Hello Chang’an

Chapter 72: huge difference

Chapter 72 A huge difference

"Ms. Chang knew that something would happen to the Pei family soon, so why didn't she wait? Instead, she risked her life as bait at this time?"

What he wrote with tea that day was the word "Pei".

In his opinion, although what happened yesterday was indeed a plot by Mr. Pei, he believed that if Fei Suining had "connived", Mr. Pei would not have had the chance to do anything this time.

She has never been a prey, and she has firmly grasped the initiative in this matter since she set her sights on Pei.

She came to Dayun Temple this time to set up a trap.

But she could clearly wait until the Pei family's affairs were settled before settling the accounts with Mr. Pei - this would undoubtedly be safer, and there would be no need to take risks and set up traps.

"I don't have enough evidence to settle the score with her, so I can only ask her to create some more evidence to use." Chang Sui Ning said in a tone that had nothing to say: "But after the Pei family is defeated, will she still dare to take action? ?”

The reason why Mrs. Pei dared to be so unscrupulous was because of the confidence given to her by the Pei family.

If this confidence collapses, the other party may not still have the courage, and what if she becomes crazy and stupid and doesn't care about killing her?

She was waiting for Mr. Pei to come and kill her.

Wei Shuyi suddenly said: "That's it."

When he got the answer, he seemed to feel relieved and smiled: "But Wei still has a question -"

Chang Suining: "No."

Wei Shuyi looked at her puzzled.

Chang Suining also looked at him: "Don't you want to ask Yao Tingwei?"

Wei Shuyi couldn't help laughing, it turned out to be such a "no".

He smiled and said, "I wanted to ask privately, but I was afraid of being rude to Madam Chang... I would also like to thank Madam Chang for her generous explanation."

If it's not this, then there are other problems -

Chang Suining looked away and said quietly: "Shilang Wei has so many questions, and he keeps asking people all the way."

Since their first meeting in Hezhou, this guy has never stopped exploring her.

What's wrong with Duan Zhenyi? Why did he give birth to a son who was so thoughtful, curious, and so secretive?

Wei Shuyi, who heard a hint of disgust in the girl's tone, laughed again.

Hearing this laughter, Changji couldn't help but notice.

Why is it that Mr. Lang feels happier after being disliked?

He is truly worthy of being a husband who already has some serious illnesses.

"Actually, it's not really a problem... During yesterday's ceremony, when Mrs. Chang's life was at stake, Mr. Wei saw that her savior was in danger, but he did nothing. I wonder if Mrs. Chang was angry with Mr. Wei?"

As soon as Wei Shuyi said these words, he saw the girl beside him looking at him with puzzled eyes. Those eyes seemed to say - are you sick or am I sick?

"What could Minister Wei do at that time?" Chang Suining asked.

Wei Shuyi smiled and shook his head.

"Then it's over." Chang Suining continued to walk forward and said nonchalantly: "I don't need Minister Wei to be involved in danger."

"Yes." Wei Shuyi smiled with great self-knowledge: "In fact, Wei thought exactly this way... Later, when he saw that Madam Chang had a plan, he didn't dare to intervene rashly."

He seemed to be relieved and said: "It's good that Mrs. Chang doesn't blame Wei. If she is blamed by her benefactor, Wei will really not be able to sleep."

"You don't have to be a benefactor one at a time, Mr. Wei. When Mr. Wei revealed the affairs of the Pei family to me that day, things were already clear between you and me."

Wei Shuyi looked at her disapprovingly: "The reason why I told this matter is because I consider myself to be a life-and-death friend with Mrs. Chang. Since we are friends who have passed away, I should know everything I know...how can I use this trivial matter to talk to her?" Mrs. Chang pays off the debt?"

This sounds very generous and friendly.

But as we all know, what he said, "a friend who has passed his life should tell you everything he knows" must be mutual -

Chang Suining reasonably suspected that the other party was digging a hole for her.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't want to jump into this pit, no one can push her away - just like as long as she has no moral bottom line, no one can kidnap her.

So she nodded with peace of mind: "In that case, being respectful is not as good as obeying orders, so Minister Wei will just continue to owe you."

No matter what kind of abacus he made, when the sun came to her, if she felt that it was not worthwhile, she would break the abacus and crush the beads into powder for him.

Anyway, she won't be the one who suffers.

This is indeed a bit unhuman, but fortunately, she is not a human in the first place, so she does not need to hold herself to the standards of being a human being.

She was adhering to the principle of doing whatever she wanted without any taboos, but her nod was too straightforward, which made Wei Shuyi vaguely feel that something was not right.

When he was about to say something, he saw a tall young man walking quickly towards him.

"Ning Ning!"

