Hello Chang’an

Chapter 621: put to death

Even from a distance, Kang Zhi could tell at a glance that the opponent was holding a very powerful bow. With a snap of her fingers, the sharp arrows separated from the bow and whizzed towards her in the wind and snow.

Everything happened in an instant, Kang Zhi still maintained the action of drawing the bow, and the arrow was approaching rapidly in her pupils.

In comparison, the snowflakes fell more slowly.

The world suddenly fell silent, and this silence seemed to be a sign of approaching death.

When a person is threatened by a huge sudden death crisis, the body will become rigid and motionless. Kang Zhi originally thought that this was a sign of timidity and lack of assertiveness. Before that, she had always believed that she would not be so timid and useless.

However, her family envoy said during a drill that this was not due to cowardice, but because in ancient times, when our ancestors faced wild beasts and unknown threats, they usually chose to hide all movement and pretend to be dead to avoid the crisis. The body’s instinctive habits come down—

In this case, what you need to do is to remind yourself that you must overcome your instinct and force yourself to react. This reaction can save your life.

At the critical moment, Kang Zhi broke through her instinct, suddenly pulled up her stiff and uncontrollable legs, retreated, and turned away.

The arrow almost missed the tip of her nose!

She narrowly escaped death, but when her position was exposed, she was surrounded by more murderous intent. Just as she was about to make a move, a sharp arrow followed closely and pierced into her left leg with a "clunking" sound. In an instant, she turned around with all her strength, knelt forward and rushed forward.

A crossbowman who was left waiting for her to leave with him saw this and rushed forward, but was stopped by Kang Zhi: "...Get down! Hurry!"

"call out-!"

One after another, the sharp arrows grazed the top of the body. The crossbowman fell to the ground, crawled forward quickly, stretched out his hand to drag Kang Zhi, and took her to a place behind rocks, which was beyond the reach of bows and arrows. There is a blind spot, but it is only temporary. As long as those people change their positions and approach here, the two people who have exhausted their bows and arrows will soon be dead!


A female soldier's voice came from below, urging: "Hurry!"

The crossbowman had already handed the rope to Kang Zhi's hand: "General, I'll let you go!"

At this juncture, Kang Zhi did not hesitate to give in. She dragged her injured leg and grasped the rough rope with both hands. When she was about to land, another sharp arrow followed her. Su Zhuo, the female soldier who responded, waved her sword to block the arrow. Ya, the next moment, took Kang Zhi's hand and lifted her onto the horse's back.

The crossbowman fixed himself on the rock with his hook and claws. He also grabbed the rope and slid down. He quickly climbed onto a horse amidst the chaos of arrows, lowered his body, and jolted forward.

Kang Zhi was protected by Su Zhuo in front of her, and just now she hurriedly saw the crossbowman climbing on the horse. The sense of joy that they had escaped death together made her subconsciously turn her head to look. She had originally planned to look at the crossbowman. Squeezing out a lucky smile of victory, he looked at the crossbowman and saw that the crossbowman was suddenly hit by an arrow in the back. He was suddenly thrown away by the horse that was also hit by the arrow, and hit the ground heavily.

Kang Zhi's eyes widened suddenly. She wanted to shout, but found that she didn't know his name yet!

"save him!"

Kang Zhi screamed, she wanted to go back to save people, but the horses did not stop, and no one dared to stop. The horses galloped, and the scene was quickly regressing. Kang Zhi watched helplessly as the crossbowman's body was followed closely. Several Beidi horses passed by, and large snowflakes got into her wide eyes, and then she couldn't see anything.

Run away, the horses gallop, not daring to run for a moment to catch their breath.

The horses bumped so hard that their internal organs seemed to shift out of place, and they ran over uneven terrain. Occasionally, injured horses slipped under their hooves, and both the man and the horse were thrown away. The wind and snow instantly drowned out the neighing and cries for help.

Ashina Tilie led his troops in hot pursuit from behind.

The boundless heavy snow blurred the sky, earth and time, and they ran like this for an unknown amount of time, until Beidi's men and horses stopped one after another in front of a dense forest.

Sheng Jun broke into the cedar forest and soon disappeared.

But no one was in a hurry to pursue them. A Beidi general reined in his horse and said: "They actually broke into the forbidden area!"

The terrain behind this cedar forest is extremely complicated. On two sides are snow-capped mountains that never melt all year round, cutting off the path. On the other side, there is a glacier at the end, and wild animals are often infested. It is regarded by the locals as a forbidden place of death with no return, and has been passed down from generation to generation. It has gradually become a mysterious and terrifying taboo, and even experienced hunters will choose to avoid it in awe.

