Hello Chang’an

Chapter 655: Grand and enthusiastic

Chapter 655 Grand and enthusiastic

Chang Sui'an first lowered his voice mysteriously: "Ning Ning intends to make the governor the emperor's husband... He made it clear in public in the army!"

Qiao Yubai almost took a breath of cold air, Ning Ning...is she so brave?

But then I thought about it, Ning Ning has been defeated in this world... Do I need to say more about whether Ning Ning is brave or not?

"But I thought that Governor Cui might not be willing..." Chang Sui'an's voice became even lower: "So when I had the chance in private, I tried my best to persuade Governor Cui. According to my opinion... it should be effective!"

 Qiao Yubai was silent for a moment. Did Sui'an actually think that Governor Cui was persuaded by him?

Chang Sui'an admitted that he was not the kind of person who waited until he became complacent and had nothing to do. He did not dwell on this topic for long, and then said to Qiao Yubai: "By the way, there is one more thing related to Yumian. I still have to advance it." Let me tell you..."

Qiao Yubai was about to ask where Mianmian was, but now he was waiting with puzzled eyes for Chang Sui'an to continue.

Qiao Yumian wrote a letter before, saying that he was passing through Taiyuan and was coming back with Cui Lang, who was summoned to Beijing. But Cui Lang was concerned about his eldest brother and knew that the war was over, so he took a detour to the west to find Cui Jing.

However, most of Qiao Yumian's group traveled by car and could not travel as fast as Cui Jing and others. At this moment, Chang Sui'an told Qiao Yubai that Yumian would be able to arrive in Beijing in about three to five days.

What Chang Sui'an wants to say is: "In the first few days when we were together, I observed that Cui Liulang treated Yu Mian very unusually... Every time he fetched water for Yu Mian, he would ask repeatedly every day whether he was thirsty, tired, or hot. … During the rest of the march, I also saw Cui Liulang and Yu Mian sitting alone by the river talking. Yu Mian seemed to be using a handkerchief to wipe Cui Liulang's sweat. "

At that time, Chang Sui An wanted to step forward and ask what was going on, but he was afraid that it would embarrass everyone if he asked, and he did not have the finishing ability in this regard, so he walked away silently.

In order to prove that he was not suspicious, Chang Sui'an added: "Many people in the army say that Cui Liulang is too diligent!"

After thinking about it, he came up with other evidence: "Also, Cui Liulang's mother, Mrs. Lu, and Cui Liulang's sister always invited Yumian to ride with them. Mrs. Lu treated Yumian very eagerly and always grabbed Yumian. It’s as if she is better than her biological daughter if she doesn’t let go!”

Chang Sui'an is not completely ignorant of the love between men and women. He misunderstood Governor Cui's intentions because of his original "acting" theory. He could still see the unusual difference between Cui Liulang and Yu Mian.

After listening to Chang Sui'an's testimony, Qiao Yubai was stunned for a while, and suddenly thought that Cui Liulang seemed to take care of Mian Mianduo when he was in Beijing in the past. In the past, he only felt that it was a manifestation of Cui Liulang's friendship with him...

At this moment, Qiao Yubai inexplicably felt that a piece of the sky had fallen. Although it was only one piece, it still fell.

"Cui Liulang is very different now from before. He is quite a good person, and he is also valued by Ning Ning..." Chang Sui An said with an objective attitude: "Anyway, you just have to have an idea in mind. You will have to listen to Uncle Qiao and Auntie in the future. of."

"No, I'm going to be left behind!" Chang Sui'an glanced at the team in front and didn't care to say anything else. He left Qiao Yubai who had suffered too many shocks today and hurriedly chased after him.

The scorching heat did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people in Beijing.

 This is a victory of extraordinary significance. It means the end of turmoil and gives people hope that peace is coming.

 The streets in the city were empty, the streets were paved with flowers, sweat was pouring, and cheers were overwhelming.

