Hello Chang’an

Chapter 387: Like the sun and the moon, they last forever without harm

Chapter 387: Like the sun and the moon, it lasts forever without any harm

It is not surprising that Yuanxiang failed to recognize Meng Lie accurately. First of all, when Meng Lie was in the capital in the past, he was the owner of Dengtai Tower. He always dressed more luxuriously and elegantly, and treated people in a smooth and exquisite manner. Very different from the indifferent temperament at this time.

At this moment, Meng Lie was wearing civilian clothes, suddenly aged more than ten years, and most of his hair was gray.

Furthermore, Yuan Xiang had only met him a few times before, and could not be said to be a familiar acquaintance - and many times, people's impressions will have a certain fixed combination, such as the grandmother selling vegetables on the street, and the grandmother selling vegetables at the street vegetable stall. You can always recognize her at a glance, but if you move to another place, that face suddenly becomes unrecognizable.

At this time, after listening to Yuan Xiang's question, Meng Lie was silent for a moment and shook his head.

In order to reduce trouble, he had no intention of exposing his identity, so he kept a low profile. However, he never deliberately concealed too much from the trusted people around Chang Suining, but...since the other party couldn't recognize them, there was no need for him to deliberately pick them. That's it.

Seeing him shaking his head, Yuan Xiang confirmed and asked: "I'm sorry to ask, but I heard that you are also a businessman?"

"Old friend in Beijing", "doing some small business", "surname Meng", these are all information Yuanxiang got from Tang Xing.

It's just that Tang Xing was pretending to be confused, but what Tang Xing didn't expect was that Yuan Xiang was really confused.

Meng Lie nodded.

Yuan Xiang then lowered his voice and showed his enthusiastic nature: "To be honest, when I saw you for the first time, I felt that you are quite similar to the Meng Dong family of Deng Tai Tower... It is said that the Meng Dong family has no relatives and is older. He is about ten years younger than you. I wonder if you have any separated nephews or relatives in your family?"

Meng Lie: "...Nothing."

Then, without waiting for Yuan Xiang to say more, he handed over and left.

Yuanxiang is still a little confused, are they really not separated family members?

Thinking back to the beginning, this was how he tried to help Miss Chang and "Mr. Chang" find their relatives.

At that time, it was all blamed on him for thinking too complicatedly, and he didn't even realize that "Chang Xiaolangjun" was Mrs. Chang in disguise.


Yuan Xiang suddenly stopped and looked back in the direction Meng Lie left... No, he seemed to understand something!

"Miss Xi'er...could this be the Meng Dong family herself?" Yuan Xiang asked Xi'er for confirmation and promised: "I will never say anything more!"

Xi'er nodded with a slightly complicated expression.

Yuan Xiang slapped his forehead and suddenly realized: "It's true!"

He really knows how to learn from experience!

It's not in vain that he has read so many military books, he is worthy of it.

A sense of self-confidence and astonishment suddenly arose in Yuan Xiang's heart. From the perspective of a bystander, it is not difficult to understand why he is so favored by Mrs. Chang and General Chang.

"But... Why did Meng Dong's family from the capital come here?" Yuan Xiang asked Xi'er in a low voice.

Xi'er stared straight ahead and said, "I don't know about this. The girl didn't tell me, so of course we don't need to inquire more."

Although she was extremely curious in her heart, she had to pretend to be pure and undivided loyalty! —You must not be outdone by A Che!

And it turns out that this awareness is contagious.

Yuanxiang said "Oh" and nodded in approval. That's it. Then he wouldn't ask any more questions. After all, he was not someone like Wei Changji who gossiped and had no sense of boundaries.

Thinking of Changji, Yuanxiang's sense of superiority became even more intense.

In terms of the current status of the chief governor of his family in front of Mrs. Chang, it is already far superior to that of Wei Langjun of Wei Changji's family!

At this moment, Madam Chang was reading a letter from his chief governor.

Originally, when Cui Jing sent letters, he always asked people to deliver them directly to the governor's office in Jiangdu.

Not long ago, Yuan Xiang suggested to his Grand Governor that he might as well have future letters delivered to him directly and hand them over to Mrs. Chang in person, so that Mrs. Chang could read them immediately without having to deal with the letters received by the governor's office. The letters were mixed together and were sorted several times before they were delivered to Madam Chang.

Sending a letter is a trivial matter, but Dai Changshi said that it is important to establish the status order in subtle ways in details.

Isn't it too much to think that Yuan Xiang works diligently and tirelessly every day, taking advantage of this opportunity to transform into a homing pigeon and find a shortcut for delivering messages for his own governor?

Most of the governors of his family have this shortcut, but the husband of Wei Changji's family does not!

As everyone knows, the "husband of Wei Changji's family" mentioned by Yuan Xiang has not and dared not have any correspondence with Chang Sui Ning for half a year.

