Hello Chang’an

Chapter 551: I am willing to surrender to the regular envoys

Chapter 551 I am willing to surrender to the regular envoy

King Fan Yang did not dare to delay for a moment and hurriedly escaped from Luoyang Palace and wanted to leave Luoyang City from the north.

At this time, the news of Duan Shiang's death had spread among Fan Yang's army, and King Fan Yang urged him to leave the camp and return north immediately. Anyone who disobeyed the order would be executed, and people's hearts were shaken for a while.

Everything happened too suddenly, and conflicts arose between many generals with different opinions, making it difficult to reach an agreement.

During the turmoil, Mei Yi, who had desperately escaped from the Luoyang Palace Garden, rushed back. He was covered in blood and filled with evil spirits. He told the army that King Fan Yang had killed Duan Shiang, and threatened to take Li Fu's head to avenge Duan Shiang.

Mei Yi is Duan Shiang's trusted lieutenant, and his status and prestige in Fan Yang's army is second only to Duan Shiang's. Taking this opportunity, he tried to control Fan Yang's army in place of Duan Shiang, but the situation did not go as smoothly as he expected -

Now among the 170,000 Fan Yang troops, only tens of thousands were brought from Fan Yang, and the rest were conquered. The matter of "avenging Duan Shiang" did not arouse their morale.

As for the tens of thousands of elite generals in Fan Yang's army, not everyone was willing to follow Mei Yi's arrangements. They were willing to live under Duan Shi'ang, but they did not consider themselves lower than Mei Yi, who was also a deputy general.

This army, which could not be called united, had only been able to maintain order under the suppression of Duan Shiang for a long time. Now that Duan Shiang died suddenly, the tight order suddenly collapsed and collapsed into all kinds of ambitions.

Ambition breeds differences, and in this chaotic disagreement, their only consensus is to use force to crush those different voices. Only the winner can become the new master of this army.

The verbal conflict soon escalated into civil strife, and the scale expanded rapidly.

Fan Yang's army, which was originally preparing to launch a surprise attack tonight, was now like a fierce horse that had lost its direction, dragging the army to wrestle in different directions, as if it was being divided into pieces.

In the chaos, King Fan Yang's people persuaded them hard and managed to fish out some of the troops. They fled in embarrassment and headed north of Luoyang City.

King Fan Yang had been waiting impatiently for a long time. When he saw the troops arriving, he hurriedly asked: "How many troops have been brought out?"

The military general looked uneasy: "Back to my lord, Mei Yi rushed back to the army, and a fight broke out. In a hurry, his subordinates only brought out 20,000 horses..."

King Fan Yang sighed: "Twenty thousand is twenty thousand...my king's prestige is probably only worth this amount of money!"

Although there is a gap between it and his psychological expectations, he is in a hurry to leave, and he doesn't care about so much!

"I ordered you to follow me, the sooner the better!" King Fan Yang said, and he hurriedly climbed onto the carriage with the shoulder and arm of a guard, saying: "Just let Mei Yi and the others block the way for me from the rear. Sui Ning’s army!”

Mei Yi personally killed several Lieutenant Generals of Fan Yang's army. Just when there were signs of stabilizing the situation, he suddenly heard an urgent report from soldiers -

"General Mei, there are Jiangdu troops from both Zhengzhou and Xuzhou directions rushing towards here!"

"Report! Enemy traces were found fifty miles east!"

When the urgent news came, Mei Yi's expression changed drastically. How could Chang Sui Ning suddenly launch his troops at this time? How could it come so quickly?

In a hurry, he suddenly thought of the fireworks that exploded above Luoyang City two hours ago...


The death of the general is indeed inseparable from Chang Sui Ning!

What happened today seems to be a killing plot set up by Li Fu, but Li Fu is just a **** in this plan...

Mei Yi looked at the army caught in the conflict and couldn't help but clenched his trembling teeth. This game tonight was not just for the generals, they were also in this killing game!

He immediately said to his confidants: "Quickly pass on the order. Anyone who is willing to follow me, Mei Yi, will immediately follow me back north!"

Tonight's chaos stems from Chang Suining's trap. In this case, he cannot stay here to confront Jiangdu's army under any circumstances, otherwise he will definitely lose!

The reason why he rushed back to the army was to take away Fan Yang's army. He wanted to go north. He would first kill Li Fu's losers on the way, and then occupy the cities that were captured along the way. By then, he would have a heavy army. , it can be done!

But at this moment, the army is deeply involved in internal fighting, and the line of sight is blocked at night, and the message cannot be conveyed in a timely and effective manner. It is not easy to escape immediately.

