005. The Court Chef

In July of 1553, the summer for the nobles of England was colder than ever before.

The reason was that Edward VI, whose health had been deteriorating for the past six months, had named Jane Grey as the next successor just before his death.

By the time this news reached the other nobles, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who had orchestrated this event, had forced his son Guildford Dudley to marry the heir to the throne, Jane Grey, upon Edward VI’s death.

Immediately after, John Dudley proclaimed Jane Grey as queen and attempted to eliminate the only other claimant to the throne, Princess Mary Tudor.

However, Princess Mary had long been in hiding from him.

Nine days after the Duke of Dudley seized control of London, Princess Mary, who had vanished suddenly, returned to Westminster Palace leading the ‘people’ who supported her, naturally armed with armor and spears.

With the palace quickly under the control of the ‘people,’ Princess Mary boldly declared in front of the captured followers of the Duke of Dudley.

“Hear ye, traitors. I declare the rightful queen has returned.”

Thus, Princess Mary, now Queen Mary, began to purge the remnants of the Dudley faction.

The army of the Dudley faction, lacking both power and legitimacy, crumbled like a sandcastle, and the nobles who had briefly sided with the Dudleys now shouted Mary’s name, singing that the rightful king had returned.

Mary’s first command upon taking the throne was to gift death to John Dudley, who had fled from London.

After the swift decision on the Duke of Dudley’s fate, Mary’s gaze turned to his son Guildford and his wife, the pretender Jane Grey.

“Jane Grey, I am aware that you were coerced into claiming the throne by those traitors. Guildford, the traitor, do you have anything to say to me?”

“Yes! Your Majesty, the wise queen, I was only coerced into usurpation by those traitors. Please, please have mercy…!”


While Jane cried out for salvation, scattering her tears, Guildford remained silent throughout.

Seeing the contrasting reactions of the two, Mary ordered both to be confined in the Tower of London.

Nine days after Jane Grey’s false claim to the throne, on July 19, 1553, Mary I, England’s first queen, began her reign.

* * *

A week had already passed since Queen Mary’s accession.

From Sunday morning, the face of Bishop Thomas at the dining table was particularly grave.

Even though his favorite cream stew was served, he did not touch it, merely staring at the bowl as if his worries were beyond words.

After all, who in England did not know that Mary I followed the Catholic faith? For Thomas, an Anglican bishop, the concern was far from trivial.

And it wasn’t just Queen Mary’s accession that worried Bishop Thomas.

“Ugh… What to do about this situation…”

The reason for Bishop Thomas’s deep groans was due to a person released because of Queen Mary’s recent accession.

Stephen Gardiner. This man was the Bishop of Winchester, and Thomas had been a juror in the trial that stripped him of his position years ago.

Stripped of his position, he lost everything and was confined to the Tower of London. Of course, now released from the Tower, he had regained everything and was active as one of Queen Mary’s closest confidants.

Having worked in the bishop’s kitchen for about two months, I had overheard quite a few stories.

But Stephen Gardiner, upon hearing his name, I tried to recall who he was, but nothing came to mind; it seemed he was not so famous after all.

I hadn’t heard or seen anything related to him.

“Bishop, the stew has cooled… Shall I bring a fresh one?”

“Hmm… No, it’s fine. Just leave it… I’ll eat it as is.”

That Bishop Thomas, who wouldn’t even taste the cooled stew, now said to leave it as is, showed how seriously he was taking the matter.

With a light nod, I was about to return to the kitchen when Bishop Thomas’s voice called from behind.

“Logan! Wait a moment!”

“Yes? What is it, Bishop? Ah, if you’ve changed your mind, I can quickly serve up a new stew.”

“No, it’s not that. Logan, could you spare some time this evening?”

“Uh… well, if there’s extra pay involved…”

“Of course, I’ll pay whatever it takes! So, I ask you for a favor, today!”

It was Sunday. For Bishop Thomas, who usually resolved his meals at the church with lunch and dinner services on Sundays, it was a day off, just like any other modern Sunday.

Occasionally, on Sunday evenings, there would be preparations for stew to entertain esteemed guests, and it seemed today was one such day.

The nobles who tasted the cream stew all generously filled my pockets. This fund was intended to win over Elizabeth.

“Today, especially, I want you to take care and make it well, Logan. Use as many ingredients as you need. It’s a very, very important occasion…”

Bishop Thomas gulped down the cooled stew in one go, wiped his mouth, and then pleaded with me with a desperate expression. It was the first time I had seen the Bishop with such a look.

I didn’t know who tonight’s guest was to make him wear such an expression, but it must be a bigwig of the Anglican Church, seemingly looking for a solution to the situation.

Having failed to make contact with Elizabeth for the past two months, I must create a connection with the Anglican dignitary coming this evening. Slowly, the Anglican congregation would start to gather.

* * *

Stephen Gardiner was feeling the most satisfied he had ever been in his nearly seventy years of life.

Even when he was imprisoned in the Tower, the sight of those who had despised him now fawning over him was sweeter than any spice.

All this was thanks to Her Majesty the Queen, who had appointed him as the anointer and coronation officer for the coronation ceremony three months hence, and had called him a ‘loyal subject’ at the first parliament.

With such favor from Her Majesty, most of those who had persecuted him had vanished.

Yet, there were still the brave few who came to meet him directly, like Bishop Thomas Goodrich standing before him.

