Hello Chang’an

Chapter 322: Which one is faster, Your Highness or the Lord of Hell (please vote for me)

"The internal troubles in the south can be calmed down, but there will be another storm..." Wujue looked at the hexagram and murmured, "As expected, peace is still difficult to come by."

And what this hexagram shows is not just a corner of Jiangnan?

He heard yesterday that the army sent by the imperial court to suppress the Daozhou rebellion was defeated again and again...

The rebel army, which was initially formed by the uprising of Daozhou refugee bandits, became more and more popular, and more and more people responded. Now it has more than 100,000 people, and most of them are civilians... In Wujue's view, this matter is The public opinion behind it is even more shocking than the Xu Zhengye Rebellion.

If they were not forced into a desperate situation, why would ordinary people rebel?

Last year there was a severe drought in Daozhou, and the imperial court failed to provide disaster relief. Some victims even poured into the capital, only to be driven away—

At that time, the victims who flowed into the capital were like pebbles dropped into the lake. At that time, no one cared about the small ripples. No one, from the saints to the officials of the capital, expected that a small pebble would cause such a turmoil today.

Wujue sighed and returned his gaze to the hexagram in front of him again.

He could only predict that there would still be trouble in Jiangnan, but the specific direction was hard to say—

Wu Jue looked to the south. Her Highness's existence now transcended the theory of numerology. Wherever she went, she would bring "turns" and "variables". And as Her Highness's momentum grows in the future, the "variables" she can bring will become bigger and bigger.

At first she only affected some people around her, but after she decided to leave the capital, the scope of her influence began to expand rapidly—

From protecting Hezhou, to killing Li Yi, and then killing Xu Zhengye, and then affecting the lifeline of Heluo humanities...

Thinking about this, one can't help but sigh - there is no way, his Highness has nothing but courage and ambition.

Hey, he is lucky to have such an ambitious lord.

Wujue smiled with an unclear smile, but a gust of wind crept in, making him cough uncontrollably.

Hearing that the coughing sound had not stopped for a long time, the monk who was guarding outside came in and asked him if he wanted to ask the medical monks from the temple to see him. Since last year, the abbot's health had not been good, and they were all worried.

Wujue waved his hand and said "no need". Ordinary decoctions could not cure his illness...

Time is short, so it’s better to fall asleep and have some sweet dreams.

In fact, his life during this period can be said to be at ease. The emperor already had the answer in his heart, and he no longer needed to do anything for the magic circle. He also probably learned from Tianjing that he did not have much time left, so he People no longer watched his every move as closely as before.

The dying person also has the comfort of the dying person.

Wujue dismissed the monk, and just as he was kicking off his shoes and about to get on the couch, a young novice came to deliver a message: "...Almsgiver Meng is here and wants to discuss Buddhism with the abbot and abbot."

Wu Jue's expression turned bitter after hearing this. What kind of donor is this? This is clearly a financial owner and a creditor!

When Dayun Temple was first built, Meng Lie donated money as a merchant. Therefore, although he was not a powerful official, he could freely enter and leave the Dayun Temple, which was inaccessible to ordinary people. Anyone who picks up any monk from Dayun Temple will know that this Meng Dongjia has a very deep Buddhist relationship with Dayun Temple.

With such a profound connection with Buddhism, the treatment is naturally different. It is really reasonable and reasonable to want to meet the abbot and talk about Buddhism.

Meng Lie was invited into the tea room in the abbot's courtyard. After the monk served tea, he performed Buddhist rituals and left, closing the door.

In the tea room where the two of them were sitting across from each other, Meng Lie frowned slightly, explaining his purpose and confusion.

"I've been dreaming a lot lately, and the dreams are all about old things..." He pointedly emphasized the word "old things" and added, "I feel uneasy, and I always feel that something has happened."

After speaking, he looked at Wujue.

Perhaps it was because he had heard too many stories about the girl Ah Li, that his feelings this time were different from those in the past.

Wujue's eyebrows moved slightly: "Do you feel palpitations?"

"Sometimes." Meng Lie looked at Wujue intently: "...In your opinion, is there any explanation for this?"

"Isn't the statement obvious?" Wujue looked at him helplessly: "Duomeng has palpitations, just grab some medicine and treat it!"

Meng Lie's eyes twitched: "..."

I have never heard such Buddhist instructions that are so relevant to medical principles in my life.

He glanced at the closed door, put his hand on the coffee table, leaned towards Wujue, lowered his voice and asked seriously: "You know exactly what I'm asking you...Have you had any strange feelings recently?"

Facing those solemn eyes full of expectations accumulated over many years, Wujue slowly shook his head.

Meng Lie withdrew his body, which was leaning towards Wujue, little by little, and was silent for a moment, but still refused to give up.

He had a long chat with Wujue, and then stayed for a vegetarian meal.

