Hearth House.

A group of cute little kids gathered together. They hid under the window of Alechino's office, stood on tiptoes with a small stool, and stretched their necks to see what was going on in the house.

These cute little kids were led by Linny, and the members included Linnet, Femini, Audrey, Kales, Geralt, Fasliu and other children who played well with Linny.

Within a few months of entering the Hearth House, Linny and Linnet became the leaders of the children through their magic skills after adapting to the environment here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Linny is the king of children now.

"Brother Linny, Brother Linny! [Father] What is she doing in there?"

Geralt, with a round face, stood on the ground, looking up eagerly at Linny standing on the small stool.

The young Geralt admired Linny the most because Brother Linny could make delicious candies.

"Well... Father is receiving guests."

Linnie responded gently.

"Guests? Is it that beautiful white-haired sister again?"

Audrey tilted her head and asked.

"Yes, that sister. Father has to entertain her at least twice a week now."

Linnie became a messenger and shared the situation in the house with everyone.

"That sister is of noble status. You must remember to stay away from her and not cause trouble for Father."

Linnett reminded everyone.

"Well, Sister Linnett, don't worry! We are obedient and will never cause trouble for Father."

Fasiliu patted his chest and promised.

"Well... don't you think this sister comes too often?"

Fimini raised his hand weakly to ask.


Fimini told the truth in one sentence, and his words made several people fall into silence.

The little ones winked at each other.

In their memory, since the blue-and-white jellyfish-headed sister came to the Hearth House once, she came once a week, and every time their strict and gentle [Father] would personally greet the jellyfish-headed sister.

In the first few months, the jellyfish-headed sister only came once. But gradually, the number of times the jellyfish-headed sister came began to increase, from once a week to twice a week, and even three times a week, and now, there is a trend of seven times a week.

Almost every few days, they come once, and every time their [Father] will immediately put down the things in his hands and personally greet the jellyfish-headed sister.

Gradually, the children also knew that the identity of this jellyfish-headed sister was not ordinary, and some people even said that this sister had taken a fancy to their [Father], so she always came to get close to [Father].

In this regard, Lini, who knew the identity of the jellyfish-headed sister, did not make any comments.

Even if he felt so, but due to the instructions of [Father] and Lady Funina, Lini chose to turn a deaf ear.

"I think... this sister definitely has a crush on [Father]! Otherwise, why would she always come here?"

Carles touched his chin and said with certainty.

"Indeed, and I think [Father] also has this tendency, otherwise why would she always meet this sister and chat with her happily."

Audrey's eyes were shining with stars.

Girls yearn for love the most, although this love is a bit strange. The parties involved are all girls, but it doesn't prevent Audrey from yearning.

Moreover, her [Father] is so cool, both boys and girls will like him, right?

Then, it is normal for this jellyfish-headed sister to be obsessed with [Father]'s charm... just like me.

[Father] is really handsome and gentle!

"Eh? In that case, do we have to have another [Mother]?"

Fasliyu's eyes were shining with excitement. As orphans, they are very eager to have a complete family.

Although they have almost a family now, with many brothers and sisters, and their father treats them very well, they still lack a mother!

"Ahem! Hush~ Be careful, don't talk about their father behind their back."

Linnie saw that the topic was gradually going off track, and immediately interrupted the thoughts of several people.

At the same time, a drop of cold sweat dripped down Linnie's forehead. If these guys who were spoiled by their father were known to say such things about their father, he would be the one who would suffer.

Because their father once said: As their leader, you have the responsibility to discipline them. If any of them make mistakes, it means that you, as a role model, have failed in your duty, and you also need to be punished.

In order to avoid being spanked, Linnie dared not let them continue the discussion.It was fine to chat at other times, and these words would not reach Father's ears, but it was different now. They were all by Father's window. With Father's sensitive intuition, he only needed to concentrate a little to hear the movement outside the window.

In fact, just as Linni thought, Alecino did notice the unusual movement outside the window.

She noticed a few little ones outside the window, but Alecino did not try to listen to their conversation because Alecino's mind was on Finina.

Since Finina's last raid on the Hearth House, Alecino and Finina agreed to come to the Hearth House once a week to check her work. A few years have passed.

During this period, the progress between Alecino and Finina cannot be said to be rapid progress, nor can it be said to be stable development, but only to be said to be no progress.

Although Finina is no longer so afraid of Alecino, and sometimes even dares to tease and tease Alecino, the relationship between the two is still at the stage of good friends.

But Alechino was not in a hurry at all. She seemed to be very satisfied with the normal relationship with Fernina and didn't want to go any further!

How could this be possible? Don't you know that the readers are almost dying of anxiety?

"Ms. Fernina, try the baked apples I just baked."

Alechino smiled and handed a piece of brown baked apple to Fernina.

Fernina scooped a piece of flesh with a spoon and put it in her mouth. She was delighted.

"Well~ Not bad, your cooking skills have improved again! It's almost comparable to the master chef of the Pod Hotel."

Fernina praised generously.

"Haha, as long as you like it."

Alechino's eyes flashed with joy. Now, cooking desserts for Fernina has become her happiest and most anticipated thing.

Because this way she can get Fernina's praise.

Krevi, who was standing aside, looked at the empty table in front of her silently, and felt a sour feeling in her heart.

Pepe, you finally got a woman and forgot your best friend... woooooo/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

So, get together with me as soon as possible!

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