“So, Bishop Thomas. Or was it Commissioner Thomas? How many years has it been? Ten? Twenty?”

“Ha ha… Bishop Stephen, 20 years you say… It’s been 2 years…”

“Really? Only 2 years have passed? Strange! It felt like 20 years in the prison tower! A year felt like a decade. How about it, Bishop Thomas, would you like to try? Perhaps people like you, the heretics, could truly meet the Lord.”

“Ha, ha ha…”

Bishop Thomas barely managed to laugh off the openly mocking and insulting demeanor of Bishop Stephen.

Despite the laughter, Bishop Stephen continued to hurl his sarcastic remarks without care.

“So, what brings you to me? If you’ve come to convert, I’ll welcome you anytime. Unlike you, I am merciful.”

“It’s not that… It seems there’s been an unnecessary misunderstanding between us, and I’ve come to clear it up.”

“Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? If you mean locking me in the Tower of London, then…!”

“Bishop Stephen. To be honest, what power would I have had? I wasn’t the only one on the tribunal… Besides, I’ll be sixty next year. We’re both getting old…

And let me be clear, I was against the idea of confining you in the Tower of London until the very end. Those who know, know this fact. You can ask others and find out soon enough. Truly, I am deeply sorry for that incident.

Please, I beg you, let’s have a meal together and clear up this misunderstanding. You may not have heard since you’ve just been released from the prison tower, but I’ve recently hired a skilled chef, and I’m sure you’ll be pleased. Please, give me this one chance.”

The way Bishop Thomas humbly entered, one might even feel it was servile to a fault.

Of course, he didn’t show it outwardly. Despite being fully satisfied inside, Bishop Stephen continued to spit out prickly words on the surface.

“Hmph, you’ve been enjoying your gourmet life while locking me in the tower. Fine. There’s no reason I can’t have a meal.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much, Bishop Stephen.”

Despite Bishop Stephen’s ticking attitude, Bishop Thomas did not show displeasure and bowed his head several times. As Bishop Thomas knew better than anyone where the tide was flowing, it was an inevitable choice.

“So, how long do I have, and where should I go?”

“Ah, I will send someone in time. You can look forward to it. In all my years, I’ve never tasted a stew so rich and tender.”

With the deal seemingly struck, a bright light finally returned to Bishop Thomas’s face.

* * *

Something is amiss. Why would Bishop Thomas of the Anglican Church invite Bishop Stephen, a Catholic and known confidant of Mary I?

Could it be that old Thomas is contemplating abandoning the Anglican faith?

“Um… Thomas, I must confess. This stew is… astonishing. Truly remarkable.”

“Hahaha! Bishop Stephen, what did I tell you? The stew made by Logan standing here has completely shattered prejudices. Stew, a food for the lower class? Far from it!”

“I concur. Indeed, it’s so smooth and savory… To think it compares to mere oatmeal…”

Didn’t Bishop Thomas imprison Bishop Stephen in the tower? Such a warm atmosphere, something’s terribly wrong.

Now I see. Old Thomas intends to apostatize, from Protestantism to Catholicism. This is the worst-case scenario.

Hmm… But on second thought, it might not be so bad. If Thomas apostatizes, I could continue this comfortable life until Elizabeth ascends the throne. Thomas would keep employing me.

After preparing stew for about 30 minutes each meal, the rest of the time is free. If Thomas’s apostasy strengthens his position, I should start a business with the money I’ve saved.

“I’m just grateful to Fred, the estate manager who brought this fellow. Without him, I would’ve never known such food existed. Thanks to this stew, every day is a joy.”

“Indeed, that’s understandable. Hmm… I truly envy you.”

“Me, sir?”

“Yes. Even Her Majesty the Queen hasn’t tasted such food, yet you can enjoy this cream stew whenever you wish.”

The previously warm atmosphere turned chilly. An awkward silence fell between the two men.

It was Bishop Thomas who broke the silence.

“Well… Yes! How about this! At the upcoming coronation, this chef could cook…”

Bishop Stephen’s sharp voice cut off Bishop Thomas’s words about the coronation.

“Is there a need to wait until the coronation?”

“Excuse me…?”

“Are you saying you intend to monopolize this excellent chef, who makes food even the Queen hasn’t tasted, until the coronation?”

“That… that is….”

“From tomorrow, I think it would be good if this chef named ‘Logan’ could start serving this ‘cream stew’ to Her Majesty. What do you think?”

Stephen Gardiner, what is that old man saying? Who is he asking to make cream stew?

“I… I agree. However, Logan is a foreigner with an uncertain status. It’s a bit… to bring in an unverified chef as a court chef.”

Right, old Thomas has a point.

How can a foreigner with an uncertain status cook in the court? Above all, I have no intention whatsoever of getting involved with Mary I.

“If the chef is unverified, then you could vouch for his identity, could you not? Of course, if this chef attempts something unspeakable, you would have to take responsibility.”

“That… that is….”

Bishop Thomas’s face rapidly hardens. Hearing those words, it seems like a threat to use me as a pretext to dispose of Bishop Thomas if things go awry.

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Damn, I’ve been entangled in a nasty way. Eventually, Bishop Stephen’s head turns towards me, standing in a corner.

“Logan… was it? What do you think? It’s an opportunity to showcase your skills to Her Majesty. If you wish, I could take you to Her Majesty as early as tomorrow.”

Things are getting twisted.

And with that, my guts twist too. A slight nausea begins to set in.

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