019. Dinner Table Request, An Unexpected Smooth Sailing

“Hmm… I should have just called Anne to ghostwrite. This is not a task to be done…”

My arms began to ache slowly.

Though it was merely transcribing as Logan dictated, it was no ordinary task. For Mary, who had little experience with such lengthy writing, it was to be expected.

‘Hmm… Sometime or another, I must visit the royal shipyard in Deptford. First, I need to find out if this ‘steering wheel’ can be installed on a ship.’

Though the decryption was far from complete, a part that seemed immediately useful caught her eye. The ‘steering wheel’ was just that.

According to the explanation, it was a very useful part for moving the key.

‘At present, this is all I can make, but once the coronation is over and I have some leisure, I will surely build this ship and use it as the royal flagship. With this ship, there will be nothing to fear on the seas….’

Mary gazed at the drawing on the blueprint, vowing to herself to make that ship the flagship.

Then she reached for the plate and picked up the meat to bring to her mouth.

“Hmm? It’s still good even though it’s cold. Marco’s skills are improving day by day. Is it because he’s inspired by you?”

Although the taste inevitably declined as it cooled, it was significantly better than the usual chunks of meat she had.

It was a bit tough, but despite being cold, the meat hardly smelled at all. It was so well made without much pepper that she was curious how it was done.

“His Majesty praises it so highly, Marco’s worries should lessen a bit. I will convey it well.”

Mary, who was eating, stopped at the sound of Logan’s voice and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Worries? Has something serious happened to him?”

Logan, watching Mary’s reaction, continued as if he had been waiting.

“It would be serious, yes. May I inform you in detail about what it is?”

If it had been the usual chunk of meat, perhaps not, but for a chef who strives like this, it was not impossible to listen to his concerns.

“Let’s talk while we eat. Once the meal is over, we must continue the decryption work.”

* * *

It was fortunate that the queen took an interest in the steak. Logan was pondering how to naturally bring up Marco’s story.

Of course, I was the one who grilled the steak, but I had no choice but to heed Marco’s ‘request’.

Fortunately, the queen had granted permission to speak. Though there were conditions, they were sufficient.

“That is, Marco has a cousin… who suffered an injustice. A farmer in Dartford, he said, had his land taken from him. Allegedly, the baron and a merchant conspired to forge the documents.”

Upon hearing my story, the queen paused her meal. Her face, illuminated by the lantern light, caught my eye.

Undoubtedly, she was frowning.

“Tell me more.”

The queen seemed interested in this tale.

Seizing the opportunity, I began to recount what I had heard from Marco. The queen had given me only so much time.

“So, it happened like this…”

After a while, having heard the entire story, the queen exploded in anger.

“These despicable scoundrels, now they dare such acts even there! Those men, I will…!”

Listening to the queen, it seemed she was well acquainted with Dartford.

Her unexpectedly fierce reaction made me curious, so I cautiously inquired.

“Your Majesty, why such anger…?”

“You may not know, but that place is as good as a royal demesne. Those men, undoubtedly heretics. Only heretics would commit such insolence…!”

The queen, having vented her fury, scooped up the remaining steak on her plate and brought it to her mouth. There were only a few pieces left, so swallowing was not difficult.

Chewing the pieces of meat thoroughly, the queen looked at me with eyes that could kill a man on the spot.

“Continue. Tell me of the disgraceful acts these heretical scoundrels have committed there.”

At the queen’s command, I began to recite in detail, without omission, the story I had heard from Marco, including the part about the Earl of Kent conspiring with the merchant to harm George.

“The earl is involved too! I must deal with these men at once…! Well spoken, Logan. Tomorrow morning, I shall summon Steve to discuss this matter. Surely, the Earl of Kent…”

Fortunately, I was able to keep my promise to Marco, who said he would speak well of me to the higher-ups.

Leaving the pondering queen behind, I quietly picked up the plate and turned to leave her room.

“Where are you going now?”

The queen’s voice held me back.

“Yes? Oh, since you have finished your meal…”

“What does it matter if the meal is over? You still have work left, do you not? Another 20 pages, 20 pages. If it’s too much, at least decipher up to the ‘ingredients’ section. Without doing so, you cannot leave this place.”

Is this really the first day? Why such eagerness? Deciphering should be a task done slowly over several days, with precision.

However, the queen seemed to think differently. By the sound of her voice, I was unmistakably trapped.

“Your Majesty, it is too late. Chef Marco told me that there are strange rumors circulating among the maids about you and me… Wouldn’t it be better to return before it gets later?”

I couldn’t tell the time, but it seemed I had been talking non-stop for two hours.

Today, I no longer wanted to read that damned blueprint. The annotations were so detailed, I almost resented the author.

I made an excuse to escape the queen’s room, but she cut me off calmly.

“I’ve heard from Anne. There’s a girl named Jessica who has always been loose-lipped. Don’t worry. I am taking care of such rumors.”

With those words, the queen, who had just been fuming, now wore a faint smile.

“Come, sit down. I will let you go after deciphering up to here for today.”

“But… that is…”

Pressed by the queen, I sat down with the feeling of an animal being led to slaughter.

After deciphering three more pages, I was finally able to return to my room.

Bishop Steve was on his way to the palace immediately after breakfast, having heard the message sent by the queen.

Listening to the clattering of horse hooves, the bishop pondered why the queen had summoned him.

‘What could it be that she has called me so early in the morning?’