After the food was set, Wu Jue picked up the chopsticks with a smile, greeted Meng Lie, and went to pick up the food first.

However, as soon as he reached his chopsticks to the plate, he was pressed down by Mengli's chopsticks with a "snap".

Wujue was stunned for a moment, looked up, and met Meng Lie's dissatisfied and reproachful eyes.

Wujue didn't react for a moment: "What's wrong?"

It's okay that he didn't ask. This question completely angered Meng Lie: "What did you say!"

Only then did Wujue suddenly realize, he quickly took the chopsticks away, and said with a shy smile: "I forgot for a moment, I forgot..."

There was no one else in the room, and Meng Lie's brows were so furrowed that he could kill a fly, but he still held his chopsticks to pick up the dishes in a respectful manner - he picked up each dish with a chopstick first and placed it on the empty plate in front of him.

He poured another cup of tea and slowly sprinkled it on the ground.

—Old rule, Your Highness eats first.

After completing this set of rules, Meng Lie looked at Wujue still dissatisfied.

Wujue, who was judged and convicted by Mengliena's eyes, could only cry out in his heart - it's not that he doesn't worship His Highness, it's just that the rules of worshiping the dead are no longer used nowadays.

But now I can't tell the other party the truth.

Yu Zeng, who has gained His Highness's trust so much, is suspected of betraying His Highness... Such a secret cannot be careless.

The secret technique was retrieved by Meng Lie. Ordinarily, he should not be suspicious of Meng Lie. However, in the past ten years, he was in the temple and the other party was outside the temple. There was really no opportunity to understand each other. More than ten years was too long. Well, it’s hard to guarantee that people’s hearts will remain unchanged...

Thinking of this, Wujue sighed and said tentatively: "Old Meng, I know your loyalty, but this technique has only one chance of winning... Now that you and I are getting older, maybe you should too Let go of this obsession, marry a beautiful wife, and live a few years of freedom and happiness..."


Before Wu Jue finished speaking, Meng Lie put down his chopsticks with a serious look on his face: "So what if there's not one in a million, even if I wait until the day I die of old age, so what!"

"When I meet you today, you are different from the past in every way. It turns out that you want to let go of this 'obsession'!"

Meng Lie's eyes turned red with anger, and he stood up suddenly: "Everyone talks about letting go, but who else in this world will remember His Highness!"

His Highness was so unwilling to die, why should he let go!

There are two rooms here: inside and outside. Meng Lie said as he tossed his sleeves and walked away. Wujue came to his senses and quickly caught up and grabbed the person: "Old Meng, you misunderstood me..."

Meng Lie threw him away. As the two pushed and pushed, Wujue coughed violently and suddenly saw Meng Lie's expression change. Meng Lie stared at the bloodshot cough from the corner of his mouth and frowned greatly.

Wu Jue wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, but his expression did not change when he saw the scarlet blood on his sleeve.

"What kind of disease is this?" Meng Lie grabbed his arm and realized that the fat monk was thinner than the last time they met: "Have you seen a doctor?"

"It's not a big deal, it's okay." Wujue pulled his arm back with a smile and said nonchalantly: "Spring and summer are changing, I just have some lung fever inside."

Meng Lie's face turned solemn.

This monk has always been the opposite of others. If it is really a minor illness, he would like to scream and complain for everyone to hear, but if it is really a big problem, he will not say a word - just like the domestic dog, which usually causes people to step on its tail. He kept screaming for a long time, and when he was about to die of old age, he refused to even enter the house!

That's why I just advised him to "let it go". Could it be that he was leaving a last message for him?

"Is it related to the old illness left behind by the previous serious illness? Wait until I find the best doctor for you!" Meng Lie said in a deep and uneasy voice: "Don't think about dying before the big thing is accomplished!"

"There's no need for healers, there's no shortage of that stuff..." Wujue grabbed one of his hands, patted the back of his hand, and sighed: "If you really want to, send me some tonics, good Ganoderma lucidum Deer antler and old ginseng, how come they are so expensive..."

Meng Lie frowned and looked at him: "Did you get all those ten years of daughter-in-law?"

Wu Jue immediately smiled and nodded: "Take one bowl before and after meals. Within ten days, all diseases will be eliminated!"

Meng Lie laughed dryly and said: "Yes, if people drink to death, won't all diseases disappear? If people die and diseases disappear, all they need is a cure to eliminate the root causes!"

He said, throwing away Wujue's hand: "Save this life for me, don't want to be a hands-off shopkeeper!"

Wujue asked him to stay for dinner, but he ignored him and left.

Knowing that he must have gone to find a doctor, Wujue sighed: "This man..."

No matter how he looked at him, he was still the old Meng he knew, saying the most irritating words and doing the most worrying things.