Chang Sui'an hurried over: "I heard that you were in trouble in the back mountain? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine, it's been solved." Chang Suining said, "Let's talk while we walk."

As Chang Sui'an nodded, he looked at Wei Shuyi and raised his hand: "Shilang Wei—"

"Mr. Chang Lang." Wei Shuyi said with a smile, "Wei will take his leave first."

Chang Suining: "Shilang Wei, walk slowly."

She and Chang Sui An then left together, recounting the general story on the way.

Chang Sui'an was so angry that she wrote Ming Jin down and told her sister to pay more attention to him in the future.

When Chang Sui Ning agreed, he asked, "How did brother know about what happened in the back mountain?"

"This matter has spread in the temple!" Chang Sui'an said: "Now everyone in the temple knows that Prince Mingjin, the Duke of Yingguo, attempted an murder with a knife in the back mountain, but was beaten to the ground by his sister instead -"

Chang Suining: "?"


She frowned slightly.

It is expected that this matter will not spread. Xuance's army is strict in running the army, and the monks in Dayun Temple are different from other places. Since it is a royal temple, they should know what to say and what not to say -

But not only did this matter spread, it also spread so quickly and so meticulously...

Who could do it?

Chang Suining subconsciously looked in the direction where Wei Shuyi had just left, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Not like…

If it was Wei Shuyi who did it, with his mouth, even if he didn't ask for credit just now, he would still have to have a heart-to-heart talk with her.

Who could that be?

If this matter spreads, it will not only make Ming Jin look bad, but also give people the impression that she and Ming Jin have a feud. And because she beat Ming Jin up, this impression is destined to be even more profound...

Now that everyone knows this, even if Ming Jin wants to retaliate against her in the future, he will inevitably have more scruples.

This is beneficial to her.

Moreover, the only thing that was spread was "Ming Jin was beaten by her when he committed a crime", and did not reveal the "filthy things" that A Dian talked about today. This perfectly protected the intention of this blessing and the saint's face. She would not be held accountable by the Holy Book Emperor, nor would she cause any trouble in this regard—

The proportions are very carefully controlled.

But if you want to grasp the balance, you not only need a clear enough mind, but also the ability to completely control the situation.

After such an analysis, the answer quickly became clear.

Chang Sui Ning was slightly surprised by this answer.

I didn't realize it before, but this person is actually a warm-hearted person inside?

...On the other side, Wei Shuyi was intercepted by the female envoy next to Duan on the way: "Madam, please come over if you have something important to do."

Wei Shuyi then went to see his mother.

"I heard that Miss Chang injured the Crown Prince Ying Guo? Is this true or false?" Duan opened her mouth and said this.

This is the mother's "important thing".

Wei Shuyi took it for granted and just asked: "Why does mother think her son will know about this?"

"Don't you know better?" As Duan spoke, his eyes stayed on Chang Ji for a moment.

Changji: "?"

Madam, what do you mean?

I have explained many times that he is not a gossip!

Although, it was indeed him who found out about this matter...

But that's Lang Jun's order!

Wei Shuyi nodded: "It is true."

"Ms. Chang is indeed both civilized and military, and she is also smart and sharp. Her stunning beauty is not worth mentioning. What can anyone say about such a good girl..." Duan's name is "Young Miss Chang" The excellent words are so poor that there is some hint in the sigh.

Wei Shuyi just pretended that he didn't understand, and picked out the irrelevant ones to answer the question: "Being both civil and military? You have seen it in martial arts, how can you talk about this article?"

"I don't know about the rest, but Mrs. Chang's handwriting is very good!" Duan said, and told the female envoy beside her: "Bring the scriptures copied the night before."

Mrs. Chang’s words...

Wei Shuyi's eyes flashed to the handwriting on the confession that had been left in his carriage when he was in Hezhou.

Well, she does write well.

And the words are just like the person, flowing like clouds and flowing water, with insightful character.

But... there is more than one hand?

Wei Shuyi looked at the two scriptures copied in different handwritings and was quite surprised: "Mother is saying...these two handwritings were both written by Mrs. Chang?"

Duan smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Wei Shuyi looked at the two scriptures and asked to himself: "Why does Mrs. Chang have to learn two completely different handwritings..."

Handwriting and fonts are different. People who are good at multiple fonts are more common, but people whose handwriting is completely different are rare.

"According to Mrs. Chang, she came across a collection of poems written by Princess Chongyue when she was young. She was very happy when she saw it, so she has been copying it attentively."

"That's it." Wei Shuyi pointed his fair and slender fingers on one of the scriptures and said with a smile: "Is this the calligraphy of Xi's Princess Chongyue?"