Usually, when the queen would call upon him, it was timed with lunch or dinner, a long conversation over a meal. It was very rare for her to call early in the morning like today.

Convinced that it must be something urgent, the bishop’s grip on the reins tightened.

Before long, the bishop arrived at the palace. Dismounting his horse, he exchanged greetings with the guard at the palace’s main gate.

“Hard at work early in the morning, I see. I’ve come to see Her Majesty.”

“Ah, Bishop. Good morning. Her Majesty is waiting for you. Please, go in.”

As if it had been arranged, the guard readily opened the gate.

Entering the royal palace, the bishop hurried straight to the queen’s chamber. The attendants and maids guarding the queen’s door, seemingly already informed, opened the door without any fuss.

“Your Majesty, you summoned me?”

The bishop entered the queen’s chamber and bowed to Mary.

The queen, seated in her usual manner, began to speak to the bishop.

“Ah, Bishop Steve. Thank you for coming. Take a seat. The conversation may be lengthy.”

There was a slight furrow in the queen’s brow. Whatever the reason, it was clear she was not in good spirits.

“Yes, Your Majesty. May I ask why you have summoned me?”

“Just wait a moment. I have called for Sir Richard. When he arrives, we shall speak.”

“Sir Richard Morgan? Why would you…?”

The bishop looked at the queen, puzzled.

The Richard Morgan the queen spoke of had been appointed last month as the Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas.

He had been recognized for his significant contributions during John Dudley’s rebellion and was appointed to the position. Moreover, he was scheduled to be knighted a week before the coronation ceremony next month. In short, he was one of the queen’s people. Naturally, Bishop Steve, one of the queen’s closest confidants, was also acquainted with him.

It was quite unusual for the Queen to summon the Chief Justice of the Common Court privately. The only significant rulings of late were the verdicts on the remaining traitors.

However, the Common Court was not an institution authorized to pass judgment on traitors, so there was no reason to call him for a treason case.

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As the Bishop pondered why he had been summoned,

“Your Majesty, I am honored to see you. Ah, Bishop Steve, you are here as well.”

A voice came from the direction of the door. It was Richard Morgan’s voice. The Bishop, thinking Richard had arrived, turned and greeted him.

“It’s been a while, Sir Richard. Congratulations in advance on your knighthood next month.”

“Thank you, Bishop. But what brings you here…?”

“That’s what I’d like to know. Your Majesty, would you please start explaining?”

Under the Bishop’s insistent gaze, the Queen nodded lightly.

“Steve, do you remember what you told me last time?”

“If by last time, you mean…”

“About the peasants. Didn’t you say that some merchants are still conspiring with the local nobles to fence off land?”

“Yes, that’s correct. But why bring that up now…”

The Queen’s gaze shifted from Bishop Steve to Richard.

Richard, feeling the Queen’s gaze, could only wear a puzzled expression.

“Sir Richard, you must accompany me to Dartford. There is someone who must be punished immediately.”

“What? I don’t understand…”

“I heard an interesting story this morning. The same thing is happening in Dartford.”

“Who is the madman who dared to meddle with Dartford?”

Richard exclaimed in surprise at the Queen’s words.

“I hear that the current Earl of Kent and a foolish merchant have conspired together. Steve, who is the current Earl of Kent?”

Upon hearing the Queen’s words, Bishop Steve finally understood the situation.

“I believe it’s Henry, the brother of Richard Grey.”

“Ah, Henry Grey. To think that my relative, Henry of Suffolk, would commit treason and still carry out such deeds so brazenly? I must see how many heads that scoundrel has.”

“Your Majesty, what are you planning to do…”

The voice of Bishop Steve, inquiring about the Queen’s intentions, flowed out.

The Queen, looking at Bishop Steve, answered as if it were obvious.

“Isn’t it obvious? I will take matters into my own hands. In two days, I will go to Dartford with Sir Richard to arrest those scoundrels and judge them immediately. Sir Richard, prepare for the procession. And Bishop Steve, handle affairs while I am on the procession.”

The sudden proclamation of the Queen’s procession left both men with stunned expressions.

Bishop Steve, hardly believing, questioned the Queen.

“Your Majesty, surely you don’t mean to embark on the procession right now…?”

“Of course not. Do I look like a fool to you? There must be time to prepare the procession.”

Relieved, Bishop Steve sighed, but then the thunderous voice of the Queen resounded.

“Anne! Prepare to depart right after lunch. It won’t take long to reach Dartford. Ah, among the cooks, I will take Marco and Logan. And I plan to stop by Wellings…”

The Queen was spouting various details about the procession to Steward Anne.

Watching the Queen, the Bishop cursed and cursed again Henry Grey, the Earl of Kent, who had caused such trouble, forcing the Queen to embark on a procession right before her coronation.


*Deptford is on the way to Dartford. This shipyard, established by Henry VIII in 1513, contributed significantly to the development of British shipbuilding technology for the next 300 years. Peter the Great of Russia is said to have visited this shipyard to learn shipbuilding techniques.

*Dartford was an ambiguous city. It was a royal manor located in the Earl of Kent’s domain, yet the city paid taxes to the royal treasury. Henry VIII personally set fire to the Catholic monastery in Dartford and built a royal villa there.

*The Henry Grey mentioned in this episode is the 4th Earl of Kent, Henry Grey. He is from the same Grey family as Jane Grey’s father, Henry Grey, the Duke of Suffolk.

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