Along the street, there were official servants and imperial troops maintaining order. There were street shop shopkeepers carrying wooden buckets and handing bowls of herbal tea to relieve the summer heat to the official servants and the common people. Some people wanted to give money, but the shopkeeper kept refusing. Everyone talked. Waiting with a smile for the Queen's chariot and the triumphant army to pass by.

When the cheers came closer, everyone no longer bothered to drink herbal tea, and quickly pushed forward excitedly.

 “Back off, back off…everyone, back off!” A small official responsible for maintaining order blocked the restless crowd from behind, and he couldn’t help but take the time to look at the passing team.

The first to go was the Imperial Guards, and then came a chariot with white horses. It must be the queen's chariot!

Unprecedented shouts erupted from the crowd, and the officials were fascinated. Amid the shouts of the people, they watched the luxurious car with golden bells and curtains slowly drive away, and then looked at the horse riding behind it. The young general, and the many soldiers behind him.

Suddenly, the clerk saw a familiar face among them, and shouted: "...Mr. Chang Lang!"

There were shouts everywhere, and the clerk just blurted out, not expecting the young man to hear, but as if he was aware of it, the man on the horse actually looked towards him.

Chang Sui'an didn't recognize the official's face, but he seemed to have heard this voice somewhere before.

With their eyes facing each other, the clerk was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

For a moment, Chang Sui'an's eyes moved, and he suddenly remembered a vague and fragmented memory. After another moment, he suddenly said: "I remember you!"

This is not the time to talk, so Chang Sui'an left a hasty sentence: "I will go to Dali Temple to find you!"

The clerk was stunned for a moment, and then tears suddenly rolled out of his eyes, dripping down together with the sweat.

 He ​​is the jailer of Dali Temple. There are many places that employ people in the city today. He was temporarily recruited. If he were not a small jailer, how would he have the opportunity to witness and participate in such a grand event.

  Jailers are officials, and it is difficult to get promotion opportunities throughout their lives. Most of them have to go from a junior jailer to an old jailer.

He didn't dare to think about asking for anything in return. He didn't do anything at all. But when he suddenly heard "I remember you", he even felt frightened. For a moment, he just wanted to cry.

 The second and third floors of tea houses and restaurants on both sides of the street are also crowded with people, and seasonal flowers are thrown down from time to time.

 In a teahouse facing the street, the entire second floor was occupied by Wei Miaoqing, who led a group of dozens of ladies to wait here. The ladies wore their skirts with hairpins and held fans in their hands. Amidst the sounds of warblers and swallows, someone suddenly shouted: "It's coming, it's coming!"

Everyone gathered around the fence, leaning forward to look around, pointing to where they were coming from with their fans, and exclaiming in surprise: "Look, it's Her Royal Highness's car!"

Seeing the excitement of these ladies, Wei Miaoqing, who was holding the fence with both hands, secretly smiled proudly. Unlike them, she still had the opportunity to see Her Royal Highness often, including royal family banquets, large and small ceremonies, and the royal concubine entering the palace... This was a bargain. Made by the princess, it’s still a good deal!

Wei Miaoqing talked about the convenience of this identity yesterday, which made Yao Xia and others extremely jealous.

Yao Xia wished she could study hard all night, just like her sisters and cousins ​​from the Wu family, who would become officials in the future and be able to accompany her, but before she could even turn two pages of the book, she was interrupted by the maid who called her repeatedly. Go back to the house and go to sleep.

"Then...that's Governor Cui, right?" The driver of the car was out of sight. When a girl saw the young general following closely, her eyes lit up again and again: "Look, look, look, that brave young man behind you" Who is the general?"

Amidst the speculation, Yao Xia hurriedly replied: "That's the husband of the Chang family of Zhongyonghou Mansion in Xingningfang!"

Chang Sui'an seemed to have heard Yao Xia's voice. When he passed by, he sat on his horse and looked up. When he saw Yao Xia, he subconsciously smiled in surprise and raised his hand to wave vigorously.

