Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 439 Horror - A Desperate Strike

But at this time, Ren Jie was not feeling well. Every time he raised the level of Tai Chi, his power would increase beyond imagination, otherwise his life span would not increase accordingly. Ren Jie believes that if Huameiyu hits with all his strength with his own strength, and he collides with the Zhentian Seal, he has a chance to draw.

And relying on his physical strength, the terrifying degree of suppressing the sky seal, and his strength more than ten times higher than the peak of the Yang Soul in the normal Yin-Yang realm, the first and second layers of Taiji Realm can be defeated head-on.

But facing Li Zhen, it was too strenuous, and the opponent obviously still had room to fight. If this blow could injure him severely, but the opponent was only knocked back, then it would be troublesome.

Ren Jie quickly adjusted his breath and exercised his strength, and only then did he realize that he had rushed all the way back. He hadn't had time to actually open the storage ring to practice the Jade Emperor Jue Yang Soul Realm. But it's a miracle to say that I didn't practice the exercises abruptly, and after breaking through to this level, I hit the peak all the way.

When I think of this, I naturally think of Dan Miao. If it weren't for her, such a strange, miraculous and unbelievable thing would not have happened.

No matter who you are, you have surprised me. You are capable of suppressing that guy and even daring to fight head-on with me. If that's the case, then let me show you the power of a real military boxing on the battlefield. Li Zhen was shocked back, but he had adjusted within a few breaths, and then his body strength continued to increase, and his body was filled with murderous aura.

Damn, it's troublesome, but since you've played it, let's play it to the end, and the owner will accompany you to the end no matter how much you play. While Ren Jie also adjusted quickly, seeing that Zhenxi Wang Li Zhen was about to attack again, he directly flipped his hand and took out the God of War Pill from the storage ring and swallowed it into his body.

Top-grade celestial pills should be placed in ordinary sects, and they will be enshrined and passed on from generation to generation, and become the treasure of the Zhenzong. Only those who live or die will use them.

For other people, if there are other options, they will definitely not swallow this level of pills directly like Ren Jie, because it is too extravagant. But for Ren Jie, any elixir is a consumable, not to mention that after swallowing this elixir, it is also a personal attempt to experience and analyze it, and he can directly configure better elixirs in the future. Moreover, fighting against people of this level, Ren Jie gained far more than fighting Dan Wujing, and improving his own strength was far more valuable than hiding consumables such as these pills.

The moment he swallowed the God of War Pill one step faster than Li Zhen, Ren Jie felt a terrifying force exploding in his body, and every cell in his body was wrapped, swelled, and constantly swelled by a strange force. An unimaginable force is injected in an instant. The body is instantly strengthened, and then strengthened again, but Ren Jie never takes pills like ordinary people, but simply lets the medicine work by itself.

He wants to dominate and control the power of the medicine, relying on his own state, the power of the powerful soul, and the power of the Jade Emperor Jue to stimulate the power of the God of War Pill, strengthen it, and push his physical strength to an extreme.

Bang bang bang...boom... In an instant, Ren Jie's body soared more than ten times before Li Zhen shot again and exploded.

The clothes on his body exploded one after another, his body radiated a light, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying force. When he clenched his fist, the air exploded and spiritual energy flew.

At this moment, Ren Jie's physical strength continued to skyrocket.

The fourth level of the Taiji Realm, the peak of the fourth level of the Taiji Realm...

The fifth level of the Taiji Realm, the peak of the fifth level...

The sixth floor of the Taiji Realm...


Ren Jie has only one feeling at the moment, cool. It's so cool, the top-grade Tiandan War God Pill allows Ren Jie to exert 120% of its power, and Nadan Wujing only absorbs 70% of the power of the God of War Pill, allowing his body to leapfrog into the Taiji Realm and improve to that level .

And Ren Jie himself is already in the body of Taiji Realm, and relying on his realm and control over the power of the medicine, the power of the God of War Pill can truly be exerted when his body is strong enough.

What's going on here? Li Zhen, who was about to erupt, couldn't help but hesitate, his eyes widened in disbelief, what's going on, how did this power increase so much in an instant, what kind of power is this?

External force must be borrowed from external force, but this external force is too powerful, this...

Kill a million enemies, bang... Seeing that Ren Jie's body was getting stronger and stronger, Li Zhen was frightened. He didn't dare to delay any more. When his strength was raised to the peak, he punched out in an instant, like a million blows in an instant. It was as if the army were attacking at the same time, and their power was earth-shattering.

Ah... Ren Jie pushed the power of the God of War Pill to the limit at this moment, and while controlling the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner with the power of his soul to continue to suppress Huameiyu, he let out a hearty roar and punched out with the same punch.

