Hello Chang’an

Chapter 549: Please go away

Chapter 549: Are you ready?

Although King Fan Yang rarely comes to the army, his identity is here, and his large tent is still left in the army, with daily necessities, maps, sand tables, etc. all available.

At this time, Shi Ang entered the tent and saw King Fan Yang quickly getting up from behind the low table with the sand table: "Shi Ang is finally here!"

Duan Shiang's injury was not healed, and his right arm was wrapped with a wound cloth and was fixed. He could not raise his hand to salute, so he only bowed his head slightly to signal to King Fan Yang. When he raised his eyes, he asked: "Why did the prince come to the army in person?"

King Fan Yang walked towards Duan Shiang and said: "Yesterday, I heard that the Huainan Road army from the west was approaching Luoyang, but Shi'ang has not yet seen you return to the city... I didn't sleep last night, thinking over and over again, and really couldn't rest assured. "

Duan Shiang noticed that King Fan Yang's eyes were slightly blue and black, and his face was indeed swollen and had not rested well.

"Come, Shiang, sit down with me and talk..."

King Fan Yang urged Duan Shiang to sit down at the low table. The eagerness and uneasiness in the former's movements could be seen in his heart. He poured a cup of tea for Duan Shiang with his own hands and said: "Shiang, I was in a hurry earlier. I shouldn't be with you." You are arguing. This king is not familiar with military affairs, so it is inevitable that there will be times of panic... Shi Ang should not take it to heart. "

Duan Shiang placed his left hand horizontally on the low table and held the tea cup, but did not rush to take the tea. He only said: "It would be great if the prince could understand the painstaking efforts of his subordinates for the prince's great cause -"

King Fan Yang nodded quickly: "I understand, how could I not understand!"

As he spoke, his expression was a little moved and a little ashamed: "Shiang has worked hard all the way and achieved great results. If it weren't for this king, how could he have injured his right arm?"

King Fan Yang's words are full of sincerity and sincerity, and it seems that he came just to eliminate the previous differences and barriers between the two.

Seeing that Duan Shiang's expression softened, King Fan Yang asked about the war: "...When I came, I saw that the army was ordering troops. Are we going to send out troops?"

Duan Shiang naturally couldn't hide anything from King Fan Yang in this matter. He nodded and said: "The place where the 50,000 Huainan Dao army camped in the west is only fifty miles away from Luoyang City. Although they have no signs of attacking yet, if I If the military leaves them alone, it will only fuel their arrogance..."

How can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch?

Moreover, when Duan Shiang marched and fought, he never liked to be a passive defensive party.

"I have investigated and found that the 50,000 Huainan Dao army to the west is not as good at fighting as the Jiangdu army in Chang Suining's hands. In comparison, they are the weakest among the three forces deployed by Chang Suining..." Duan Shiang narrowed his eyes slightly. , said: "And they are camped outside Luoyang, with no terrain or city walls for defense. I want to send troops to make a surprise attack tonight and attack them in one fell swoop."

Duan Shiang briefly explained the deployment and intention to King Fan Yang: "When the gap on this side is opened and our army takes over the northwest two sides, we can break Chang Suining's siege plan."

King Fan Yang nodded first, and then asked: "Tonight's raid, will Shi'ang also go with him?"

"Our army has suffered several setbacks in attacking the city, and its morale is no longer as good as before... In tonight's battle, we can only win, not lose." Duan Shiang had a killing intent in his eyes: "Therefore, I must personally lead the troops in this battle. "

King Fan Yang hesitated: "But Shi'ang, your injury..."

Duan Shiang had obviously not slept all night, and due to his injuries, his face showed weakness and exhaustion at this moment, and the murderous aura around him was mostly sustained by his will.

At this moment, he said without hesitation: "It doesn't matter, let's win this battle first."

King Fan Yang sighed, suddenly thought of something, slapped his forehead, and said: "By the way, I have found a doctor for you who is good at treating sword and bone injuries, and brought him to the army together -"

After saying that, he rushed to the guard beside him and said: "Let the doctor come over quickly!"

Duan Shiang lowered his head slightly and said, "Let the prince worry about it."

He still needs to be more patient with King Fan Yang at this time.

Even though King Fan Yang disapproved of staying in Luoyang to confront Chang Suining, he did not dare to really break up with him, because King Fan Yang knew very well that everything would ultimately depend on him, Duan Shiang.

But similarly, it is not appropriate for him to have a quarrel with King Fan Yang at this time... Of course, the tens of thousands of elite Fan Yang troops brought out from Fan Yang only obey his orders. But now, although these 170,000 troops are collectively called Fan Yang's army, more of them were forcibly conquered or captured along the way. Most of them only recognize the name Fan Yang Wang.

If he wanted to be able to control all the troops at his fingertips and fight Chang Sui Ning to death, then Li Fu would have to be his puppet.