Regardless of the many rumors about ghosts and gods, it is a fact that the terrain inside is complex and harsh. There are many broken rocks and ravines. At this time, the road is covered with heavy snow. Those broken rocks and ravines are natural traps. Once a horse's hoof accidentally falls into it, it will be hard to escape and break its bones. .

These inexperienced Sheng people who were just running for their lives had no idea what they had broken into!

"It was the gods who drove them here!" Some people from Beidi shouted with great relief: "This is the punishment of the gods!"

Ashna Tilie looked at the bloodstains spreading into the forest. He had no longer believed in gods for many years, but he believed in the power of the natural forbidden land in front of him.

The snow-capped mountains and glaciers cannot be crossed by humans. This pine forest is the entrance and the only way out from all sides.

He slowly sheathed the long knife, held the cold reins with his fur-gloved hands, and turned the horse's head.

After passing through the forest and going deeper, Li Suining, who was at the front, reined in his horse and ordered the soldiers behind to slow down.

Then, dozens of uninjured soldiers were ordered to dismount, holding long spears in hand, and used their long spears to test the road conditions under the snow.

Before escaping, they tried to move quickly at first, but when the spears suddenly sank into the ravine several times, and the dangers of the depths explored by the guns were frightening, everyone was forced to calm down and slowly explore the path in the snow. .

Fortunately, the pursuers did not go deeper. This was a blessing. However, they could not care about the reason for this luck and did not dare to think deeply about it for the time being. They could only move forward according to the order.

Under the exploration of the path by the soldiers in front, the soldiers and horses in the rear avoided dangers one after another, looking after each other and looking for places to take shelter.

An injured general was sitting on a slow-moving horse, looking at the soldiers moving in an orderly manner under the command, breathing unevenly and saying: "Your Highness seems to have been here before..."

Li Suining: "I came here in a dream, I have some impressions."

The general smiled reluctantly, as if he didn't expect that she was still thinking of making nonsense, but he did feel more relaxed and at ease because of it. He even followed her words and asked: "In your Highness's dream, did we succeed in triumph?"

Li Suining tilted his head, with blood stains on his pale lips, and said to him: "We have returned with a great victory, and the country and the people will be in peace from now on."

The general also turned to look at her, showing a weak smile: "Your Highness, this dream is very auspicious."

"I am a person whose dreams always come true. General Wei will come with me to see if this dream will also come true."

The general nodded and said "good".

The wind and snow were bad, but there were some slight benefits. The snow was as bright as a lamp, and the deadly darkness was not invaded.

When the sky began to turn gray, a soldier pushed aside the cover of snow-covered vegetation and excitedly discovered a cave.


Kang Zhi immediately spoke out to stop him, but the soldier who was running for his life was so happy that he briefly lost his cool and broke into the cave first, forgetting the instructions to use gunpowder to test the situation in the cave first.

For a moment, the sound that everyone least expected to hear appeared, that was the roar of a wild beast.

"Quick! Be alert!"

A general near here shouted, and the next moment, the soldier staggered out. Under the snowy light, he clutched his **** neck. There were several claw marks and **** marks, which spread from the neck to the cheek, and were so deep that they were bone-deep. . The soldier opened his mouth, and what came out of his mouth was not words, but thick blood, and he fell to the ground in a moment.

While everyone was shocked, the snow fell from the entrance of the cave, and a huge black bear roared out, and its thick paws fell to the ground, making a frightening muffled sound.

Some soldiers held back their fear and fired arrows. The arrows pierced the black bear's thick-skinned body, causing it to go completely crazy. It ran on all fours and roared at the soldiers who fired the arrows.

There was chaos all around, and the horses were frightened and dispersed. Even Hui Xin, who had never seen anything like this before, was greatly frightened. He neighed and shook his head and retreated.

"Liuhuo!" As Li Suining shouted, Luohuo shook off the snow on his body and ran forward.

Li Suining neatly changed his horse, jumped on the back of Luo Huo, and drove the horse with a bow. In the chaos, he walked around in the snow several times until the black bear was led away by General Wei who fired an arrow again.

Li Suining saw the right opportunity, drew his bow, and fired several arrows, hitting the back of the black bear's neck one after another.

The black bear ran for several steps and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

The crisis and riots subsided, and the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

General Wei, who cooperated with Li Suining to complete this hunt at the cost of his own safety in a silent tacit understanding, the nervousness on his face was relieved. The next moment, the long bow fell from his hand, and he fell off the horse.

"General Wei!"

A fire was quickly lit in the cave, water was boiled, arrows were pulled out, and medicine was applied. The smell of blood quickly covered up the original smell in the cave.

General Wei stopped his subordinates from applying medicine to him. He knew his own situation well, and he managed to get here all the way. At this time, he was reluctantly relieved.