After Mei Yi finally fought his way out, he just got on his horse when he suddenly saw a firelight from the east winding like a giant dragon, swimming towards here at a fast speed.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked toward Xuzhou in the southeast, and saw several "Fire Dragons" swimming in the night. At a glance, the direction in which those "Fire Dragons" were traveling seemed to be encircling and outflanking them!

"Let's go!" Mei Yi's voice seemed to be burning, and she urged in a concentrated voice: "Hurry up!"

However, he discovered that he was not the only one who was surrounded and approached by Jiangdu's army. People and horses around him were rushing into each other in panic. Mei Yi suddenly tightened the reins and was almost knocked to the ground by the panicked people and horses.

The atmosphere around them has changed from the original conflict and anger to panic and running away, and even colliding and trampling on each other.

They have become a pile of scattered sand, and the Jiangdu Army, which is rushing towards them, is like a strong wind, whistling and sweeping towards this place.

After listening to the news brought back by the scouts ahead, Kang Zhi turned to shepherd's purse and said, "...Fan Yang's army has indeed become a mess!"

Shepherd's purse shouted "drive", drove the horse faster, and said: "Then let's drink it while it's hot!"

Kang Zhi's eyes were excited and cheerful, and she charged forward with her men.

In the night, Chang Sui Ning, who was wearing a black cloak, was temporarily among the middle army. She sat on horseback and looked towards the military camp of Fan Yang's army.

Soon, clusters of firelight filled Chang Suining's quiet eyes.

"call out-"


What arrived faster than Jiangdu's cavalry were the rockets fired from the crossbows in their hands.

Rockets came overwhelmingly, like flying fire falling from the sky.

Fan Yang's troops who fled to the periphery kept falling down after being hit by arrows. There was no defense at all. Jiangdu's cavalry swarmed around them almost instantly.

"The envoy has an order. No one in Fan Yang's army, except those who surrendered, will leave Luoyang alive tonight!"

Among the Jiangdu cavalry, the captains waving red flags under torches conveyed this order one after another.

These murderous but orderly orders also reached the ears of Fan Yang's army. They were fearful in the chaos, and soon wavered in the fear.

When the Jiangdu Army is fighting, almost everyone has an unwritten consensus and habit: when fighting, kill the leader of the thieves first.

All those who were captains and above had armor and uniforms that were different from those of ordinary soldiers. At this time, everything was lit by rockets, and it was not difficult to identify the leaders of the thieves who drove the soldiers to resist.

Kang Zhi discovered that every time he killed a school captain, he could make at least dozens or even hundreds of Fan Yang's troops surrender, so he specially selected those with status to kill, and did not indiscriminately kill ordinary people who were forced to resist. Soldier.

Kang Zhi's eyes were dyed a little red by the blood as he charged forward on horseback.

She cooperated with Yuan Xiang in fighting, and soon they were able to penetrate into the hinterland of Fan Yang's military camp from the east. She slashed off Fan Yang's army's military flags erected in the night with a knife, and controlled one central military camp after another.

At this time, a group of people ran out of a large tent that was lit by rockets and rushed towards it.

Kang Zhi subconsciously nocked an arrow and drew her bow. Just when she was about to shoot the leader with an arrow, her fingers paused.

She looked closely through the firelight and saw that most of the people were women. Most of their clothes were torn, their buns were loose and messy, and their feet were even tied with iron chains. Some were running and crying, supporting each other like heads. Frightened little beast.

They soon discovered the cavalry in front, and were frightened to death. The leading woman bent down and picked up a long knife from a corpse. She held her hands tightly in front of her body and pointed tremblingly at the formidable cavalry and Kang Zhi, who was still holding her bow.

Kang Zhi put down his bow and arrows, raised his voice and ordered: "Throw away the knife, surrender and die!"

When the woman holding the sword heard Kang Zhi's voice, she realized that the armored general sitting on the horse was actually a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Looking behind Kang Zhi, he saw that under the heads of those soldiers, there were also many faces of women.

The woman's eyes trembled, and suddenly she burst into tears. The knife fell from her hand and she knelt down.

More and more people knelt down behind her. Kang Zhi looked over and saw that there were gradually more than a hundred people.

When Kang Zhi drove his horse closer to them, the leading woman raised her face tremblingly, revealing a face covered with scars.

Those scars were long and crisscrossed, but they had just scabbed over, and they looked particularly shocking. Kang Zhi held the long bow tightly, frowned and asked, "Who hurt you like this?"

The woman put her hands on the ground, maintained her kneeling position, and said hoarsely: "It's me... I'm a slave to myself."

Looking at those exceptionally beautiful eyes, Kang Zhi's heart tightened, her voice became colder, and she changed her question: "Who imprisoned you here?"

"It's people..." A child on the side, no more than ten years old, trembled: "Fighting."

Kang Zhi looked around and found that the person with disheveled hair was a boy. His thin and thin upper body was naked and scarred.