Since it is still useful, it is certainly worth his effort to deal with it.

The doctor was quickly brought over to check Duan Shiang's injuries.

Duan Shiang's arm injury was penetrating, and recovery was not easy, not to mention that he had not been able to rest quietly. At this moment, he took off his robe and took off the wound cloth to see that the wound was still oozing with sticky substance. of pus and blood.

Fortunately, it was almost winter solstice now for such an injury. If it were a hot summer, not only his arm but also his life would be in danger.

Duan Shiang has been busy since he left the city yesterday. He hasn't had time to change the dressing yet. At this moment, the doctor is removing the pus, blood and ulceration on the surface of Duan Shiang's wound. He takes out a bottle of medicine and is about to apply it on Duan Shiang, but Duan Shiang is beside him. The deputy general stopped the movement with his sword scabbard: "Wait a minute, who allows you to use medicine for the general without permission-"

Looking at the unsheathed sword, the doctor's hand trembled and he looked a little uneasy.

"Mei Yi, don't be rude to the doctor." Duan Shiang, who turned pale with pain during the process of cleaning the wound, turned his head slightly and ordered: "Please come over with the doctor."

The deputy general responded, retracted his movements, and walked out of the tent.

King Fan Yang looked a little puzzled: "Shiang, this is..."

"Your Majesty, I don't know." Duan Shiang said calmly: "My subordinate's injuries have been treated by the doctor Lian. The doctor has told me that all medicines involved must be confirmed by him to avoid the possibility of conflicting properties."

This was naturally the most honorable statement, and he never expressed his caution in front of Li Fu.

Li Fu was secretly breaking into a cold sweat, but he agreed on his face: "It is a good thing to be cautious. A soldier's life is precious, and he must not go on a business trip!"

The doctor surnamed Lian was quickly brought over. He carefully examined the medicine that the doctor had brought, and his expression gradually became surprised. Finally, he returned the medicine with both hands and asked, "May I ask if your surname is Xia?"

The doctor responded quickly: "Exactly."

"I have long heard that there is a famous doctor outside Luoyang City who is good at treating wounds...but I have never been able to find him!" Doctor Lian bowed deeply: "I'm sorry."

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this medicine, and the doctor who dispensed it is a good doctor that is extremely difficult to find—

Duan Shiang understood and looked at King Fan Yang again: "Please worry about it."

King Fan Yang shook his head and sighed: "Only when Shi'ang gets well soon can I feel at ease..."

Doctor Lian helped the doctor surnamed Xia apply medicine to Duan Shiang, carefully wrapped the wound, and finally fixed Duan Shiang's arm.

After doing all this, Xia Langzhong wrote a prescription for Duan Shiang. After reading it, the doctor took the prescription and left, and went to prepare the medicine for Duan Shiang himself.

During this period, someone came to ask Duan Shiang for military instructions. Duan Shiang had just finished changing his medicine and was in so much pain that it was difficult to move, so the deputy general beside him went to handle it on his behalf. King Fan Yang asked Xia Langzhong about Duan Shiang's injury and urged him to heal Duan Shiang's arm.

Xia Langzhong repeatedly confessed: "The most important thing is to get more rest..."

Duan Shiang heard some hope of recovery from Xia Langzhong's words, and Xia Langzhong's attitude softened a lot, saying: "When this battle is over, I must follow the doctor's instructions and take a good rest."

No matter what, he must go to this battle tonight.

But after the wound was cleaned, the excruciating pain made him sweat. This feeling of having thousands of murderous intentions in his chest but not being able to control his body made Duan Shiang feel a little anxious, and he frowned and couldn't say anything.

King Fan Yang saw this with concern and intolerance on his face, so he asked the doctor, "Is there any way to relieve the pain?"

Mr. Xia considered it carefully and said, "If the general is really in severe pain, you might want to try acupuncture on the acupoints."

Duan Shiang, who was anxious in his heart and eager to get rid of the pain of this mistake, pulled off the robe he was wearing and said, "I'd like the doctor to give me the acupuncture, as long as it doesn't hinder my movement."

Mr. Xia agreed and took out the silver needle.

Although Duan Shiang was affected by the pain, he still looked at the row of silver needles cautiously. Most of the silver needles changed color when they saw the poison, but the silver needles were newly shiny and silvery white, and there was nothing unusual about them.

Duan Shiang then sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, allowing the other party to administer the acupuncture.

As the silver needles penetrated into the acupuncture points on his shoulders and arms one by one, Duan Shiang felt that the pain was numb, and his frown slowly relaxed.

At this time, Xia Langzhong, who was kneeling behind Duan Shiang, took out the last long needle, raised his hand, and was about to stab Duan Shiang's back of the head -

Just when the long needle in his hand was about to touch the back of Duan Shiang's head, Duan Shiang suddenly opened his eyes and struck it quickly with his left elbow. He immediately stood up and raised his leg to sweep towards the doctor.

