Have you heard?

That abominable, terrible evil mushroom spirit was sent to the mine by Vilet to dig stones.

When Fenina learned that Alechino was mining, she was very excited.

Fenina had not forgotten that Alechino had bullied her.

And now, there is finally a chance to be proud of herself, how could Fenina let it go?

Hahaha! Alechino, I finally caught you, what a miserable day you have!

I, Lady Fenina, will trample you under my feet and ravage your body with my little leather shoes!



Suddenly, a light cough interrupted Fenina's fantasy and pulled her back to the real world.

"Sister Fenina, pay attention to your image... restrain your mouth corners."

Krewei reminded her in a friendly way.

Hearing this, Fenina nodded as if she had just woken up from a dream, she was still a little confused.

What's going on? Am I not seeking revenge?

Where is Alecino under my feet? Where is the Alecino who cried and begged for mercy from me?

Oh... it turned out to be an illusion, then let's make it a reality!

Alecino, the born evil mushroom spirit, the great god of justice will punish you!

"Ahem! Little Weiwei, let's go."

Funina raised her head and treated what happened just now as if it had not happened.

"Sister Finina, the time is not up yet, won't you sit for a while?" Krewei asked with her head tilted.

"No, let's go to the mine of the Solstice Mission. I want to inspect their work."

Funina's little face was serious, and she put on a leadership posture.

Krewei didn't believe this. Anyway, during the time she was an assistant, Krewei had never seen Finina do any serious work. No matter what the work was, it was thrown to Violet.

"But... Sister Finina, aren't you going to the Opikle Opera House to watch a drama performance today?"

Krevy asked, reminding Finina of her schedule for today.

"Well... it's really hard to choose..."

Finina touched her chin and fell into thought.

The drama to be performed at the Opikle Opera House today is the long-awaited love drama "Pride and Prejudice", and Finina doesn't want to miss it.

But watching Alechino get humiliated seems to be more attractive than the drama!

Dramas can be watched every day, but things like Alechino mining are rare.

Why didn't Finina go to ridicule before?

Are you kidding? When did Finina miss it? Since she knew that Alechino was mining in the mine, Finina had to go once a day, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon.

Anyway, every time Alecino arrived at the mine, Fernina would always follow closely, and then she would hold a parasol, eat small cakes, drink herbal tea, and make some mild verbal taunts to Alecino.

That feeling is so good!

Fernina really likes to see Alecino's frustrated look, who is obviously angry but can't do anything to her.

Every time Fernina thinks of the threats made by Alecino before, she gets so angry that her teeth itch. Now she can retaliate, not to mention how happy she is.

Therefore, Fernina made a decision immediately without hesitation.

"Go to the mine! You can watch dramas every day. Even if they have been performed, I can find someone to perform them again. But there are not many opportunities to watch Alecino, a bad woman, get humiliated. Maybe there will be no more after today."

Fernina waved her hand and gave the order with high spirits.

"Yes, Sister Fernina."

Seeing this, Krevy smiled gently.

Sister Funina is really hypocritical. She obviously likes to get along with Pepe!

So, the two left the Momang Palace, called a carriage and rushed to the mine.

And Alecino, who was still working in the mine, just silently calculated the time, guessing that Ms. Funina should have gone out and was on her way to her.

When Alecino thought of how Funina was showing off in front of her, she couldn't help but laugh.

Ms. Funina is really cute!

She deliberately acted mature and dignified in front of children, but in fact, she was as childish as a child sometimes.

No, it's not childish, it should be exposing her true nature.

Thinking about it, Alecino's expression suddenly sank.

Is Ms. Funina's nature inclined to children? Is the water god of Fontaine like this?

In formal occasions or crowded places, he showed his divine side, and when he was with friends in private, he showed his true self.

No, no!

Let’s not talk about whether Ms. Funina treated him as a friend, let’s talk about the two sides of Ms. Funina that he saw now., it is hard to guarantee that it is not intentional by Ms. Funina.

After all, He is a god. How can I speculate about Him with human thinking?

Alechino frowned deeply. She could not see the true side of Funina.

The gentleness and kindness seen in childhood, the childishness and childlike innocence now... Which one is the real Funina?

Or, which one is He, and which one is not He?


With a sigh, Alechino found that she knew too little about Funina. Her current understanding of Funina was only established through a short time together and previous memories.

This method may not be accurate. Alechino could not rule out the possibility that Funina was acting.

After all, the most popular entertainment program in Fontaine is drama, and Funina herself is the most outstanding dramatist and actor in Fontaine. Funina should be very good at acting.

In the final analysis, I still don't know Funina well enough to figure out the deep meaning behind Funina's behavior.

As the water god of Fontaine, why does she come to me every day?

Is it a test or supervision?

The identities of both parties are too sensitive. One is the head of the diplomatic mission representing the God of Winter Ice, the diplomat of Winter, Alechino, and the other is the real owner of Fontaine, the water god Fukaros, the queen of the law of all waters.

Under this identity, although the two sides have contact, it will not be so frequent that they meet once a day, right?

Moreover, Alechino really can't understand why Funina, as the water god, condescends to come to see her?

She is a diplomat of Winter, but she can't meet Funina at will without an appointment.

Otherwise it's against the rules.

What does Ms. Funina want to do? Since I came to the mine, she has come to see me every day.

Could it be that Ms. Funina wants to rebel against me?

Because I deliberately spread the rumors, so she thinks I am a lunatic who will betray everything for the sake of profit?

I'm a little sad... But if it's true, should I cooperate?

After all, it's Ms. Funina's request...

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