"You got it wrong this time!" Mrs. Duan was very excited when it was rare to see her son guess wrong: "It's the other one!"

Wei Shuyi's smile narrowed slightly and he said in surprise: "Another one?"

His eyes fell on the calligraphy that ran like clouds and water - it was the same calligraphy he had seen in Hezhou.

Mrs. Chang actually learned this handwriting from Princess Chongyue?

Looking at another one, the handwriting is elegant and exquisite - is this Mrs. Chang's original handwriting?

If we talk about judging people by their words... wouldn't this be the exact opposite?

"It is said that the eldest princess Chongyue has always been weak, and she rarely appeared in the capital in the past..." Wei Shuyi said in wonder: "It is strange that such an eldest princess can write with such relaxed and dangerous handwriting..."

The smile on Duan's face froze slightly.

This tricky brat is really difficult to deal with...

"Although Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is frail, her character is tenacious. Have you forgotten the righteous deeds Her Royal Highness performed during her lifetime?" Duan said firmly: "I have been with Your Highness for many years, and I know very well what kind of person she is. But that’s it.”

Wei Shuyi thought for a while and nodded: "That's true..."


This is another common handwriting of a well-behaved woman in a boudoir, which is really very different from that of an ordinary lady. There is quite a sense that the person and the handwriting are talking about different things and not working together.

The last person to have similar feelings was the Crown Prince Ying Guo and his name.

Mrs. Chang...

It's really elusive.

The more I investigate, the more unclear I become.

Wei Shuyi shook his head in his heart, it was rare to feel so confused.

At the same moment, Ming Jin was carried onto the carriage of Duke Ying's Mansion.

Even when the carriage door was closed, Mingluo rushed over.

Ming Jin was injured and could only lie down on the soft couch in the car. When he saw her coming, he raised his eyes and sneered: "What, sister, did you come here specially to see my joke?"

Mingluo frowned slightly: "I'll have a good time to reflect on my mistakes when I get back home. I won't cause trouble again."

Ming Jin, who was already full of anger, suddenly became furious when he heard this: "Sister, it's not enough to plead guilty for me today, now you want to teach me a lesson?"

"If my sister hadn't taken it upon herself to plead guilty for me in front of my aunt, how could I have been kicked out of Dayun Temple with injuries all over my body without even seeing a medical officer!"

Mingluo's face darkened: "Do you really think you can deceive your aunt with just a few words of yours? I plead guilty on your behalf just to help you, so that you don't make more mistakes—"

She looked at Ming Jin coldly in the car: "You should be glad that you are lucky today. Because your aunt was concerned about praying for blessings and the face of the Ming family, she didn't want your dirty and ridiculous mistakes to be widely spread, so she didn't punish her severely. For you, otherwise what awaits you will be more than just being grounded. "

"That's enough!" Ming Jin's face turned dark: "For the sake of my aunt, I call you sister. Do you really think you are worthy of teaching me a lesson? Don't forget your identity!"

She was just a lowly concubine who crawled out of her father's concubine, and she was worthy of talking to him like that!


The car door was closed with a "bang" in front of me, and the carriage quickly drove away from here.

Mingluo stood there for a moment, then turned around and returned to the temple.

Her expression was calm, her eyebrows were indifferent, her figure was straight, and her fingers that were only half-covered in her sleeves were loosened and tightened repeatedly.

She returned all the way to the Zen Hall where the Holy Emperor was, and met an **** holding a box.

When the **** was saluting, Mingluo asked in a routine manner: "Which female family member sent this?"

Just by looking at the box, she knew that it was used to hold handwritten scriptures. Today, the female relatives from all the houses successively sent copied scriptures.

"Go back to Nv Shi, this is what Mrs. Zheng Guogong sent just now."

"Leave it to me."


Mingluo took the box and saw that Cui Jing's close follower Yuan Xiang was still waiting in the corridor. He knew that the Holy Emperor was still discussing matters with Cui Jing, so he did not enter without permission. Instead, he went back to the side hall first, and she temporarily In the thermal pavilion used to handle official business.

Mingluo came to the bookcase, opened the box, took out the stack of handwritten scriptures inside, and read them one by one.

She was careful in her work. She would read through all the scriptures sent by the female relatives of each house to make sure there were no defilements or omissions before presenting them to the Holy Book Emperor.

But it was just a rough read. Praying with the saint, the word sincerity is particularly important. The female relatives of each house did not dare to treat it carelessly, so there would be no mistakes easily.

However, the next moment, Mingluo discovered a huge "mistake".

Two updates of four thousand words combined into one. Thank you all for your rewards and monthly votes. Please double your monthly votes. Yeah yeah yeah yeah

(End of chapter)

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