Hedonist Sovereign

Chapter 1307: Hunting orc

It’s just noon, and there’s a beautiful view of the wind and the sun!

However, in the World of Warcraft, the towering trees cover the sky, and the World of Warcraft is shrouded in a quiet and quiet.

This small island usually has few people coming up, but today there are a number of uninvited guests!

The crowd consisted of eight people, seven uniforms dressed in white robes, and the robes were engraved with strange patterns of birds and beasts. The one who walked in front of the seven was a man in a rough coat...

"Elder cranes, this place is heavy and heavy, do we really want to go in?"

Eight people are the people of the spirit beasts. Several people have just boarded the entrance to World of Warcraft, and they are worried.

Linghe looked at his eyes and looked at the disciples behind him. He said, "I went to this place 20 years ago and found that there are many orcs living in this island. It was just that my strength was too low, just stepping on it. Into the middle of the forest area was forced to retreat by several fierce World of Warcraft, and now again, and with the spirit of the beast, come over, it is necessary to take the orcs in this forest all together, and then return to the martial art, The head must reward us..."

Linghe’s words made everyone eager to move. They were disciples of the spirit beasts, and they were born to deal with the orcs.

The original clearance was to let them find the hidden World of Warcraft in the secular world, and bring the Orc hunting back to the sect. The orcs that were sold in the Devil City the other day are the people who have recently hunted.

The original disciples of the Lingfeng still had doubts. They finally found the dozens of orcs in the secular world. The elders of the spirits had to sell them. Now standing at the entrance of this World of Warcraft, everyone’s heart suddenly disappeared.

This whole island is an orc, compared to the low-ranking Orcs that were sold in Devil City the other day!

"Qiao Gong, your chances of performance are here, as long as you help us to catch more orcs, this time I will say a few words of your good words in front of the palm of your hand, the head is happy, maybe you can let go of you... ”

Linghe has already looked at Qiao Gong and thrown a bait!

Where does Qionggong believe in the old man's slang words? He and the Qiao family were detained by the spirit beasts for 20 years. They were used as slaves to make a fuss, using their animal-raising ability to do nothing, almost the worldly and the beasts. The tribes have been domesticated...

In his heart, Qiao Gong hated the spirit beast, and he said coldly: "You must arrest yourself, don't dream, let me help..."

The spirit of the wind is cold, and a slap in the face of Qiao Gong directly swells the half face of Qiao Gong: "Do you dare to talk to the elders of the spirit cranes in this area? Don't think that you can The idea of ​​controlling the orc can be tolerated, believe it or not, I will split you in half with a sword..."

Qiao Gong is a forty-year-old man, but he is beaten by the spirit of the 30-year-old boy. He is mad at his teeth, but Qiao Gong is powerless. He is only a beastmaster. The realm of Wu Xiu is completely against the spirit. these people.

Ling Yuner also coldly scolded and scolded: "The surname Joe, the matter in the Devil City a few days ago has not been settled with you, you dare to rebel, this time you have the opportunity to redeem, otherwise you will return to the martial art, Some are you..."

Qiao Gong did not seem to hear the threat of the two, and his head stunned and ignored the two.

The spirit of the sword came out, a pair of really want to marry the posture of Qiao Gong, Linghe then waved his hand and said: "Oh! Joe family is really hard bones, since you do not want to help, then I do not force you, When we finish the orc in this island, we must catch the woman. She should also be your Joe family. It’s so young and beautiful, and the woman will give it to you when it’s time... ”

Just after the Linghe words, the look of Qiao Gong changed immediately!

He spent twenty years in the spirit beast, still do not know what kind of garbage is the spirit of the spirit? The guy is daring, often forcing the young disciples in the door to dress him. If you let Joe's poem fall into the hands of the spirit, it is really troublesome...

"You, you, this group of shameless people, will get revenge sooner or later." Qiao Gong screamed at the crane, as if it was a wild beast.

If the crane is not seen, he will smile with a beard and smile: "There is no report on what you said, but the fate of the little girl is that I have the final say..."

When I think of the poetry of Qiao Shishi, the spirit has already excited: "Thanks to the arrangement of the elders of Linghe, the disciples will be optimistic about the girl!"

Looking at the spirit of the evil face, Qiao Gong couldn't help anymore, and had to give in: "Well, I promised to help you, but you have to promise me, don't catch the child again..."

Linghe’s eyes flashed a sneer in the depths. Since he bumped into the poems of Qiao, how could he let go of a spiritual beast? Just in front of Qiao Gong, Ling He’s face was solemn and assured: “You can rest assured, I am also an elder of the beast, and I will talk for a while!”

Qiao Gong still has some disbelief, but how can he have other choices? Can only take a step, with everyone into the World of Warcraft.

Although it is noon, there is no warmth in Warcraft Hill.

