Hello Chang’an

Chapter 370: It seems that person is very special (please ask for monthly votes at the beginning of

Chang Suining thought deeply: "Three million strings is not a small sum..."

Meng Lie responded with a "yes", because it was not a small amount, and such a large amount of money often meant a large favor. If the favor lasted for a long time, it would not be so easy to repay it.

He thought that His Highness also thought so, but the next moment, he heard her say: "In this case, I will keep it for now."

Meng Lie was very confused: "?"

Your Highness, have you had too many hard days of lack of money?

No, of course not. Your Highness will not be unable to distinguish the importance of this.

"When he gave me these three million strings, it was when I was most in need of money. His willingness to devote everything he had to helping me in times of need was, to me, more precious than the three million strings themselves. Chang Suining said seriously: "I'm worried that if I rush to send it back now, he will think that I treat him too harshly."

This intention of being willing to owe each other in order to protect the other person's feelings surprised Meng Lie. He tried to ask: "So, Your Highness is willing to accept the other person's favor?"

"Yes and no, the reason why I am willing to accept this feeling is because he does not think it is a favor." Chang Suining had a little smile in his eyes, as if he was sharing something novel and pleasant. What happened: "Meng Lie, you don't know something. This man is very strange. No matter how much he does, he always feels that he can't do what he wants, and he always seems to feel that he has no chance to do anything for me."

This time he moved all his property to her. If she was in a hurry to give it back, he might really feel that he had nothing to offer.

"So I will keep these three million yuan for him first. When he needs it someday, or when the time is right, I will return it to him."

Facing the girl's clear and joyful eyes, Meng Lie was startled for a moment and then smiled: "It seems that this person has something special about him that is different from others."

"Yes, because he treats me really special." Chang Suining nodded and admitted frankly: "He was the first to treat me special, so he deserves this specialness."

She seems to be sharing a beautiful and bright story, describing a comfortable and uplifting relationship.

Meng Lie thought to himself - it seems that it is really special...

Then, he heard Chang Suining say "so" again, her tone seemed to be introducing a very important person to the people around her -

"So, he's my best ally now."

Meng Ligang's mind froze when he mentioned it. They were just allies...?

However, this kind of "ally" is the first of its kind for His Highness.

Meng Lie said: "The allies who can be chosen by His Highness will definitely not go wrong."

He was curious about who this "ally" was, but His Highness didn't say it directly, so it was hard for him to get to the bottom of it.

Chang Suining said with a smile: "Okay, that's all for today. It's too late, so go back and rest first."

Meng Lie was full of energy and said: "Your Highness, I am not sleepy or tired."

Chang Suining joked in a tired tone: "But I'm sleepy and tired."

Meng Lie came back to his senses in shock. His Highness must have been very tired after being at sea for so many days. He was busy talking to him as soon as he returned to camp, and had to bother comforting him.


Meng Lie thought of something again and hurriedly said: "I have one last thing to do. I wonder if your Highness will get anything out of taking people out to patrol the sea this time?"

Chang Suining nodded: "Something has been gained. Tomorrow we will renegotiate with Lao Chang and others about the next anti-Japanese war."

She did not elaborate on what she had gained, and Meng Lie did not ask in depth. He was neither proficient nor keen on information related to the war. Back then, he followed His Highness and walked in the dark as a secret guard.

At this moment, it is enough for him to know that His Highness has gained something, and the other thing is...

"Your Highness, is the commander of the Japanese army this time really Fujiwara?"

This is what Meng Lie is most concerned about right now.

"It's him." Chang Suining said: "The march and deployment of the Japanese army this time is indeed his style."

Meng Lie said seriously: "Your Highness, this person is cruel and vicious and difficult to deal with... You must be more careful."

"It just so happens that I am also very difficult to deal with." Chang Suining comforted Meng Lie: "There are pros and cons in this matter. Between an 'acquaintance' who is difficult to deal with and a completely unfamiliar enemy, I am more willing to choose the former. And I know him, but he doesn't know who I am, and enemies don't know each other. Wouldn't it be more interesting to kill such an enemy? "

"This person was defeated by His Highness more than ten years ago. Naturally, I can trust His Highness. I am more worried..." Meng Lie said this, facing the girl Mingzhan's eyes, and swallowed the rest of his words. Went back.

He wanted to say that he was worried that the troops led by His Highness at the moment were far inferior to the Xuance Army back then, and would hold His Highness back.

But he remembered that His Highness once said that the credit for winning a battle belongs to all the soldiers. But when a battle is defeated, the responsibility always lies with the commander, not with the soldiers who followed orders. Therefore, every defeat is due to the incompetence of the commander and the failure of the soldiers who died under his command.

