone calls him Duke of Yellowstone.”

Yellowstone National Park is located in Wyoming, United States. It belongs to the lava plateau terrain of the Rocky Mountains. Half of the world’s geothermal terrain and two-thirds of geysers are concentrated here.

Every year, countless people flock to Yellowstone Park to take pictures of the magnificent natural wonders.

May 18, 2022.

Matt Sylvester took a vacation from a laboratory where he worked, took a large family, and drove an RV to Yellowstone Park for a picnic. At this moment, the global meteor shower began to extinct, and the activity swept the world, and the Sylvester family was not spared.

When Matt Sylvester woke up, he found that all his relatives were killed, and he had also been paralyzed-to be precise, the lower body had disappeared, and the upper body had been integrated with the own RV.

What is even more depressing is that his RV fell into a crack, which connected a dormant volcano.

I can’t move, I can’t eat.

There is also the danger of magma eruption.

Matt Sylvester didn’t know how he persevered, only that he was gradually no longer hungry. His body and the car continue to merge, and the car and the surrounding rocks seem to gradually merge together.

that’s all.

Another month passed, and Matt Sylvester was numb. He thought he was going to live like this for the rest of his life.

But one day he woke up from a coma.

He felt that his “body” had regained his feelings, and he was able to control the body that was not a car or a stone, and simply tremble. As time passed day by day, Matt’s body could be controlled more and more, until one day, he successfully drove the extended hands and feet to crawl out of the cracks.

Back to the earth, everything has changed its appearance.

The metal forest stood before him.

It doesn’t have the magnificent landforms before, but it also has new shocking colors-the eyes are full of metal.

The above content, I don’t know whether it’s true or not, and I don’t know where it came from. Matt said it himself, or someone else fabricated it. This is also the only piece of history passed down before Matt became the Duke of Yellowstone.

Later in Yellowstone Park, because it was a super large oasis, it attracted a large number of survivors.

At that time, Matt had already occupied Yellowstone Park.

Become his private domain.

At first, the survivors thought Matt was a monster, because Matt looked a bit like the spirit of fire. Although it is a human form, a human form that is hundreds of meters high can no longer be defined as a human form. The survivors wanted to capture Matt, and it was obvious that they couldn’t hurt Matt at all.

Since then, Matt has become the sole master of Yellowstone Park and was crowned with the title of Duke of Yellowstone.

“I trudged so hard to find a populated place, and I came to Yellowstone Park. The crowd gathered there attracted me. I became a subordinate of the Duke of Yellowstone and was responsible for doing things for him… He is hard to describe. , There is no human emotion, and I am obsessed with all kinds of research.”

George Charles recalled.

“The appearance of the Duke of Yellowstone has been changing…”

At first, George looked at him like a fire spirit, wrinkled all over his body, with red light emitting from inside; then he developed a smooth metal skin, red, covering the whole body, like a magnified version of a red Manhattan doctor; then red skin Dr. Manhattan, put on a black metal armor.

George said: “That is the essence of the void, that is, what you said about the super eight knot gold… The Duke of Yellowstone once said that once the Yellowstone Caldera erupts, the consequences are unimaginable, so he has been acting.”

Shen Cong asked: “How to curb the volcanic eruption?”

“Yellowstone Caldera, there is a huge magma reservoir below. The Duke of Yellowstone’s method is to dig an artificial underground river of magma above this magma reservoir. That is something we evolving cannot do, but the Duke of Yellowstone himself goes deep underground. For tens of kilometers, nine magma channels were smashed forcibly, and the magma in the magma reservoir was released to the shallow layer of the ground to cool down in advance.”

The most incredible is.

The Duke of Yellowstone used these magma to build a magma castle.

“I don’t know how big the magma castle is. When I left, the magma castle was still being built, but the magma castle looks like I can’t look at it for the rest of my life! The magma is mixed with metal, cooling down layer by layer, and becomes the cornerstone of the castle. The complicated passage can keep the temperature of the magma so that it can circulate inside the magma castle.”

The magma castle is not a completely solidified magma building.

Instead, cooled magma is the main body. The hot magma circulates around the magma castle, and magma fountains, magma lakes, magma streams, and magma tap water can be seen everywhere.

Shen Cong tried to outline in his mind such a majestic castle covering an unknown area.

I find it hard to imagine. Such a concept and handwriting can indeed be called incredible: “The fire energy concentration of the magma castle must be very rich, far exceeding the amount of fire fragments released?”

“Yes, it is extremely rich. It only takes a few hours for a piece of metal to corrode and disappear completely and become active.” George Charles knows the relationship between fire energy and activity. These are all derived from the research of the Duke of Yellowstone.

Shen Cong gave up and continued to question the Magma Castle.

This kind of miraculous building, it is definitely a huge regret not to take a look at it in person.

He focused on another point: “So what is the matter with the Void Essence? The Duke of Huangshi has a lot of Void Essence, so he uses the Void Essence as armor?”

Shen Cong only had a little bit of super eight knot gold, which was enough to coat the super eight demon king sword and super eight one-handed shield, and then plate a little bit on the key parts of the sky-grabbing crane, and that was all.

Now the Duke of Huangshi, who is more than 100 meters high, used super-eight knots of gold to make armor.

Shen Cong refused!

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