Hello Chang’an

Chapter 379: "Wujue, come here quickly" (please vote)

Chapter 379 "Wu Jue, come here quickly" (please vote)

Chang Suining rested for a night in Nanhe County. When it dawned the next day, when she got up and dressed, shepherd's purse knocked on the door and came in with a basin of warm water in her hand and a clean cotton towel draped over the edge of the basin.

Chang Suining finished washing up, and another Detachment of Women brought breakfast in. The breakfast was not from the inn, but was bought out. Under the instruction of Shepherd's Purse, they did everything themselves and did not let outsiders in the inn. Handled. When you are out at this moment, you should be extra vigilant.

"Girl, should we all stay in Nanhe County to look for people today, or should we split up a few people and go elsewhere?" After finishing breakfast, shepherd's purse asked Chang Suining for instructions.

Chang Sui Ning ordered three people to stay in Nanhe County. Then he looked at Shen Cai and another Detachment of Women and said to them, "Shepherd's Purse, Zeng Huan, you two go back to Hezhou City."

Zeng Huan was a young woman in her early twenties. Like Shepherd's Purse, she was originally from Hezhou. Her husband defended the city with the provincial governor last year and died at the hands of Xu's rebel army. Afterwards, as she was childless, she refused to agree to her parents' proposal to remarry, and insisted on leaving Hezhou with Shepherd's Purse and Qinghua, following Chang Suining.

She is tall and strong, talks little but is attentive, and is diligent and motivated. She has always stood out among the more than a thousand women soldiers shepherd's purse currently leads.

At this moment, Zeng Huan was momentarily stunned when she heard Chang Suining say that she and shepherd's purse should go back to Hezhou together.

"Sir, Zeng Huan and I don't need to go back!" Shen Cai said: "Finding talents is the top priority!"

"I have an errand that I need you to run." Chang Sui Ning said: "I will write a letter and you will take it to the city, to Baiji Teahouse, and give it to the teahouse owner, and ask him to forward it to their boss."

Before Meng Lie came to Hezhou, he told Ache that if he came to see him in an emergency, he could send someone to Baiji Tea House in Hezhou to send a message.

The teahouse here is Meng Lie's hidden stake in Hezhou.

"It's just a way to let you go home to visit relatives." Chang Sui Ning and shepherd's purse said: "We are already in front of our house, let's go back and have a look."

When she met the girl's smiling eyes, shepherd's purse's eyes heated up, and she nodded and said "Hey".

Since she left with Chang Suining last year, she has not been back to Hezhou City, but she often has people bring letters and money back from home.

When Chang Suining had someone **** Huo Xin back to Hezhou, several women's soldiers from Hezhou followed him to visit relatives, and they were addicted to returning home in fine clothes. However, shepherd's purse was obsessed with making great achievements and refused that opportunity.

Zeng Huan was also unable to go back that time.

At this moment, shepherd's purse realized something - no wonder the adults asked her to take Zeng Huan with her before leaving, so that they could go home to visit relatives.

The adults have many things to do every day and never have a moment of leisure, but they are clearly thinking about each of them.

The reason why Shepherd's Purse's eyes were burning was because of this. As for being excited about meeting her husband and son soon, this level of excitement is completely non-existent.

Now she is the famous Commander-in-Chief of Shepherd's Purse, who has killed enemies with the general, made meritorious deeds, and is leading the army in a serious manner! Speaking of excitement, it must be the excitement of the chickens and dogs in her home.

But what shepherd's purse didn't expect at this moment was that the chickens and dogs in the nest were really excited when they saw her.

Shepherd's Purse and Zeng Huan took the letter written by Chang Suining and left Nanhe County, heading towards the gate of Hezhou City.

Chang Sui Ning left three people in Nanhe County and took the remaining four people with him, leaving Nanhe County and continuing his search in several scattered small villages and towns nearby.

The smaller the place, the easier it is to be disturbed by strangers riding horses, so Chang Sui Ning did not ride a horse again this time, but asked his subordinates to temporarily rent two ordinary green donkey carts and hit the road.

This time, it really didn’t attract any attention or comments from passers-by.

Chang Suining opened the simple green cloth curtain and saw two villages faintly appearing in front of him, one on the left and one on the right. He asked the two subordinates in the other car to go to the village on the left to inquire about it, while he went to the right. .

It was approaching noon, and many families in the village had started to light fires for cooking. The closer you got, the smoke could be seen rising from the cooking pots.

Behind the village, about a hundred steps away, there is a small river. The water is slightly turbid because it has just rained.