"Buddha, please bless me to live for two more years... I have stayed in this temple for so many years, but I have never been able to drink wine and eat meat." Wujue looked at the Buddha statue hanging on the wall and sighed: "I still owe Lao Chang a pot of mutton soup and I haven't cooked it for him."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly realized: "No, my life is no longer in your control now. It doesn't matter what you say -"

He shook off his blood-stained sleeves, held it behind his back, walked towards the inner room with a big belly, and said with a "hey" smile: "From now on, it's up to my lord to decide!"

But there is no need to let His Highness know.

His Highness can do whatever he wants, it doesn't have to be for the purpose of preserving his mere mortal life.

Everything has its own destiny, and it will go as it pleases.

Wujue sat down alone, picked up his chopsticks and ate happily, filling his cheeks.

After eating to his satisfaction, Wujue put down his chopsticks, but a twinge of melancholy appeared between his brows.

They say that after eating and drinking, one misses home, but before eating, he could still "just let it go". Now that his stomach was full, he couldn't help but feel greedy -

He wanted to make mutton soup for Lao Chang. His Highness's birthday was coming soon. He also wanted to cook a bowl of longevity noodles with two eggs for His Highness.

I wonder which one is faster, His Highness or the Prince of Hell, who will come to pick him up first?

There is no answer yet as to whether Chang Suining is faster than Prince Yama, but she is not slow in rushing back to Jiangnan this time.

Chang Sui Ning led the vanguard of 20,000 light cavalry, Xiao Min took charge of the middle army, and the rear army was responsible for escorting the 60,000 prisoners.

Another 20,000 people took the waterway by boat to **** most of the grain and grass supplies.

Also taking the water route were the couple Liu Huo and Si Shi.

In addition to the warships previously borrowed from Shouzhou and Guangzhou, this trip also captured all Xu Jun's ships. All of them have been roughly repaired, so the number of ships is very abundant. Since conditions allowed, Chang Sui Ning did not let Liu Huo travel long distances.

After all, her family has a lot of military exploits and deserves to be treated like a veteran.

Luo Huo felt very comfortable during this journey. He slept in a separate cabin at night and slept until dawn. During the day, he stood majestically on the deck, looking out at the scenery along the way with the four seasons, showing off the mountains and rivers he had conquered with his master.

The only thing that bothers me is that the one named Ah Che is too diligent and has to clean it every time!

On this day, Ah Che's body was filled with water as his stubbornness was still as fierce as before.

Ah Che didn't know what to say... He was sprayed with saliva by his son, and showered with bathwater by his father. Who should he ask to reason?

Luo Huo shook his fur again, and water droplets splashed, creating a mist.

The return day was being shrouded in the same drizzle and mist, and the smooth fur was covered with a layer of moisture.

The drizzle did not delay the journey, Chang Suining ordered to continue moving forward.

She had to rush back quickly to see if the birthday gift Lao Chang gave her was ready—

It must have been a long time since I had celebrated her birthday, so Lao Chang was unusually attentive. He wrote to her early to ask if she had any birthday gifts she wanted.

Chang Suining thought about it and realized that it really did exist.

She picked up a pen and wrote down a name, and specially added two words - living.

I was always in a hurry to open gifts, so after walking for half a day in the drizzle, Yuan Xiang and He Wuhu turned back from the front to report: "General, we will reach the camp of General Chang in ten miles! "

Chang Sui Ning raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Yuan Xiang joined the team, followed Chang Sui Ning, and continued moving forward.

Yuan Xiang still followed Chang Sui Ning back to the south of the Yangtze River this time. It was Cui Jing who took the initiative. After Chang Sui Ning thought about it for a while, he took him with him without any courtesy.

Nowadays, there are no truly well-trained soldiers around her, shepherd's purse and the others are still inexperienced, and He Wuhu and others are even more undeveloped - and Yuanxiang was born in the Xuance Army and followed Cui Jing in the north and south for many years. Such talents are exactly what they are now What she lacks most is being borrowed as a teacher, which is perfect.

This time, I exchanged an elder brother for Yuan Xiang, and it was a huge profit no matter how I calculated it.

"General, the girl is back!"

When Chang Kuo heard this announcement, he became energetic. He threw away his military affairs and walked out quickly even though he was lame.

Chang Suining dismounted his horse and walked towards him.

"General Ning Yuan is back!"

"General Ningyuan!"

The salutes all around were filled with excitement. The soldiers looked at the girl who had returned with illustrious military exploits, and their eyes were all bright and sparkling.

Due to the atmosphere, Chang Kuo raised his hand and was about to follow suit when he suddenly realized what he was doing. Instead, he stretched his hands forward and patted His Highness on the shoulder: "Our great hero is back!"

Chang Sui Ning also smiled and stretched out a hand towards him: "Dad, where is my birthday gift?"

The sky is ringing, the earth is ringing, ding ding ding, biubiubiu, come and get some monthly tickets~!

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