"There is no need to apply medicine, and there is no need to bring anything back..." General Wei leaned against the stone wall and told his subordinates: "Just bury me here...leave a line of words on the stone..."

His voice was already very weak. When he said this, he smiled, and then said clearly and clearly: "I will stay here - Wei Shou Yuanyong of Dasheng Xuance Mansion, Beidi traitor."

A soldier held his hand tightly and choked in response.

Wei Shouyuan raised his eyes weakly and looked at the woman in black robe who came over and knelt down in front of him.

Wei Shouyuan is usually a man of few words. This time he came to Beidi with him, and it was he who recommended himself to Cui Jing.

He had lost his family a long time ago. He had married a wife and had a daughter in his early years. However, during a flood, his ten-year-old daughter was washed away by the flood. When he returned home, his wife, who could not face the fact that she had lost her daughter, went crazy and hanged herself. Death.

He never married again and remained alone and taciturn. Only once, looking at Li Suining washing his horse by the river, he said that if his daughter were still alive, she would be exactly this age.

At this moment, he looked at the young woman in front of him, smiled in a daze, and said: "Today's breakout battle was very enjoyable... It is very cost-effective to come to Beidi to promote our country's prestige. Even though Wei will not die, regret."

He didn't ask for any promise from Li Suining, nor did Li Suining. Looking at each other, he could understand the determination in her eyes.

For a moment, Wei Shouyuan closed his eyes. His subordinates fell on him and suddenly cried.

"Why are you crying? You're not dead yet..." Wei Shouyuan's voice sounded suddenly and weakly, with a bit of a joke: "No one is allowed to close their eyes and take a rest."

"General!" The general raised his head, and the overwhelming feeling of regaining something made him burst into tears.

After waiting for a while, Wei Shouyuan, who seemed to not want his death to be too heavy and serious, closed his eyes again with a smile.

This time, it failed to open again.

Wei Shouyuan left amidst low sobs.

Before finally closing his eyes, he said: "In the next life, I will be a Xuance Army again..."

If Xuance's army is there, great prosperity will be there.

This wish for reincarnation is also a wish for the homeland.

Kang Zhi, who had just taken out the arrow that had broken off her leg, was trembling all over. She pressed her head against the cold stone wall. Tears fell uncontrollably and she bit her lower lip with so much hatred that it bled.

A Dian sat there wiping his tears, sobbing with his lips pursed, not daring to cry out.

Li Suining turned around and stepped out of the cave to check on the remaining soldiers.

Li Suining knew very well that this place was a forbidden area, and stepping here would be like seeking death. However, if he did not enter this place, it would not be enough to deter the Beidi Army. The soldiers needed a shelter to recuperate.

You have to survive this step first before you can think about how to live the next step.

After all the troops found shelter and settled down, they counted the number of people and found that there were still 1,600 people left. The loss in this battle was close to 400 comrades.

It was a blessing to be able to break out of the encirclement, and it was a blessing to be able to escape at the cost of losing 400 people. Moreover, they counterattacked and severely injured nearly a thousand people of the Beidi Army. This was a record worth being proud of, but even so, it was not possible. No one can really cheer up.

Escaped from one fatal battle, but now they are in the middle of another fatal dilemma.

After a day and night of exploration, it was found that there was no other way to leave this place except the way we came. At the end of the way, Ashina Tilie had led his army to camp, and people were guarding and patrolling all exits.

This forbidden land with complex terrain is obviously not suitable as a battlefield. With the experience of being hit hard by a trap in the mountains, the Beidi Army is unwilling to rashly fight in depth to avoid falling into an ambush set by Sheng Army again. The poisonous smoke of gunpowder held by him is very scary.

It would only take half a month at most to trap Sheng's army in this forbidden area. When the opponent's food is completely exhausted, they can win at the minimum cost, so why not do it.

Before that, they only had to camp and rest, barbecue and drink wine, and discuss how to "make good use of" the body and head of Princess Dasheng.

After the bonfire, Ashina Tilie wiped the long knife in his hand, and occasionally raised his eyes to look at the cedar forest. The gray-blue eyes under the mask were slightly narrowed. He seemed to be in a good mood. He liked it very much and was immersed in it. In the midst of a battle between trapped beasts.

After the snow stopped, a few lonely stars appeared in the blue sky.

This is the fifth day that Sheng Jun was besieged.

At this point, Li Suining, who has been concentrating on recovering from his injuries, has made the final decision in his heart.

That night, Li Suining, who rarely slept deeply due to taking medicine, woke up and found that there was no sign of A Dian around her, and she was covered with A Dian's coat.

Li Suining got up and left the cave to look for A Dian. (End of chapter)

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