At this time, a slightly slow-moving figure walked across the small wooden bridge.

He wore straw sandals and a dark gray coarse cloth robe, with a bag tied around his body. He was holding a stick in his hand, with a gourd for water tied to the top of the stick, like an ascetic.

He seemed to have walked for a long time, and his straw sandals were worn out. Now he came to the river, took off his baggage and placed it on a stone nearby. He sat down to rest against the stone and beat his sore legs.

He beat his hands constantly while looking towards the village ahead.

He came all the way here and planned to settle in a few nearby villages.

He still had some money on him from Tianjing, so he looked around in these villages to find Li Zheng, who was nice and talkative, and bought a piece of land and a mud house as a place to stay.

He has already inquired. This place is three hundred miles away from His Highness' camp. If you go further, it will be a place under martial law. People like him will rarely be subject to strict investigation. If it were further away, it would be inconvenient to inquire about His Highness.

This place is under the jurisdiction of Hezhou. Although Yunhui, the governor of Hezhou, is young, he is a good official who loves the people. It is said that he governs strictly and has good relations with Jiangdu. No matter how you look at it, this place is the most suitable choice for settling down at the moment.

After he rested here for a while, he went to the village to find Li Zheng and try to negotiate.

But thinking of the difficult experiences he had encountered along the way, like a rat crossing the street, he pushed himself forward and moved to the river, knelt down by the river, lowered his head and looked at his face in the river, looking left and right. Then he grinned "Hey" and tried to look kind.

After practicing this for a while, he nodded with satisfaction: "Hmm... Not bad, it looks much more pleasing this way."

He smiled like this when he went to see Li Zheng.

At that time, I will make up a more miserable experience, show off my divination skills, and give him more money to buy a house and land... I think it should be possible.

Wujue was planning seriously in his heart.

After he settles down, he will go out as little as possible and not provoke people in the same village. Then he will build a small fenced yard and grow some vegetables... By the way, he will also raise a nest of chickens. Which chicken does not like him and dares to tease him? , whichever one he eats first.

Speaking of which, I really want to drink chicken soup.

The craving for food broke out, and Wujue felt regretful - he should have ordered another can of chicken soup that day when that old guy from Tianjing entertained guests!

Ordinarily, such a greedy person like him should go to the city, but the road signs on his body are fake. He will be easily detected when entering the city, and the more lively the place, the more spies there are, making it difficult to hide his traces.

Just stay in this remote place from now on.

Feeling hungry, greedy and tired, Wu Jue simply lay down on the grass, put his hands behind his head, and squinted at the sky above his head.

"There's nothing wrong with it..." he murmured to himself.

It's not far or close to His Highness, I can know the news about His Highness in time, and there are no wars happening here for the time being... In this world, it's good to be able to live peacefully.

Wujue closed his eyes in contentment, and the exhaustion from the long days of trekking made him fall asleep quickly.

In the dream, he really made chicken soup, a whole can of hot chicken soup. He simmered it for an hour and a half over low heat. The tender and fragrant chicken was almost off the bone. There was a thin layer of golden oil floating on the soup. He sprinkled it. Put on a handful of white, white and green chopped green onions, and the aroma will penetrate right into your nose.

He was obviously very greedy, but for some unknown reason in his dream, he didn't drink it himself. Instead, he took the cotton towel, put it under his hands, picked up the clay pot, and walked towards a figure. Although he didn't drink the soup, he was very happy, even happier than if he drank it.

As he got closer, he saw the figure clearly, but his feet stopped, and the smile on his face became hesitant for a moment.

He seemed to have suddenly thought of something and didn't dare to go any further. He stood there holding the chicken soup when he suddenly heard countless disgusted cold looks and curses coming from behind and to his left and right. It was so overwhelming that he was at a loss what to do.

At this moment, he saw the person in front of him turn his head. It was the face of a girl. She had a pair of cold eyes, but at the moment, her eyes were full of smiles. She waved to him and talked with him. Said: "Wujue, come quickly!"

Next to her, a tall and powerful man with a lame beard suddenly appeared, waving to him and urging him: "Wujue, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Come here quickly!"

Soon, Qiao Yang, who was wearing a long gown and smiling, and Meng Lie, who was always smiling in private—

The former said: "How can chicken soup be as nourishing as fish soup!"

The latter frowned and looked at him: "If you stand still stupidly, the soup will become cold. How can your highness drink it?"

"Come on!"

Wujue's eyes heated up, he grinned, and responded haha: "Come on, come on!"

He walked over quickly, feeling lucky in his heart - He just said, how could His Highness and Lao Chang hate him!

