Even if Lin Xi, who came to report the news, was sent away, the ambiguous atmosphere between Alecino and Finina disappeared.

However, Alecino was unwilling to give up.

How many years? How many years has she waited for this day? !

She even thought that she would never have this day.

Now she can kiss Finina and feel the temperature and smell of her lovely God, but it was interrupted by that shit!

Alecino couldn't stand it!

"Ahem... It's getting late, that ha... I, I'll go back first~"

Finina, who realized how inconsistent her behavior just now was with her personality, was very embarrassed at the moment. She didn't want to stay for a second.

Finina just wanted to go back to Momang Palace, go back to her room, wrap herself in the quilt, and then laugh secretly.

"No! I... I have waited so long to get here today! Finina, don't think about leaving so easily!"

However, at this moment, Arlechino was already broken because she didn't kiss Finina's mouth.

She didn't even have the mood to maintain her usual elegance and reserve.

For the first time, Arlechino showed her true self to Finina.

Arlechino stood by the door with her back to Finina. From Finina's perspective, she could see a ball of fire suddenly appear in front of Arlechino, followed by a "sizzling" sound.

Then Arlechino turned around, and her black and red cross-shaped eyes flashed with a strange red light.

"Forgive me, Finina... I am just a mortal. Since I have been with you, I have been looking forward to this day all the time, and even... sometimes I wonder if I can be tougher. But I dare not do that, I am afraid that you will hate me..."

"The love of the gods is too heavy, I am trembling, worried about gains and losses... But now, I think the time is ripe. I think, even if I do something excessive, you will forgive me generously, right?"

"This is my offense, and it is also a blasphemy against the noble gods... If I am guilty, please punish me yourself! My Finina, my love!"

Alechino said sincerely, she walked quickly to Finina, put one hand on her chest, took Finina's hand with the other hand, and interlocked her fingers with each other.

She continued to express her love.

"I'm sorry, Fernina... I don't know how to love. From childhood to adulthood, I have never loved anyone or anything, because at that time I firmly believed that the only value of people like me was to live, and other things were not what I could ask for..."

"Until I met you, you broke into my life, brought me something I had never had before, and changed me. However, the change was not thorough enough... I am still a selfish person."

"Fernina, this is the love of a person who doesn't know what love is. It is a rude, clumsy, and selfish love. Now, I will give it all to you. As I said, I will accompany you forever, and I will always stand by your side."

"Are you willing to accept me? Even if I am a lunatic..."

After speaking, Alechino let go of Fernina's hand and knelt on one knee in front of Fernina. She stretched out her right hand, which was empty, but also contained her world.

Alechino lowered her head and waited quietly for Fernina's answer.

Although she seemed calm, her hidden left hand was actually clenched into a fist, with her nails digging deep into the flesh.

"You, what nonsense are you talking about!"

However, facing Alechino's sincere confession, Fernina scolded her harshly.

"I don't allow you to belittle yourself like that!"

"Yes! You are indeed a lunatic. You once [killed your mother] and usurped the throne. You also killed your companions in [House of Hearth]. I also know your sins. But didn't I still choose to be with you?"

"I am also crazy. I actually fell in love with a lunatic..."

Fernina suddenly cursed herself in a low voice, but she quickly returned to the topic.

"Alechino, you are a fool! I won't say anything about forgiving your mistakes. After all, I am just me. I am not qualified to forgive your mistakes on behalf of anyone else. Falling in love with you is the most wrong, exciting, and rebellious thing I have ever done in my life..."

"But I don't regret it! Meeting you is also my luck."


Alechino raised her head, and at this moment she looked at Funina with great emotion.

"Of course, don't think that you can rest easy just because I like you. You must atone for the mistakes and crimes you have committed in the past! You must repent for your evil deeds."

"How can the person I, Funina, like be an evil demon? If you don't atone for your sins,I just don't like you anymore."

After saying that, Furniture tilted her head and hugged her chest, adding a soft hum, very skilled.

However, Arlechino just fell for this.

Furniture is so cute that Arlechino can't stand it.

"But... who should I confess to? I never kill innocent people, either for survival or for mission targets. Furniture, do I have to confess to those corrupt nobles who died in my hands?"

Arrchino asked.

"Ahem! In this case, I will accept your confession with difficulty. As the water god, the most righteous god in the world, I have the qualifications. As for the noble issue you mentioned..."

"Killing someone is killing someone, even if that person is a bad person, but you have also taken a life. The other party's resentment will definitely haunt you. It must be difficult for you to sleep well now, right? I will listen to your confession and help you drive away these resentments. "

"But you have to promise me that you will be a good person! "

Funina naturally put her hand on Alecino's right hand and let him hold it. Then she gently exerted force and signaled Alecino to stand up.

"Good man... Hehe, good."

Alecino laughed at herself. Can she be a good person? Unless the world forgets her and lets her start over. But, what can she do? Can she start over if she changes her face and others forget what she did?

If this kind of thing really happens, Alecino will only feel that the world is hopeless. A wicked man who kills and burns people will not become a good person just because he did a good thing. He can't become a good person just because others forget what he did.

No longer thinking about these unnecessary things, Alecino has not forgotten her original goal.

That is to kiss!


"Well, what's wrong?"

"That... let's continue what we just did?"

"Ah! You, you you you... you King Se Se!"

"Please, can you? "

"No! I want you even if you are shameless!"

Pa, a crisp applause sounded, and then Furninna left in shame.

Alechino's expectation (above)

Alechino's depression (middle)

Alechino's sadness (below)

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