Just as Fernina was immersed in grief, Navilet, who received the news, immediately put down his work and took the elevator from the first floor to the top floor.

As soon as he came out, Navilet saw Krevy, who was confused sitting on the sofa, and he asked.

"What happened? I heard from the special patrol that it seems that Alechino offended Ms. Fernina."

Krevy came back to her senses after hearing Navilet's voice, and her face was tangled.

How could she say that her good sister liked Sister Fernina!

Especially since Alechino was the executive officer of the Winter Fools, such a sensitive identity... Krevy estimated that if she said it, Violet would order Alechino to be arrested and tried on the spot.

In Fontaine, disrespecting the gods is a serious crime. Although there are almost no people who have been tried for this crime, it is also because Fernina does not care, which does not mean that this crime does not exist.

This is written into the Fontaine law, and it is the first one!

"Well... this matter may be beyond your understanding, Mr. Violet..."

Krewei's brain was working fast. As the assistant of the God of Water, she naturally had to do things from the perspective of Fernina. As one of her superiors, Violet could not have concealed anything.

Otherwise, how could Krewei survive in the Momang Palace in the future?

However, Alechino was her best friend and sister, and if she said it out, she would be betraying her sister.

Alas~ Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been difficult to achieve!

Sister Fernina was very good to her, and Violet was kind to her. If she concealed Pepe's behavior, it would be disloyalty.

But if she told the truth, it would be betraying Pepe, which was unrighteous.

Pepe, Pepe, you really put me in a dilemma, I am neither a human being nor a person...

Krewei smiled bitterly, obviously distressed by the current situation.

"Well...if this matter is difficult for you to talk about, don't force yourself. I will ask Ms. Funina about what happened."

That Villette saw that Krevy was in trouble and spoke sympathetically.

But after hearing what Villette said, Krevy was even more embarrassed.

Ask Sister Funina about what happened? How could Sister Funina, who is so thin-skinned, tell her?

Woohoo... stinky Pepe, it's all your fault!

"No, no, no! Mr. Villette, I'm not embarrassed, I'm not embarrassed, I'll just tell you...As for Sister Funina, let's leave her alone, after all, this matter is not a big deal."

Krevy searched for words in her mind, trying to describe this matter in a small way.

The charm of language, little water dragon!

After a moment, Villette nodded.

"I understand..."

Hearing this, Krevy breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be fine...

I'm so tired, so tired... I don't want to care about Sister Fernina and Pepe anymore!

"Although this incident was an accidental mistake caused by the unintentional act of the winter diplomat Alechino, generally speaking, as long as she apologizes sincerely, it will not develop into a major problem that affects the diplomacy between Fontaine and Winter."


Instantly, Krevy's heart tightened.

She knew there would be a but!

"...Ms. Fernina is the water god of Fontaine, the symbol of Fontaine and the face of Fontaine. Alechino's offense to the water god Fernina cannot be let go. For the sake of Ms. Fernina's reputation, I will severely punish Alechino, the main culprit of this matter."

That Villette knocked on the floor with his cane, and the dull sound represented his determination.

"Uh... that, Mr. Villette..."

Krevy raised her hand weakly.

"Hmm? Anything else, Miss Krewe?"

The Violet looked at Krewe and asked.

"May I know how you plan to punish Alecino, Mr. Violet? After all, I am Sister Finina's assistant. It is my fault that Sister Finina was offended. I want to make up for it."

Krewe said sincerely, blinking her green eyes.

"Let her be a maid for Ms. Finina for a month!"

The Violet showed a look of control, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"As a diplomat of Solstice and an executive of the Fatui, this punishment is trampling on Alecino's pride and dignity."

"As an executive of the Fatui serving the God of Ice of Solstice, she must have an extremely firm belief in the God of Ice. But now I punish her to be a maid of Ms. Finina, and let her serve Ms. Finina wholeheartedly, which will definitely hit her dignity."

The Violet raised two fingers and continued.

"One person serving two masters is absolutely disloyal in human morality., will be looked down upon and laughed at. Since Alechino dares to offend Fontaine's face, I will make her have no place in the Fools!"

"Uh... ahaha, good trick..."

Krevy shrank her neck, and her eyes turned to Villette with shock and fear.

Is this still the Mr. Villette she knew who worked diligently and handled various affairs for Ms. Funina?

How did he become so sinister? Mr. Villette, are you the guy with the deepest scheming in Fontaine?

Krevy silently moved a step to the side and pulled a little distance from Villette. She was frightened by Villette's [evil] plan.

However, Krevy doubted the punishment mentioned by Villette.

The Mr. Villette, are you sure this is a punishment, not a reward?

If Pepe knew about the intimate contact with Sister Funina for a month, he would probably be so happy that he couldn't sleep, right?

Oh, I forgot!

I didn't tell you what Pepe thought of Sister Funina~


However, I am not ungrateful. I did tell you, Mr. Villette, everything that happened in the mine, and what I saw happen!

It's just that I am just a bystander and don't know what they think.


"Then... Mr. Villette, are we going to arrest Alechino now?"

Krevy asked cautiously.

Hearing this, Villette shook his head.

"No, it's not effective enough to catch her now. And Ms. Funina should be angry now. We will treat this as a surprise. When Ms. Funina is about to forget and Ms. Alechino thinks nothing happened, we will arrest her and bring her to justice. "

"This is the only way to vent Ms. Funina's anger. Keep this matter secret for the time being, don't tell Ms. Funina."

"Oh, okay, then Mr. Villette."

Krevi nodded repeatedly, indicating that she would never tell anyone.

Yes, no one, not even Sister Funina and Pepe can know.

I believe Sister Funina will be very happy after knowing this... right?

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