He was about to come forward, but something suddenly flew over and hit him on the head with a bang. He leaned back and was about to fall.

—Broken, chicken soup for His Highness!

Wujue opened his eyes suddenly and subconsciously fumbled with his hands twice, but found nothing.

There was no chicken soup, and there was no His Highness or Lao Chang.

All that was left was Huang Liang's feeling of loss after waking up from a dream, and the thing that hit his head.

Wujue rubbed the sore side of his head and face, sat up, picked up the object, and saw it was a bamboo ball.

He looked up and saw a group of seven or eight half-year-old children walking towards here, looking for something as they walked.

Seeing a group of children, Wujue waved to them and said with a smile, "Come on, they're here!"

Only then did the children see someone here. They ran over, and Wujue threw the ball back to them. Thinking that it must be a child from a nearby village, and maybe they will all be neighbors in the future, he reminded him in a kind and friendly tone. He said: "It's going to rain. Stop running by the river. Go home quickly. It's time for your family to have dinner with you."

How nice it is to have a home to go back to, where there are people waiting to eat.

Hearing what he said, the leader, a boy in his early ten years, looked up at the dazzling sky and said, "It's going to rain. It's clear that after the rain, the sun will shine!"

Wujue shook his head with a smile, raised his hand and pointed to the west: "That's where the rain will come from, but I know how to observe the sky."

"Can you observe the sky?"

"Where are you from? How come I haven't seen you before?"

Out of curiosity, several children came closer to take a look. After seeing Wu Jue's appearance clearly, their eyes became inexplicably defensive and disgusting.

"You must be a liar, right?" The eldest child in charge frowned: "What are you doing in our village?"

"Yesterday, San Weng's family at the end of the village said they lost two chickens. He must be a chicken thief!"

"?" Wujue waved his hand quickly: "It's not fun to talk nonsense, I just..."

However, before he finished speaking, a child with dark skin and jealous eyes grabbed a ball of mud and smashed it on his forehead: "Bad thief!"

Wu Jue let out an ouch when he was hit, and raised his hand helplessly to shake off the mud. Just as he was about to stand up while rubbing his eyes, many children followed suit and threw mud at him.

More children had no ability to distinguish at all and just followed the booing. The more they hit, the more excited they became. Watching Wu Jue just dodge and seemed to have no ability to fight back. While Wu Jue's eyes were covered with mud, the two children stood up. Courage ran to the back, one picked up Wujue's baggage, and the other picked up the wooden stick he was holding.

The child holding the wooden stick slammed the end of the gourd tied to the stone, smashed the gourd filled with water into pieces with a few blows, and threw the stick into the river. His expression looked very proud.

They shouted with joy.

"...You bunch of skinny monkeys!" Wu Jue became a little anxious: "Stop making trouble again and return the baggage to me quickly!"

"You must have stolen these things! I won't give them to you!" The child hugged the bundle tightly, turned around and ran towards the village.

Wujue couldn't stop him by shouting, he was so angry that he stamped his feet, so he had no choice but to chase after him.

His body was covered with mud and his face was messy. The mud was stuck to the short gray hair that had just grown out on both sides of his head, making him look embarrassed and funny.

A child pointed at him and burst out laughing: "Look, his head looks like the little wild boar my dad caught last year that hasn't even fully grown yet!"

"He's obviously an old pig spirit whose hair is almost falling out!"

This sentence made the children laugh.

"Xiao Shuan, run quickly, don't let him catch up with you!"

"Xiao Shuan, there is a wild boar chasing you from behind!"


The child holding the bundle suddenly stopped halfway when he ran. It turned out that an adult in the family came to look for him, and it was a middle-aged man wearing a short jacket.

The child hid behind the man and pointed at Wujue who was chasing him: "Second uncle, that man is a chicken thief!"

Many children with uneducated brains cannot distinguish between imagination and facts. After hearing too much about imagination, they will default to it as fact and then speak it out with certainty.

"That's not the case, I just came to the precious land today..." Wujue came to the man panting and explained: "These children misunderstood and took away my baggage in a fool's errand... Please return it to me. "

In order to alleviate the impact of his face, he even smiled good-naturedly and bowed to the man.

The man looked at him suspiciously, then reached out to the child and asked for the bundle.

Just when Wu Jue was about to extend his hand to say thank you, he saw the man open the bag and take a look. When he saw a lot of broken silver and copper plates inside, the man's eyes lit up.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, messages, and tips. I also updated early today, and I will try to do it earlier tomorrow. Good night, and see you tomorrow!

(End of chapter)

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