Kang Zhi felt a stream of blood rushing straight to her forehead, choking her eyes and nose, and anger bursting out, but she felt an inexplicable introspection in her heart.

What imprisons these people here to hurt and humiliate wantonly is not a specific person, but "people" and "war"... It is the evil thoughts of human nature that have lost the restraint of rules, and unjust wars born for killing and plundering.

Kang Zhi thought of her bellicosity.

She is not a peaceful and pure soul at heart, and the reason why she yearns for war is because she is keen to make achievements, stand out, and strengthen herself.

Shepherd's Purse reminds her not to blindly fall in love with fighting, otherwise one day she will become a war knife that loses her humanity.

In order to make her alert enough, shepherd's purse also told her that no matter how sharp a knife like that was, it was destined not to be reused by adults.

She didn't understand at the time, so she asked shepherd's purse, it was also a war, what was the difference?

At that time, in her opinion, many so-called benevolence and righteousness were just false names. She looked down on them and never disdained them.

Shepherd's purse said seriously to her: "Of course it's different. Some wars are for the purpose of plundering people from one **** to another hell." 】

As she spoke, she picked out a red bean from the mix and put it properly back into the red bean bucket, saying: [And some wars are to bring those people home and let them live in peace. 】

Kang Zhi looked at Douzi in front of her. Although she understood, she didn't feel deeply.

But at this moment, when she looked at the women and children in front of her, she suddenly understood the boundary between cruelty and kindness in a war.

She was once in a difficult situation, and the words benevolence and righteousness were enough to kill her... Maybe it was because of this that the adults never denied her ruthless decision.

Now Kang Zhi suddenly realized that she was no longer the weak person who was always in trouble. Now she seemed to be qualified to be a "hypocritical" benevolent person.

Therefore, it is the adults who first make her strong and then teach her benevolence and righteousness.

At the moment of realization, Kang Zhi's chest and eyes welled up with an indescribable spicy heat. She ripped off her cloak and threw it to the shirtless boy. There was still irrepressible anger in her voice: "Who has ever bullied me?" You guys, just name it!”

She had to cut something to dispel her evil spirit before she could continue her benevolence!

"Mei..." The boy hugged the cloak tightly, tears welling up in his eyes. He suddenly gained courage and said loudly: "Mei Yi!"

Kang Zhi squeezed out a curse word from between her teeth and said, "Wait, wait until I chop off this beast's head!"

Regret gradually rose in Mei Yi's heart.

He tried several times to break through and escape, but failed, and most of the confidants beside him had been destroyed. Most of the soldiers he wanted to take away had fled or surrendered to Jiangdu's army.

Surrounded by blood and flames of war, he suddenly realized that his return to the army was like becoming a money-keeper who risked returning to the house to take away the treasure even when the house was on fire. He was destined to be burned in the fire in the end. .

He couldn't bear to leave the army left by Duan Shiang and tried to take them away.

If he had known this earlier, he should not have returned to the army, but should have left Luoyang directly!

But there is no such thing as "knowing this". Now that things have come to this, he can only fight his way out.

Mei Yi and his men tried their best to open a gap and fled away on horseback.

At this time, he could no longer discern the specific direction, so he could only run forward, and the faster he could escape, the better.

But he soon heard the sound of an arrow falling from his henchman behind him.

Mei Yi did not look back and continued to gallop forward into the night.

"call out-"

A sharp arrow flew from behind. Mei Yi leaned down sharply on his horse to avoid the arrow.

The next moment, another arrow flew towards him, but it pierced the horse's buttocks underneath him. The horse neighed in pain and violently threw him out.

Mei Yi rolled to the ground, her back hit the tree trunk hard, and a burst of withered yellow leaves fell.

Here was a trail, and he was quickly surrounded by iron cavalry. Several approaching torches stung him so hard that he could hardly open his eyes, as if to confirm his identity.

A Fan Yang soldier followed, and his identity was quickly confirmed.

Mei Yi leaned against the tree trunk, reluctantly stood up, and looked at the leader.

The man was sitting on a high horse. Different from how embarrassed he was at this moment, the man didn't seem to have done anything personally. His black cloak was hanging down, and only a thin silver armor was visible underneath. The bright moon shone down on her body. There is a layer of clear silver frost, and the moonlight seems to blend into the human body.

"It was you who set up a trap to kill the general with the help of Li Fu..." Mei Yi asked firmly.

Chang Suining: "Why, do you want to avenge him?"

Mei Yi straightened the corners of his mouth, and the next moment, he knelt down with his fists clasped.

"A successful king or a defeated bandit, there is no grudge to speak of on the battlefield. I, Mei Yi, have always respected only the strong..." He leaned over and kowtowed: "I am willing to surrender to Changjie Envoy!"

Good night!

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