Li Zhen's mighty punch, like a million troops charging forward, turned into nothingness under Ren Jie's punch and shattered directly.

Bang bang bang...boom... Without any tricks, under the frontal bombardment, the terrifying power of Li Zhen's army boxing on the battlefield was blasted through by Ren Jie layer by layer. It is power, the most terrifying and primitive power, the terrifying power of a god of war directly pierced through the mana supernatural power condensed by Li Zhen's military fist on the battlefield, broke down to the bottom in one breath, and finally collided heavily with Li Zhen's fist.

Crack... With a crisp sound, the bones of Li Zhen's hand were directly shattered by Ren Jie's punch. The bones protruded from the shoulder, and the whole arm could not bear the impact caused by the collision. The terrifying force exploded continuously.

Flop... Not just the arms, Li Zhen flew upside down for a thousand meters, and many bones all over his body were also smashed by the powerful force, and a mouthful of blood with internal organs spewed out, staring at Ren Jie in disbelief.

Flash... Ren Jie also spat out a mouthful of blood, and he flew backward for hundreds of meters, but this time he controlled his figure first, but he didn't feel the slightest fatigue after the injury, only infinite fighting spirit.

The body on the eighth level of the Tai Chi Realm is so powerful. A pure Tai Chi Realm body is much different from having the strength of a Tai Chi Realm, but if the strength of this body can be strong to a certain extent, it is a different matter. At this moment, Ren Jie has experienced Tai Chi in advance The horror intensity of the eighth layer of the environment. Strong, too strong, there is a feeling that can penetrate everything.

Boom... Ren Jie stepped forward, and the space felt like it was exploding, and he rushed up again.

After the moment just now, Li Zhen was not only injured, but also really scared of being beaten. This kind of terrifying physical strength is too amazing, and this kind of change is also too amazing. Secret method?

No matter what, Li Zhen didn't dare to touch Ren Jie head-on this time. With a wave of one arm, he swung a hand with a powerful saber aura hundreds of meters away. .

Ka Ka Ka... Boom... The surroundings of Ren Jie instantly condensed into ice, but at this moment Ren Jie used the power of the God of War Pill to make a fierce mess, directly smashing the frozen aura, and smashing the icy sword aura with one punch.

These ices that can freeze and crack meteorite iron cannot solidify Ren Jie's body at this moment. At this moment, Ren Jie feels that every cell in his body is like countless bombs, full of explosive power, To vent, to fight.

Because he has fought with Dan Wujing, and with Ren Jie's realm and control over the pill, he knows that he can support the peak for half a quarter of an hour at most, and then gradually decline, so he must solve it within half a quarter of an hour. fighting.

My extremely cold ice could it be...boom...ah... Li Zhen felt so incredible, this extremely cold ice knife was tempered by collecting extremely cold ice energy, even if the ordinary low-grade Lingtian treasure was hit How can his body be fine? How is this possible? Could it be that he has surpassed the sixth level of the Taiji Realm, where his body has accommodated and absorbed strength and started to practice alone.

A little distracted, his rational chest was hit by a fist, and a large piece of flesh was blasted off in an instant, and his internal organs were directly exposed. Li Zhen screamed and dodged quickly, daring not to touch it again.

What the hell is going on? Is this still a Yin-Yang guy?

Who can tell themselves, what the hell is going on?

At a critical juncture, Li Zhen, relying on years of experience in fighting, directly broke through some formations of the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner with his extremely cold ice blade. Now he would rather face the power of the middle-grade Lingtian treasure than fight with this Smiley, the guy who has become extremely scary hits, this guy is too fucking scary and weird.

Breaking through, Li Zhen rushed directly to Hua Meiyu and exclaimed, Help me, join hands!

They are all old foxes, and they have killed countless people who have reached this point. There is no need to say anything, they are very clear about the truth that everyone who wins wins and everyone loses.

This... At this time, Huameiyu, who had already suffered many injuries on his body, was urging the octagonal plate to resist the formation in the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, and kept supporting it. At this moment, he originally wanted to shrink the range as much as possible, because he had just seen The man from the Taiji Realm of the Mingyu Dynasty rushed in. And just seeing Li Zhen's momentum, strength, and the tyrannical level of Huameiyu's shots, he was already happy. This guy can compete against the Taiji Realm only by relying on the Nine-Nine Yin-Yang Township Banner. Come another Tai Chi Realm existence that is much stronger than myself, let's see how he dies.

But he never expected that what he saw in a blink of an eye was not that guy running away, not that he was caught, but that Li Zhen, who had just been killed, was killed and came to ask for help like a bereaved dog.

What is this?