The extraordinarily thick and long needle flew out of the doctor's hand, and the person was kicked out, knocking over the low table and knocking over the cups on it.

King Fan Yang, who was drinking tea at the side, was so frightened that the teacup in his hand fell. He stood up quickly and looked at the scene in front of him in shock: "Shiang, this is..."

Duan Shiang reached out and pulled out the silver needle on his arm, looked at the doctor, his eyebrows were gloomy and cold: "You want to kill me!"

When the doctor was administering the last injection, his breathing was tense and the clues were revealed!

"No...no villain!" The doctor denied and sat up. The next moment, he pounced on King Fan Yang. At the same time, a dagger appeared in his sleeve and was quickly placed across King Fan Yang's neck.

King Fan Yang was trembling all over: "You... you are such a cunning citizen, who dared to assassinate you under the instructions of who?"

The doctor's voice was also trembling, and he held King Fan Yang back and said, "Let me go quickly!"

Duan Shiang frowned when he saw this. Before he could distinguish too much, he heard King Fan Yang shouting in horror: "Shiang...save me! Save me!"

When King Fan Yang asked for help, his face turned pale and he could hardly stand.

Or he stood up suddenly while applying the acupuncture. Duan Shiang's mind was buzzing at this time. He tried to quickly think about the person behind the doctor. Is Li Fu going to kill him? Or is it that someone took advantage of Li Fu? Is it Chang Suining?

Duan Shiang shook his head. In this short interval, four guards rushed in from outside the tent. One of them raised his sleeve crossbow and shot two short arrows one after another. The doctor was wounded in the back and fell to the ground. The dagger in his hand left a **** mark on the side of King Fan Yang's face.

Duan Shiang subconsciously said: "Keep him alive for interrogation!"


"Shi'ang..." King Fan Yang had a pale face, staggered towards Duan Shi'ang without any manners, and cried incoherently: "I almost died here..."

The buzzing in Duan Shiang's head became heavier. He couldn't even hear King Fan Yang's words clearly, his vision was a little blurry, and the scope of his body's paralysis was getting wider and wider.

He suddenly realized that although those silver needles were non-toxic, the acupuncture points they penetrated might be strange!

During this gap, King Fan Yang had already rushed in front of him.

Duan Shiang subconsciously stretched out his hand to block between the two of them, but King Fan Yang was wide and fat, so he rushed towards him.

At the same moment, Duan Shiang's pupils shrank and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

The "frightened" King Fan Yang was still trembling all over, and a long and trembling sigh escaped from his mouth: "Shi'ang... I really don't want to die."

Duan Shiang reached his hand towards his abdomen and held King Fan Yang's hand holding the dagger, but the dagger blade had been completely submerged into his abdomen.

As King Fan Yang stirred it in his hands, Duan Shiang almost heard the sound of his internal organs being crushed.

Everything happened in just an instant. Duan Shiang staggered and fell down quickly. He tried to call someone over, but the voice coming out of his mouth was hoarse and weak.

The four guards in the tent were all brought by Li Fu, and the trembling doctor had been helped up.

At this time, Duan Shiang vaguely heard his confidant deputy general returning to the outside of the tent, and the soldiers outside the tent said: "Vice General Mei, General Duan has just left."

This was an extremely common conversation, and the lieutenant left without doubting it.

The huge pain and despair made Duan Shiang's cheeks and eyes twitch with veins. He tried to get up, but fell down again. He whispered an unbelievable spiteful voice: "Li Fu, you dare to set up a trap and kill me..."

King Fan Yang, whose hands were covered with blood, was completely exhausted. He panted heavily and sat down on the bamboo mat beside him. After a moment, he turned to look at Duan Shiang and sighed: "Shiang, you have lied to me for so long. , I can only lie to you once..."

"Death in the hands of this king, a useless person who is far inferior to Li Yin, will definitely not feel good to you." King Fan Yang sighed again: "But the matter has come to an end, there is no need to say more... Just go away."

With that said, King Fan Yang raised his hand to the guard.

Blood splattered, Duan Shiang's broken voice disappeared in the broken throat, only the red eyes were filled with hatred and unwillingness.

How could he be willing to do so, with unavenged revenge and unfulfilled ambitions... And he died in such an ironic, aggrieved and absurd way in the midst of his own powerful army, and in the tent of Li Fu, a puppet.

He was destined to be unable to rest in peace, and his eyes seemed to turn into fierce ghosts, but King Fan Yang could not care about these things after death for the time being.

After a while, the limp King Fan Yang stood up with the help of two guards and began to arrange the next thing.

Thanks to book friend Naye 08827 for the 10,000 reward! Thanks to Shanshan Laichiyyzss for the reward! Thank you everyone for your monthly votes!

Good night~

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