Because in the eyes of His Highness, no one is born with the ability to ride a horse to fight, but as long as he is willing to obey military orders, he is a good soldier and can become a good soldier. It is equally the fault of the master if he fails to make a good soldier out of his obedient man.

Your Highness is strict in leading the troops, but she loves them like her own children. She is strict with others, and even more strict with herself, and sets an example in everything. That’s why countless people are willing to follow her loyally, and that’s why Your Highness can personally polish the weapon of Xuance Army that is still there today. The sharp blade that protects the people of Dasheng.

As for the extent of the availability of His Highness's soldiers now, His Highness must know better than him, and there is no need for him to say more.

Seeing that Meng Lie had stopped the topic, Chang Sui Ning did not answer the question and only said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion in my heart."

A general who only complains about others cannot fight well. The soldiers under her command do have shortcomings, so she has to focus more on improving their combat capabilities. As for the shortcomings that are still irreparable after the improvement. For those deficiencies, it is up to the leader to determine tactics that suit the time, place, and people, in order to maximize the chance of victory.

Therefore, since setting up camp here, in addition to deploying and adjusting coastal defense, training and conducting military exercises has also been a top priority. The entire army has never slacked off for even half a day.

"Okay, let's go back and have a rest." Chang Suining finally said to Meng Lie, "If you think about anything later, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Meng Lie responded "Yes", his eyes suddenly became inexplicably hot, "Look back", "Tomorrow"... He only just realized that His Highness will not disappear suddenly, and there will be many opportunities to speak in the future.

At this time, the invisible tension in Meng Lie's body was truly relieved. He saluted Chang Sui Ning: "Your Highness, I will take my leave."

He bowed his head in great respect and retreated to the tent door. Just as he was about to turn around and go out, he suddenly heard Chang Suining say, "Meng Lie."

Meng Lie raised his head and looked up, with a look of anticipation on his face. Just when he was about to ask, "Your Highness, do you have any other orders?", he heard the voice speaking in front of him and said to him seriously -

"Thank you for your hard work over the years."

After Meng Lie was startled, his eyes became more and more astringent, but there was only a smile in his eyes: "I never feel hard work."

Chang Suining smiled at him: "Then take good care of yourself and grow your hair back."

Meng Lie smiled and said "Hey!" with tears in his eyes, bowed again, and then left the tent.

He had just walked not far when he met A Dian who was running towards here.

Meng Lie stretched out his hand to stop the man. "Uncle Meng, I heard...I heard that Ah Li is back!" A Dian's eyes were still a little sleepy: "I'm about to go!"

"Be obedient, it's too late. Go back to sleep..." Meng Lie pushed the person back and coaxed in a low voice: "Your Highness is tired, let her rest."

A Dian's foot suddenly stopped, and it was like a big mountain that Meng Lie could not easily push.

"Uncle Meng, you..." A Dian opened his eyes wide and pointed at Meng Lie. After looking around, he nervously covered Meng Lie's mouth and lowered his voice and said, "Uncle Meng, you, please stop talking first. I’ll teach you how to say it!”

"You have to call me General, Sir, Lady, Commander...but you can't call His Highness!" A Dian said nervously and seriously: "If someone hears it, Your Highness will be burned to death as a monster!"

After saying that, he pulled Meng Lie over without any explanation, dragged him to his tent, and "taught" him seriously.

"Uncle Meng, have you memorized everything I said?" At the end, Master Yan asked in a tone of asking the students about their homework.

"Okay, okay, I remember everything." Meng Lie changed his mind, with a gentle smile on his eyes and eyebrows.

He told A Dian to go to sleep quickly, but when he was about to leave, A Dian grabbed him by the corner of his clothes again.

"Uncle Meng, I can't sleep. Can you stay and tell me a story?"

Meng Lie agreed with good temper.

He hadn't told A Dian a story for many years. A Dian lay down on the couch and looked sideways at him. He sat beside the couch and talked about the stories he had told before.

A Dian, who just said "I can't sleep", quickly fell asleep accompanied by Meng Lie's slow tone.

Looking at A Dian's peaceful sleeping face, Meng Lie smiled unconsciously.

After covering A Dian with a blanket carefully, he left the place.

The night was still dark. As Meng Lie walked forward, he felt that there were roots under his feet and a direction in his heart.

The bond between him and A Dian Changkuo and others is because of His Highness. When His Highness was away, they were destined to be scattered in various places. Now that His Highness is back, their family is back.