And the next moment, he also saw a more terrifying scene. Behind Li Zhen, a giant nearly 20 meters tall chased and fled to his side with a man with a stretched smile that looked even more exaggerated. .

And that guy stepped over a thousand meters in an instant, like moving a short distance, it was too terrifying, the power surrounded his body, there was no mana fluctuation, and the physical strength alone gave people a feeling of crushing everything.

War God Pill... He took the God of War Pill, it's impossible, even a high-grade God of War Pill with his power can't be so terrifying, this... Hua Meiyu exclaimed, unable to believe what she saw before her eyes.

What about this and that, help me... At this moment, Li Zhen exclaimed in a miserable state.

The octagonal yin and yang dominate the world, and the octagonal gathering! Huameiyu knew at a glance that she couldn't fight, and instantly pushed the power of the octagonal disk and her own power to the extreme, and could see that the jade essence in the center of the octagonal disk was consumed in an instant. The size of a fingernail, and the eight light beams on the octagonal plate instantly condensed and bombarded Ren Jie.

Ah, extremely cold ice blade, fight to the end. Li Zhen, who didn't dare to resist, was beaten by Ren Jie who took the God of War pill and fled in embarrassment. This kind of secret method and elixir doubled his physical strength. At this time, he didn't take advantage of Huameiyu's shot to escape alone. Instead, he turned around and exploded with the strongest power, and bombarded Ren Jie together with Huameiyu.

At this moment, Ren Jie could feel that the power of the God of War Pill was gradually approaching its peak state under the acceleration of his own acceleration, and in an instant, Ren Jie had no intention of retreating in the face of a desperate blow from the two great Tai Chi realms.

The hands are constantly changing, and the Zhentian seal has gradually condensed during the pinching of the hand formula. And it has surpassed the previous 70% cohesion. With the power contained in the body and the power of the God of War Pill, Ren Jie has forcibly perfected and perfected the Tiantian Seal.

Suppressing Tianyin, bang... Finally, for the first time, the Zhentianyin that was condensed and completed by his own strength burst out with unparalleled power. At this moment, Ren Jie once again felt a feeling of being taken out, but fortunately, The God of War Pill raises the body to the eighth level of the Taiji Realm, and the body can absorb countless forces in an instant, so that the whole person will not collapse like before.

The three forces collided together and exploded with a bang. At this moment, even Ren Jie's Jiujiu Yinyang Town Divine Banner could not be completely controlled. The Divine Banner remained at its strongest state, and these three forces were too ferocious, beyond the normal control range of the Divine Banner of Jiujiu Yinyang Town.

Boom...boom... It exploded with a bang, Ren Jie had a feeling that the center of the nuclear bomb was under the power of the explosion, and he flew backwards. The other two were not much better than Ren Jie.

Ah... In the end, with all his strength, Huameiyu was completely blown away, his octagonal plate was shattered, and Li Zhen's whole body was shattered during the blowing process. The situation was unprecedented.

And the excess power instantly made Gu Yue who was in it scream out, it was just residual power, it had already shattered the outer armor of her body, and the whole person fell down.

This explosion is too powerful, the three super terrorist forces collided together, creating a devastating explosion.

Ah... Yue'er, whoosh... At this time, the killer king inside Ren Jie's Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner was not harmed. The Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner scattered under this terrifying collision, and he also Finally realized the situation in front of him, he looked at Ren Jie for the first time, and found that even though Ren Jie was blown away, his injuries were not serious, but he still exuded a terrifying power, and then he realized that if Gu Yue could not survive under the lingering power, his figure would have collapsed in an instant. rushed down.

Damn, what are you going to do... Although that place is Yu Wei's place, but the explosion is too powerful now, Ren Jie is desperately urging his power to control everything, control his body and maintain this state for a while, although he is almost there limit, but he was afraid that a little fatigue would cause problems.

And the power of the soul quickly gathers and controls the Jiujiu Yinyang Town God Banner, but he didn't expect that the smiling old man, the king of killers, would rush over by himself at this time. Although it was on the edge, it was also terrifying. But it was too late.

In an instant, the King of Killers had already rushed down, Ren Jie was annoyed and helpless, and with the power of his soul, he barely controlled some of the surrounding banners, trying to operate as much as possible to help disperse the explosive power around him.

What's going on, what's the situation?

Get out of the way, boom...

Bang bang...


Once the Jiujiu Yinyang Town Divine Banner is uncontrollable, the huge impact force will spread out, and it will explode suddenly, resounding for thousands of miles around, and instantly destroyed dozens of miles around. Changkong, Xia Jiuhe, and Lantian all had to dodge in a hurry. They didn't know exactly what happened inside just now, and they all dodged away in shock. What happened inside, such a terrifying and astonishing explosion broke out.

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