When the ship docked at the port of Qiufen Mountain, the two got off the ship.

However, Alechino had not given Krevy a way out until now, which made Krevy very embarrassed.

But Krevy was not the one who would give up easily.

So, the atmosphere between the two became weird and awkward.

Krevy glanced at Alechino with a cold expression angrily.

Pepe! Pepe! Pepe!

Damn Pepe! Pepe with black and red mushroom eyes who was born evil!

Why didn't you give me a way out?

Obviously, as long as you speak, I won't be angry.

Damn Pepe!

If you don't speak again, I will hate you!

Krevy had been expecting Alechino to say something, but Alechino seemed to have eaten a weight and just didn't speak.

Krevy felt wronged about this.

Damn Pepe... I was obviously worried about you, why did you reject my kindness?

Stinky Pepe! Bad Pepe!

At the same time, Krevy also regretted that what she said on the boat just now was too contemptuous of Pepe?

Pepe is no longer the same as before. She is now the Fatui executive officer [servant].

She not only killed [mother], but also became an executive officer.

Perhaps the current Pepe's strength has long exceeded my imagination.

Pepe also does not want to put herself in danger, so she ruthlessly rejected my kindness, right?

But, Pepe... I really want to help you...

After walking for a while, perhaps Arlechino did not want to see Krevy so depressed, or perhaps it was because Krevy grabbed her arm and hurt...

In short, Arlechino finally spoke, but her voice was very small.

"Krevy, pay attention to your expression and language management. Don't let outsiders see the relationship between us. Don't let people with ulterior motives associate us with our past."

"Here, you are the assistant of the Fontaine Water God, doing things impartially. And I am the executive officer of the Fatui of Solstice and the diplomatic ambassador of Solstice to Fontaine. We can only have work-related contact."

"In the future... we can't meet privately. Maybe you don't know, but I am not safe in the Fatui. Someone covets my power, and I need to be on guard against him."

"So Krevy, in the future, unless it is a handover of official business, we must never have any contact again."

When Alechino said these words, she still maintained a cold and distant expression, even though they had already arrived at the cemetery, and there was no one else here except her and Krevy.

"Will what we are doing now not be exposed? Or you beat me up and use some self-torture tactics?"

Krevy's expression changed, and she put the previous matter behind her and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it."

Alechino shook his head gently.

"Okay, I got it."

Krevy nodded, and then immediately immersed herself in the role of the water god's assistant.

Krevy quietly distanced herself from Alechino, making the two look unfamiliar, and the reason they acted together was just because of work.

And when Alechino saw Krevy become serious, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Still so easy to deceive, do you still need to coax her? Just scare her a little.

But... this trick can't be used too much, otherwise Krevy will be really angry, and it won't be coaxed.

Well... Compared with Ms. Fininna, Ms. Fininna is easier to coax.

Krevy obviously didn't expect that after just over a year, the former Pepe would actually lie.

And he was so skilled at lying.

In this regard, Krevy said that children must never learn from this bad guy, Alechino, and adults can't either!

Krevy: Alechino is born evil. How can you, an executive officer, lie to me? !

So, the two of them came to the destination of this trip.

Fontaine Cemetery in the suburbs of Baisong Town.

Alechino and Krevy walked slowly into the cemetery, and a layer of haze covered their hearts.

In a corner of the cemetery, there are 110 tombstones with the names of people Alechino and Krevy knew.

"These people are all the children who died in [House of Hearth] that night."

Krevy spoke in a deep voice.

"Yaya's body was not human-like, so everyone in the special patrol team was buried with the stone."

"But... these are all cenotaphs, and they are still in [Heartland House]. I thought about taking them away from there, but... the scenery there is much better than Baisong Town, and... [Heartland House] no longer exists."

"That place is just their resting place, and there is no other meaning."

"Which one is Sophia's tomb?"

Alechino asked in a deep voice.

"There, I'll take you there."

Krevi pointedHe said to the tombstone in the middle.

"Yaya is the best among us. She shouldn't have died that night... She likes the hustle and bustle, and likes the feeling of being the center of attention, so I arranged her tomb in the middle of everyone..."

"Let her enjoy the feeling of being praised even after death... Especially those who killed Yaya, I put their tombs under Yaya so that Yaya can step on them."

"This is the last thing I can do as a friend..."

The two came to Sophia's tomb. The tombstone was made of high-quality stone from Liyue, and the words engraved on it were...

[Tomb of Sophia, my dear friend]

Alechino took a step forward, she slowly squatted down, and stretched out her hand to put on the tombstone.

"Sophia... It's me, Peruvili, now I'm Alechino..."

"This time, I came back to see you. Don't worry, Krevy is still alive, and I've seen the aurora. I'll take Krevy to see it if I have a chance."

"May you rest in peace in the ground..."

"By the way, I sent Kugavina over, remember to take care of her for me..."

After saying that, Alechino fell into silence, her eyes were cold, and I didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, a gust of wind blew.

It may be because this cemetery is close to the sea and is halfway up the mountain.

The wind brought the salty smell of the sea.

Under the blowing of the wind, Alechino noticed that a weed grew next to Sophia's tombstone.

Suddenly, Alechino's expression was gloomy.

What is the manager of this cemetery doing? Why doesn't he clean the weeds regularly!

Alechino reached out to pull out the weed, but stopped when she saw what it looked like.

It wasn't a weed at all.

It was a bubble orange sapling!

Alechino paused. She remembered that Sofia liked bubble oranges the most.

Sofia, are you back?

Do you know that Krewei and I miss you so much...

Miss you so much...

"Krewei... what are you going to do in the future?"

Alechino suddenly asked Krewei behind her.


"Probably continue to be Sister Funina's assistant..."

Did you hear that? Sofia...

We are all fine...

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