It seems to be in the evening, surrounded by darkness, and from time to time there are beasts and screams coming from the depths. If people walk in this place, they must be scared to death.

However, seeing the cranes and a few people excited, they are hunting for the orcs, and the more orcs there are, the better!


A wolf burst suddenly, and in the gloomy jungle, dozens of green faint rays emerged, and the wind blew, mixed with the smashing running sound.

"Not good, there are wolves attack!" Ling Feng shouted, has drawn the sword to make a defensive posture!

Ling Yuner's face is cold, the remaining four disciples look a little scared, but the Linghe does not change color, as if you can't see the wolves that are flying fast, indifferently open: "Try to catch the living, Joe Gong, you can go out... ..."

Qiao Gong’s face appeared to be struggling, but he finally closed his eyes.

A strange wave of energy swayed around him, and the wild wolves that were flying from the jungle suddenly sluggish, like the smashed version of the soul that had been taken away at the feet of the crowd.

Ling Yuner has taken out the chain that has been engraved with the array, and has bound all the wild wolves trapped in the mind, but more wild wolves are flying, as if there were hundreds of people gathered in the blink of an eye.

Qiao Gong’s face became pale, and controlling the intelligence of so many wolves made him somewhat unbearable: “I’m going to die, you’re going to quit...”

Qiao Gong wants to persuade the spirits of the beasts, but they will go where they have just stepped into World of Warcraft.

"You try to support it, Lingyun, you move faster, bind these wolves..."

The Linghe stood still in the same place, watching the wolves that swarmed around like nothing.

The spirit wind holds the purple sword, and the line of sight moves fast, ready to start.


The wolf has been freed from the control of Qiao Gong. The sharp claws suddenly caught the spirit wind, and a sound of wind broke out in the air. The spirit wind was empty once, and the wolf burst directly in the sky.


This sword swayed the infuriating instinct, scared a group of wild wolves to scream back!

The spirit wind sword is ready to chase, but it is shouted by the spirit crane: "There are a few wild wolves in the area, no need to chase again. This time our goal is the monster and the Warcraft. I even suspect that there is a spirit in the depths of this World of Warcraft. The beast is hiding..."

How powerful is the sword of the Spirit, and scared a group of wild wolves to escape.

The crowd stunned and looked at the elders of the cranes with a stunned look.

"It is difficult to see a beast in the door. Is there a spirit beast in this secular world?"

Ling Yuner echoed: "This island is indeed full of Orc atmosphere, Warcraft is estimated to have a few heads, but the spirit beast is not realistic!"

Linghe does not care about the rebuttals of several disciples. He is only speculating. After that, 20 years ago, the Linghe only reached the middle layer of World of Warcraft. As for the fierce orcs in the deep area. Even Linghe is not clear.

This wave of wild wolf attacks is just a small farce. This lowest-level beast can't even enter the eyes of the elders of the cranes. He lets Ling Yuner catch 20 wolves, and the rest are directly killed, so as not to waste the seal. The bound chain of the array.

Qiao Gong was suffocated by these people, and his heart was always raging with anger, but he could do nothing but continue to move deep into the depths of World of Warcraft...

The beasts in World of Warcraft are rampant, but the outer circle is in danger. However, the spirits and cranes are powerful. These orcs are also wise, just hiding in the distance and screaming, and there are few orcs who dare to attack.

All the way is unimpeded, Linghe is too lazy to hunt down the beasts in the outer circle, but in half an hour, several people have stepped into the middle of the World of Warcraft.

The environment here has changed dramatically. It is surrounded by vast trees. The vines are intricate and complicated, and the temperature drops to zero. The horrible atmosphere is very heavy, and the outside sunshine is no longer visible.

Qin Feng entered World of Warcraft several times before, and at most he stepped into this middle area. The flame wolf and the violent black magic bear were met in this area, and the white-haired demon who was conquered was also in this film.

Even the look of the spirits are dignified, and the surrounding beasts are more and more intense, and the sense of crisis arises, as if the next second will have fierce World of Warcraft flying out.

"Everyone is careful, this area is full of beasts, it is estimated that there is World of Warcraft, and it will be hunting for a while, not a last resort, not hunting!"

Linghe gave orders, and the voice just fell, but he heard a disciple screaming: "Ah... black, black bear, everyone is careful, there is a big head..."


The roar came from behind the crowd, and a huge black bear standing upright for more than five meters rushed out.

Its arm is as thick as a stone pillar, and a slap in the air, the air suddenly explodes, and the wind blows up, directly shooting the disciple of the spirit beast to the sky.

"Bold animals, watch the sword!"

The spirit wind reacted very quickly and has been stabbed by the sword!

A rainbow of light shot, the grass in front of it was all cut off, a row of big trees were shaking, the momentum is amazing!

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