Therefore, after Chang Suining read Cui Jing's letter, he was quite surprised when he opened Wei Shuyi's letter.

Cui Jing's letter is very long, three pages long.

From what he learned about the affairs of the court, the trends of various forces, to the current situation in his army, everything was told to her in writing, no matter how big or small.

He also mentioned that Dongluo's internal affairs were still unstable and the possible unrest in the Andong defense line, but reminded her that she should not just focus on the Andong area, but also beware of Dongluo colluding with the Japanese army to attack the inland areas of Jiangnan. possible.

When it comes to Dongluo's internal affairs, Chang Sui Ning can't help but think of "Xi Zhiyuan" again.

More than ten years ago, after the Japanese army was defeated and sued for peace, Dongluo, with the help of Dasheng, successfully annexed the neighboring country Baeryong, and the Xuance army was involved in the several battles that contributed to this result. .

It was also after that that Dasheng established the Andong Protectorate to take charge of military and political affairs and garrisoned the land bordering Dongluo. Since then, the exchanges between Dongluo and Dasheng have become increasingly close.

When the Andong Protectorate was established, for the sake of safety, Chang Sui Ningzeng also secretly left a hidden stake in the Andong land. Border guarding was a major matter, and she needed to monitor the movements of various forces on the Andong border in a timely manner. trend.

In the past, all her hidden secrets involving intelligence were under the jurisdiction of the Central Intelligence Building in Beijing. This was one of the reasons why Chang Suining took the initiative to write to Meng Lie this time.

She wanted to know whether the hidden stakes that were left in Anton were still available now.

Meng Lie's answer was "Everything is as before, not abandoned", so Chang Suining ordered Meng Lie to be summoned to Anton Luo Dazhuang and asked them to collect as much news about Dong Luo as possible. She needed to know as much as possible about Dong Luo. Only by considering the internal affairs situation can we consider the possibility of "prescribing the right medicine".

Now he is waiting for the news from the hidden pile to come back.

Chang Sui Ning thought about it and turned to the third page of letter from Cui Jing.

On this page, he didn't talk about the business of the situation again - but even if he mostly talked about the business of the situation in the first two pages, Chang Sui Ning could also feel that he was thinking about her, in order to let her have clear ears and eyes, and be able to timely Know what's going on everywhere.

On the last page, he was mostly "asking", asking her how she was doing and "if there was anything he could do to help." If so, he asked her to just talk.

Chang Suining read until the last few lines.

He wrote at the end: [The Qiqiao Festival is coming, and it is said that you can worship Kuixing. In this way, I hope that you will be wise, and you will be able to worry about everything without missing a beat; more importantly, I hope that you will be well, like the sun and the moon, which last forever without any harm. 】

Chang Suining looked at these two words of blessing and felt that in layman's terms, they were wishing her... a long brain, a long body, smartness and good health?

Someone would actually wish her wisdom and health during the Qiqiao Festival? But when she thought about the time when she was drinking mutton soup, some of her subordinates expressed her hope that the begging day was approaching and said to her, "May the commander find a suitable husband as soon as possible." "Festival message... Chang Sui Ning feels that Cui Jing, who is [smart and healthy], is more to her liking.

A lot of wisdom and a hundred considerations without any loss, just like the sun and the moon that last forever without any harm -

Chang Suining read it twice more, with a smile in his eyes.

Speaking of which, she had previously suspected that Cui Jing's kindness to her was to disrupt her ambitions. Now, step by step, it seems that he not only has no intention of disrupting her ambitions, but is actually someone who wants to help her fulfill her ambitions.

Knowing that she wants to win, I want to help her win more beautifully, make her win easier, and follow her desires as my own -

Cui Jing, who is so beautiful and has such outstanding abilities, has such a heart... No one should dislike such a person, right?

Chang Suining looked at the three serious letters in his hand, blinked his smiling eyes, and put them back into the envelope properly.

She picked up her pen and wrote a reply.

There is no need to go into details for a serious reply. Finally, she felt that she should also write a few holiday messages, but she couldn't make it in time for the Qiao Qiao Festival. It would take time to send the letter to the North...

Then let's go to the Mid-Autumn Festival. Next month will be the Mid-Autumn Festival.

However, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, people and the moon are all about the reunion, and Cui Jing was expelled from the Cui family and had no one to reunite with. Considering this, Chang Suining wrote: "I wish Ling'an a healthy Mid-Autumn Festival. If there is no one to eat mooncakes with, Let's drink sweet-scented osmanthus wine together. You can lend it to my brother. 】

Hmm... Brother is still very useful at critical moments.

Chang Suining was satisfied and pleased, and at the end, he drew a rabbit eating moon cakes in the lower left corner to make up for the lack of word count as Cui Jingzhi.

