The changes in the field were also seen by Rod in the eyes.

Somehow, the revelation in the crown of the Oracle revealed Cole’s existence to Cole. This was not what Rod could have foreseen. He never expected that his existence was exposed as such a treasure. .

When he heard Rod's name, Kane's consciousness suddenly tranced. He didn't know what was happening. It was a name that he never had an impression, but it brought him a touch.

For Rhodes, this is undoubtedly a good sign. According to Rhode's understanding, as long as Kane recalls his identity as a death knight and his current situation, the entire illusion will not break through, and Rhode will be able to wake him up.

Seeing that Kane's consciousness showed signs of awakening, Rod had just planned to say something, but there was a change again.

The unstoppable pain wailed from Cole's mouth. He tried to tear off the crown of the oracle above his head, but it had no effect. The crown of oracle had been firmly attached to the top of his head.

The red liquid dripped from the top of Cole's head. Cole's violent pulling did not achieve any effect. To remove the crown of Oracle, he must tear off his scalp together.

Under Rod’s gaze, Cole’s body began to change. His left fingers closed uncontrollably, and the gap between his fingers slowly closed, turning into a strong and powerful tentacle, while his right hand The phalanx elongates rapidly, protruding from the body beneath the skin, just like a thorn, there is no tendency to stop.

Not only limited to the arm, Cole's whole body is changing. His ribs are opened to the outside of the body, exposing the violently beating heart in the chest, and the upper and lower jaws are opened uncontrollably, tearing the corners of his mouth. , The soft tongue bifurcated from the middle, turned into a snake-like letter, trembling constantly.

Existing in the crown of oracle above Cole's head, pure spiritual power is constantly being instilled into his body, which further strengthens his power and transforms Cole into a more powerful form.

Kane, who had seen such a scene, kept trying to keep himself calm, but he couldn't do it at all. His body began to tremble faintly, and he stepped back one after another, causing Kane to touch the back wall.

Right in front of his eyes, the mage who was still arguing with him turned into a monster. Just looking at it, Kane felt a wave of fear and could still stand, instead of running away, Kane’s spiritual will Has exceeded most creatures.


When Kane was at a loss, with the sound of a sharp object piercing the flesh, the changing monster suddenly shivered violently, and then seemed to lose all strength, and fell on the side of the ground for a while. There was no more noise coming out of the sound.

Kane noticed that it was the apprentice who originally existed next to Cole who had stopped the monster's mutation. If Kane remembered correctly, the apprentice should be called Zarien.

When he came to the captain’s room, Zarien had no words, but waited silently until Koryi became a monster. Zarien immediately approached the monster and pierced the exposed heart of the monster with his dagger. Thus ending its life.

Just for a while, the entire captain’s room was almost filled with monsters that were rapidly expanding in size. Kane couldn’t imagine that if the changes in the monsters were to continue, why would they wait for them to exist? You can kill the crew.

Looking at Zarien on the side, Kane heartily sighed: "Thanks to your shot, if you let Cole continue to change, the consequences will be unimaginable."

However, in response to Kane, it was Zalien's indifferent look: "It's time to wake up, Kane."

Kane was puzzled, and at this moment, he suddenly felt the ominous breath that existed throughout Zarien.

This ominous breath undoubtedly made Kane aware of: "You are a necromancer? I have felt this kind of breath, Cole has not discovered your identity?"

Under Kane's watch, Zalion said in a deep voice: "I am Rod, and you are my death knight, now trapped in memory, wake up quickly, Kane."

Kane showed a more puzzled look: "What the **** are you talking about? You said you're called Rhode? Are you the Rhode mentioned by Cole in Revelation?"

Seeing that Kane hadn't realized his identity yet, Rod was helpless: "He's talking about me. Do you still not know who I am?"

Kane shook his head: "Rhode... This name is too common. There are not a thousand but hundreds in Elasia. Have I ever known you?"

Without answering Kane's doubts, or continuing to say something to Kane, Rhode showed an intractable look.

Kane's reaction has undoubtedly explained to Rod that simple communication alone cannot awaken Kane's consciousness, and must have a stronger stimulus.

Looking at the monster corpse that Cole turned into at his feet, Rod realized that he shouldn't have been killed like this, as if he had made a mistake.

The previous judgment made Rod realize that this is Kane's previous memory, and everything that happened is in Kane's memory.

If there is no Rhodes and intervenes, according to the normal development of things, the monster that Cole turned into can easily destroy the ship where Kane is located. By then, the one who can save Kane is instead. Those pirates who came to attack.

According to Rod's prediction, the original Kane was probably rescued by those pirates, and then something happened that he remembered, which was the root of this memory.

It is a pity that the appearance of Rhodes undoubtedly destroyed all this. Cole turned into a monster that had not yet displayed its complete form, and was destroyed by Rhodes, and could not play its original role.

Without the monster that Cole turned into, Rhode could not reproduce the memory that once belonged to Kane, and could not make the consciousness that existed in Kane's heart, because this memory was deeply shaken and could not be awakened.

What makes Rod more concerned is that as he enters this illusion, the connection between his consciousness and the ontology is gradually weakening. At the beginning, Rod can still recall the matters related to the spiritism through the perception of the ontology. , Rhode could not perceive the existence of ontology at all.

That special spiritual force trapped Rod’s consciousness here. Rod couldn’t easily escape from the illusion. If Kane was awake, Zaryn’s body would die in the illusion. It is also difficult to wake up.

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