Help! My Delicate Object is a Madman

Chapter 140: It's a bit late to know

   Chapter 140 It's a bit late to know

   Su Ye raised his hand, the ground seemed to be breaking ground, but for a long time, the Nightmare Flowers never bloomed.

  Every drop of water that falls from the sky is like a thousand jins and spreads on the ground, making it impossible for the flowers to break through the ground and bloom.

   He raised his eyebrows and stared at the mermaid opposite for a while: "Xiaojiao."

   At this time, I remember the person in front of me.

  Xiaojiao held a trident in his hand, and seemed to know what happened in Suye: "Your abilities can't be used?"

   He grinned: "Don't try, it's useless, as long as there is water covered,"

   Before he finished speaking, suddenly, a huge nightmare flower grew out of thin air from his abdomen.

   Even with the meat on the belt, it burst the stomach.

  Xiaojiao grunted.

  Song Ningyuan lay on the ground, wide-eyed.

  I know Su Ye's ability clearly, but every time I see it, I am still shocked.

   How on earth did he do it? Can make this evil flower grow from anywhere.

  Xiaojiao is a ruthless character, without blinking an eye, he grabbed the nightmare flower, stretched out his hand and pulled the flower out, even the flesh and blood scattered on the ground.

  Song Ning clicked his tongue far away.

   Really cruel.

   Followed, the rain obeyed it extremely, covering the Chi Jiao in a blink of an eye, the blood stopped immediately, and the Chi Jiao was covered.

   Shen Suhe stabilized her body and pushed the person away.

   Su Ye lowered his head and glanced at Shen Suhe.

  Shen Suhe: "I'm fine."

The voice of    fell, Su Ye's figure disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already by Chi Jiao's side.

   In the blink of an eye, the confrontation has begun.

  Tengu is afraid of falling over and hugs people.

   Then slowly, he moved to Shen Suhe step by step.

   Under the action of gravitational rain, every step of the tengu is extremely difficult.

   It walked up to Shen Suhe, curious: "Hey, who will win?"

   Shen Suhe looked at it.

   At this time, the ghost face is also very interested: "The youngest king of the deep sea and the strongest bloodline inheritor in the mainland are really a worthwhile fight. But"

   said the ghost face and paused.

   Tengu was curious: "But what? What's wrong?"

   Tengu untied his clothes and kicked the ghost face into his arms, trying to make the ghost face less rain.

  The ghost is a little helpless in the face of the tengu's behavior.

   Doesn't this stupid dog know that this rain is not stopping, is it all useless?

  Ghost face still didn't stop him, he said, "However, Your Majesty has been demonized, so he can't move his cultivation. Every time he moves, the demonization will deepen, until he can't control it completely and destroy himself."

  Tengu was very excited after hearing this: "This snake has destroyed itself, then, isn't I the most powerful dog in the mainland?"

   Thinking about this, I got even more excited: "Yoyo~~~~"

   Inwardly excited: Enchanted! Enchanted!

  Ghost face said: "Don't get too excited, there is a tower guard beside you."

   He was talking to Tiangu, but his eyes turned to Shen Suhe.

   Shen Suhe was a little indifferent.

  The only thing that touches my heart is Su Ye.

   She wouldn't watch Su Ye go down the road of self-destruction step by step.

   Tengu snorted twice: "A He can't move now, no matter how powerful he is, he can't help that snake."

  The ghost face stared at Shen Suhe with deep eyes: "The tower guard is responsible for suppressing the beasts. If he can't solve even this thing, how can he be the tower guard?"

   For some reason, he always felt that Shen Suhe was hiding something.

   His true strength should not be like this.

   As he was thinking, Shen Suhe suddenly turned his head to look at Tengu.

  Tengu was excited, suddenly stiffened, and shrank silently, holding the ghost face a little tighter.

  Why is this tower guard looking at her like this? ? ?

   Shen Suhe said, "I can untie the beast-suppressing talisman on your head."

   Tengu's eyes instantly lit up: "Really?"

   Shen Suhe raised his hand with difficulty and hooked his finger: "Come here."

   Tengu hugged the ghost face, walked to Shen Suhe with difficulty, then lowered his head: "Untie, untie!"

   saw Shen Suhe take out a piece of white paper from his arms.

  Tengu tilted his head, looking innocent and blank: "What is this?"

   One person, one beast, four eyes facing each other, Shen Suhe said, "Talisman paper."

   After she finished speaking, she pressed a talisman paper onto Tiangu's forehead, waited for a while, and took off the talisman paper. A black dog's head appeared on the white talisman paper.

   She wrapped the talisman around her hand.

   Tengu motioned: "I, I am the yellow zongzi."

   Shen Suhe raised his hand and suddenly became free.

   She reached out and fiddled with the small zongzi on Tengu's head. The small zongzi wobbled, but she didn't undo it immediately.

   followed, and she said, "Wait for me to come back to explain it to you. Also, thank you."

After    finished speaking, he turned around and grabbed the Fan Yin fan on the ground, and quickly ran towards the battle area.

  Tengu was shocked: "He, he, why did he run so neatly all of a sudden?"

  Ghost face looked at the direction Shen Suhe was leaving: "I heard that there are twelve secret techniques recorded on the Fan Yin Fan for the tower guards to practice and suppress your twelve ancient beasts. This should be the second secret technique."

   Tengu also became serious: "What is the second secret method? Let the tower guard run fast?"

  Song Ningyuan lay on the ground, snorted and couldn't help laughing. He had endured this dog for a long time, and his cheeks hurt.

The ghost face explained to Tengu very seriously: "You are right. His second secret method should be to copy your skills with rune paper. You are extremely fast, and the speed she shows us now should be her. The result with the blessing of your skills."

   Tengu seemed to understand but did not understand, holding the ghost face and did not speak.

  Oh, as long as it doesn't speak, no one will know that it doesn't understand, and that weak human race has no chance to laugh at it.

   On the other side, Su Ye and Chi Jiao fought extremely fiercely.

   The two sides fought, the ground fell and the tree fell, two extremely powerful forces intersected, and a strong air pressure erupted.

   The beasts in the entire deep forest felt these two air pressures, and they all shivered and shivered. They shrank in place and did not dare to move.

  Xiaojiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the cloak was torn off, revealing his face.

   The black scales behind the ears stand out.

  Xiao Jiao stared at Su Ye, this is not the deep sea after all, and his strength can only show seven points.

   But, what's going on with this one called Su Ye?


  Xia Jiao looked down at the slit in his abdomen.

   Su Ye was a little tired of playing, and that face was more thick and beautiful under the sky and the sun.

   saw his eyes turn from black to red, and his hair began to turn white.

   The usual sloppy and confusing aura was gradually taken over by the hostile aura, the tail of the snake suddenly appeared, and a black energy lingered around him.

   The curse marks all over his body and the black lines on his chest all showed.

  Xiao Jiao was stunned: "You turned out to be a demonized beast."

   So, by maintaining the state just now, is he suppressing his strength and preventing his demonization from deepening?

   Su Ye sneered: "It's a bit late to know."

   (end of this chapter)

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