While waiting for the letter paper to dry, Chang Suining was not idle and opened a few letters that had just been sent from the governor's office.

To her surprise, she actually saw Wei Shuyi's letter.

She hadn't seen anything about Wei Shuyi for several days, and there was nothing about Duan Zhenyi. She could almost conclude that she had been recognized.

This mother and son are both afraid of ghosts.

Now that Wei Shuyi has written a letter, has he finally overcome this innate fear?

Chang Suining opened the letter curiously, and found that the content of the letter was "very unlike Wei Shuyi". There were no more common loose jokes and digging holes in the words between the lines. Even the handwriting was visibly less elegant and more elegant. A "behaved"...

Unlike "Wei Shuyi", he is very much like "Wei Shilang" - he has a serious official air that comes from forced composure.

Trying to use this calm coat called official aura to cover up the tension behind it.

He was serious in that everything he said in the letter was official.

He intended to remind her that Dongluo might invade the hinterland of Jiangnan. She was in a difficult and critical situation at the moment and must be cautious.

He also told her that the saint had already agreed to send an additional 30,000 troops to Jiangdu.

Although 30,000 soldiers and horses cannot be used in water battles in a short period of time, the defense on land must not be relaxed. For Chang Sui Ning at the moment, it is naturally a benefit that he does not want in vain.

After talking about soldiers and horses, Wei Shuyi mentioned food, wages and military supplies again. The letter told her not to worry about this. He had urged the Ministry of Household Affairs to step up the matter. Things to keep out the cold in autumn and winter were also being prepared. He would follow up on this matter in the future. , she just needs to be at ease to defend herself against the enemy.

Therefore, the 30,000 soldiers and horses, food, wages, and military supplies were all obtained by him from the now tight court on her behalf.

Normally, when Wei Shuyi had done this, he would have wanted to take credit from her and ask her to remember him as a favor, but this time he didn't mention it at all.

He also did not talk about the situation of his mother at home. He only added a slightly selfish question at the end of the letter, but it only had four words: "How are you lately?" 】

Chang Sui Ning thought for a while - since there was a question at the end, was he trying to get her to reply?

Then she will come back?

Don't blame her for sending letters to scare him later.

In the past six months, she had never written a letter to him on her own initiative. She was not someone who liked to scare people on purpose.

So Chang Sui Ning wrote back to express his thanks and extended Mid-Autumn Festival greetings. After thinking about it, he also brought the Double Ninth Festival along with him.

After "Wish you good health on the Double Ninth Festival", she added another sentence "Please ask my aunt Qiuzhi".

After writing, Chang Suining nodded with satisfaction at the letter paper.

Although she doesn't like scaring people, it's fun to tease Duan Zhenyi occasionally.

On the Chinese Valentine's Day, Wueryuan officially hung a plaque in Jiangdu City.

Chang Suining finally came back.

Amid the boiling noise, Chang Sui Ning looked up at the high-hanging plaque. There was a look of hope in Chang Sui Ning's eyes. She would devote everything she could to this academy and let it grow under the sun. , give it sweet rain and dew, and hope it will grow into a big tree soon to safeguard the foundation of prosperity.

With the plaque hanging on the Wuer Hospital, although the construction inside is still being stepped up, the matter of admission assessment has also begun to be officially put on the agenda.

The first batch is for scribes, who will be divided into two major halls: [Literature Hall] and [Mathematics Hall]. Each hall is divided into "four classes". According to the qualifications and level of study of the entrants, Achieve separate teaching.

These two schools were also the first to be built and are now nearly completed. The remaining three university libraries, which have not yet opened admissions to the public, are still under construction.

However, there have been definite rumors in Jiangdu city about the disciplines of the remaining three universities. What is surprising is that these three universities are not ordinary subjects, nor are they "to imitate the Imperial College, and students will be ranked according to their background" as initially rumored. "Taught in a library", they are not even directly related to "literary education", and I have never heard of anyone setting up a library specifically for this purpose -

I heard that the three university museums are actually [Craftsman Academy], [Agricultural Academy], [Medical Academy]...

Is Chang the Governor trying to cultivate craftsmen, farmers, and doctors?

While students from all walks of life are preparing intensively for admission to the Literature and Mathematics Schools of Wuer Academy, news about the remaining three schools is also spreading rapidly, creating a stir among many people whose families have been practicing medicine, farming, or have special skills for generations. It caused quite a stir - they couldn't recognize many words, or even didn't know a single word, but they actually had the opportunity to enter the Wueryuan? !

From now on, we can no longer say things like "I don't know how to do anything, so I might as well go home and raise pigs." It is said that in the Agricultural Science Museum of Wueryuan, even the pig raisers have to... raise them well, and... I can be a teacher!

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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