Meng Lie returned to his simple tent, but finally found the sense of belonging he had felt after so many years, and the long-lost tranquility in his sleep.

The next day, Meng Lie got up early, folded the quilt in an orderly manner, washed, and after eating, he came out of the tent and saw Chang Kuo who had just returned from the martial arts field.

Chang Kuo's sleeves were rolled up high and his face was covered with sweat. He and Chu Xing beside him didn't know what they said, and he laughed loudly several times. The laughter was rough and ear-splitting.

Seeing Meng Lie, Chang Kuo's eyes lit up. He waved to Chu Xing and walked over lamely. He put a hand on Meng Lie's shoulder and asked in a low voice: "...Lao Meng, how are you? You didn't give birth to me." Are you angry?"

Yesterday, Meng Lie was left alone to talk, so he knew what decision His Highness would make - after all, Lao Meng, with his white hair, even though he didn't talk about it, was more silent than loud.

Meng Lie turned his head and looked into Chang Kuo's big bull's-eyes. He saw Chang Kuo smiling "hey", looking very naive.

Meng Lie didn't say anything, just "tsk" and waved Chang Kuo's sweaty big hand from his shoulder in disgust.

Chang Kuo wanted to catch up again, but only Meng Liena's voice, which was only audible to the two of them, asked curiously: "...Old Chang, you have only saved a million dollars in total when you have lived to this age? How dare you? It’s not enough to cover His Highness’s short few months in Jiangdu.”

Chang Kuo: "?"

The next moment, Meng Lie dusted off the non-existent dust on his shoulders and walked away slowly with his hands behind his back.

Chang Kuo came to his senses and was so angry that he put his hands on his hips. What happened to a million strings? Isn't a million dollars money? Who does the person named Meng look down on? Wouldn’t it just make some bad money!

He had to go back and talk to His Highness!

As for why he turned back, not now, it was not because Chang Kuo was patient, but because Chang Suining was not in the camp at the moment.

When Meng Lie went to ask for an audience, he heard Xi'er say: "The girl went to the beach early in the morning to watch the military training. The girl said that if Meng Dong's family comes looking for her, they can go directly to find her."

The training place is not far from the military camp and can be reached in two quarters of an hour by horseback.

When Chang Suining arrived, military formations were being practiced everywhere. Seeing her coming, Grand Instructor Fang Chao and others wanted to step forward to salute, but she raised her hand to stop them.

Fang Chao held his hand towards her and continued the drill. The soldiers' powerful shouts came one after another, resounding throughout the early morning coast.

There is still a bit of coolness in the early morning, so most people practice on the shore or on ships. After noon, they have to go into the water to practice battles.

Chang Suining stood on a huge rock, her robes and ponytails rolled up by the sea breeze. She looked at the military formations in front of her and said casually: "Summer is a good time to train navy. If it were autumn and winter, it would be difficult to do this." Opportunity to hit the water.”

Tang Xing, who was following her, smiled and said: "It can be seen that even heaven is helping the governor. With the right time, the right place and the right people, we will definitely win this battle."

Chang Suining smiled, blocked the dazzling morning light with his hands, and looked at the place where the sea and the sky meet.

Not far away, Gui Qi lowered his head and tasted the sea water, shook his head and spit it out.

Facing the return date where he wanted to taste everything, Ah Che was helpless and stepped forward to bring it over: "Didn't you already taste this sea water last time?"

Gui Qi seemed to understand A Che's words. He stepped on his horse's hooves and shook his head to indicate the front. The last time he tasted the sea water there, he thought the two sides tasted different!

Ah Che also understood what it meant: "Aren't they all cooked in the same pot..."

"Brother Ache!"

Xiao Duan's voice came, and A Che looked up and saw Xiao Duan and Xiao Wu running towards him with bare feet and shoes. A Che's face tightened and he subconsciously took a few steps back, trying to escape from here.

But Gui Qi swung his tail and refused to leave. At this moment, he was obsessed with using his nose to poke the wet sand, and then sprayed the sand out of his nose.

Seeing Xiao Duan and Xiao Wu approaching, Ah Che, who had no way to escape, subconsciously covered his mouth and nose.

"Brother Ache, we practiced with Mr. Liu for half a day yesterday. Can you help us hear if we have made any progress?"

The Mr. Liu in Xiao Wu's mouth was the ventriloquist Mr. Chang Sui Ning left behind. It was Chang Sui Ning's instruction that Xiao Duan Xiaowu learn ventriloquist from him.

The reason why A Che avoids Xiao Duan and Xiao Wu is precisely because of the word "ventricular skills".

The reason behind it starts from five days ago.

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