The young man who was a little dull five years ago has now turned into an outstanding young general. His sharp edges have been polished by the battlefield, but when he smiles, he still has a clear and pure aura.

The scene of triumph, flowers, mountains shouting, and the handsome general protecting his family and country was touching. Yao Xia subconsciously wanted to respond to him, but he heard a series of surprised exclamations ringing around him: "Mr. Chang's family." Are you waving to us?"

 “I think…it seems that I am targeting Axia alone!”

“Mrs. Yao knows Mr. Chang? Are we so familiar with each other? But we met him again in Taiyuan?”

 “Yao Er, tell me quickly…”

 “Axia, are you blushing so much?”

“Oops!” Yao Xia pretended to be impatient and pushed them away, fanning her eyes with her hands, then turned and walked toward the building: “It’s too sunny here, I want to drink an ice drink to cool down!”

 “Look, she’s angry!”

Wei Miaoqing also caught up with her clothes: "Yao Er, why are you running! Stop!"

There were lively scenes everywhere, and the Dengtai Building was even more crowded. Five years ago during the Duanyang Festival, the concubine met friends here with poems and composed the famous "Tiger Walking in the Mountains and Forests". That was the first time many people in Beijing heard the name Chang Sui Ning.

At that time, there were many people who made fun of and ridiculed the little girl for trying to impress people. But who could have imagined at that time that this little girl would turn the tide, change the world, and become the new owner of Dasheng in the future.

At this moment, those who greeted me in the Dengtai Building were those who had ridiculed them in the past. Looking back now, I can't help but feel ashamed and frightened. I dare not mention what happened back then. But it was not just what happened back then. To put it more seriously. , are all criminal records.

Thinking of this, the guilty person quietly wiped his sweat.

On the third floor, Meng Lie, the owner of Dengtai Building, also stood on the railing, waiting for the team that was about to pass by.

Following the shouts and the sound of the Imperial Guard clearing the way, the Queen's chariot quickly appeared.

As if he expected that Meng Lie would be waiting here, the heavy curtains in the car were opened with one hand, revealing the face of a woman with deep bones.

Meng Lie looked solemn, quickly raised his hand, and bowed deeply to the end. He didn't straighten up with a smile until the car was far away.

Li Suining did not lower the curtain again and looked at the scenery along the way.

Upon seeing this, Cui Jing was afraid that she would have to explain something, so he drove his horse closer to her chariot.

This situation made Cui Jing suddenly think of the spring day five years ago.

He ended the war in the south and returned to the capital with General Chang. On the way, he met Wei Shuyi and was assassinated. That was the first time he saw "her" back.

 After that, he returned to Beijing with her, not knowing that she was her. When he entered the city, his eyes followed a pink and white begonia to look at her by the carriage window, just like this.

 He was so stupid that he recognized her very late.

Fortunately, fortunately, before he recognized her, he had already followed his inner guidance and stood beside her early. This was probably the most proud thing in his life.

Li Suining didn't know if he also thought of the situation when he came back five years ago. He didn't say anything at this time and just smiled with Cui Jing.

When she is not smiling, her eyebrows are calm and cold, but when she is smiling, her eyes are as bright as stars.

Cui Jing also smiled and stood beside her quietly, walking slowly forward with her towards the grand excitement.

 As the date of the ceremony approaches, people from all over the country who have been summoned to the capital gradually arrive in the capital.

On this day, Wang Yue and Yao Ran, who escorted Emperor Shengce back to Beijing, and several counselors from Jiangdu Prefecture, accompanied by the Luo family siblings, went to pay homage to Luo Guanlin.

After worshiping, Wang Yue and his party were on their way back to the city when they happened to meet the team coming from Huainan Road to Beijing.

All the governors of Huainan Province were summoned to the capital. Among them were Yunhui, the governor of Hezhou, Ding Su, the governor of Shenzhou, Shen Wenshuang, the governor of Chuzhou, and Shao Shantong, the governor of Guangzhou.

In addition, there were Wang Changshi who arrived belatedly after arranging all the affairs, and several officials from the Jiangdu governor's office.

Wang Yuesui, who had just cried in front of Luo Guanlin's tomb, walked with Wang Changshi and got into Wang Changshi's carriage.

Both of them have the surname Wang, and they worked together in Jiangdu, so they often refer to each other as the same family.

In the car, listening to Wang Yue's choked words, Wang Changshi shed tears and felt emotional in his heart. It was only after he read the "Official Document of Sacrifice to Luo" written by Her Highness the Princess that he found out that Mr. Qian was the former Luo Yu. Shi, wiped his tears at this moment and said: "A certain person is blind and has worked together for several years, but he didn't know Duke Luo... Now I know Duke Luo, but he has no longer seen Duke Luo."

As they approached the city gate, the two people talking in the car temporarily suppressed their sadness and sorted out their descriptions.

Although the group came from Huainan Road, some inspections were necessary, but the attitude of the city gate officers responsible for inspections was obviously much kinder and more polite.

The queue was very long. Seeing that the front was still checking, Gu Erlang got out of the car and stretched his tired and stiff muscles.

He was born with a good body, and he was very proficient in dressing up. His robes and accessories were all exquisite. As soon as he got out of the car, he attracted the attention of many people going in and out of the city, most of whom were women.

Gu Erlang, who had long been accustomed to such gazes, had a slight smile on his face and arranged his robes slowly and elegantly.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded from behind. Although it was not urgent, it still caused the crowd to move away.

Gu Erlang looked back, but was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly showed a self-consciously charming smile and saluted the leading woman: "Captain Kang, it's been a long time!"

Kang Zhi reined in his horse, looked at him condescendingly, and first corrected him: "I am a general now!"

He then said, "If you don't stay in Jiangdu well, why would you come to the capital?"

Gu Erlang rolled up his sleeves and smiled confidently: "Unfortunately, it's not because I wanted to come, but because I was named by the chief minister to accompany me."

When Wang Changshi came to Beijing, he needed someone to help him and be responsible for dealing with people, and he was very suitable for both his ability and his face.

As the birthplace of Her Royal Highness, how important is Jiangdu’s external image?

This was the consensus of everyone, so Wang Changshi chose him to accompany him. As the image of Jiangdu, Jiang Haidong's family also privately bought him several extra-presentable outfits. After a while, he entered the city and settled down for him to take a bath. Then he began to put it on so that the people in the capital could feast their eyes on it.

Seeing his narcissistic look, Kang Zhi rolled her eyes and raised her whip.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Gu Erlang was caught off guard and took a mouthful of dust kicked up by the horse's hooves. He quickly cleaned his clothes in disgust and said dissatisfiedly to Kang Zhi's back: "Kang Ani, you dare to be so arrogant here, turn around and I will I will report you to Her Majesty!”

Kang Zhili ignored him and walked straight through the city gate. She held the token and didn't even need to check it.

Gu Erlang couldn't help but get even angrier when he saw this, but he still had to continue to manage his expression.

After inspection, the group slowly entered the city.

 The people responsible for the reception and resettlement in the city were officials from the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple, including Wu Chunbai.

Seeing that this female historian behaved calmly and generously, and had a bright and good temperament, Shao Shantong knew that this must be someone whom Her Highness the Queen valued, and he wanted to form a good relationship, so he asked: "Shao Shantong, who lives in Guangzhou, I don't know the name of the female historian?"

Wu Chunbai told his identity with a smile, and led Shao Shantong, Yun Hui and others to the resettlement place.

Shao Shantong nodded and praised along the way. He felt that everything in the capital was good, the people and things were good. Although he had been here before, it was completely different now. And even though he had just arrived, he was already a little reluctant to leave.

"I dare to ask Wu Shi, when can I enter the palace to see Her Royal Highness?" Yun Hui asked what Shao Shantong wanted to ask.

 Good night everyone~

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