Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1607: Reception ceremony

With the help of the remaining light on the treasure hunting stick, Rhode's soul quickly floated above the unfolded classics.

Rod noticed that this book was once placed in Will’s arms. When Will’s soul was separated, his body slowly decayed over a long period of time, and this book stayed in the darkness. The space has not been noticed by others so far.

Even if several centuries have passed, even Will's body is decayed and only remains, but this book is intact, and the title page still emits golden light, which contains a sacred atmosphere.

Being able to go through countless years without being damaged, and the writing on the surface has no faint traces, this classic book naturally attracted the attention of Rod.

Unable to get any help from other aspects, Rod put his own attention on this book. This is the only thing that can help Rod in the current situation.

Thinking of this, Rod quickly stretched out his hand, tried to pick up the classics, flipped through the contents, but directly passed through the classics.

Rhodes in the soul state can't touch anything at all, so naturally he can't hold this book, his body will pass through anything.

After realizing this, Rod screamed inwardly, and he had to use the dim dim light to check the contents of this classic little by little.

The wind that blew by accident turned this classic book for Rod. Often Rod had to read the content before he finished reading it, and when there was no wind, Rod had to face the same page of the classics for a long time.

With a sigh, Rhode missed the time when he had a body.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Lord also probably understood what was recorded in the classics.

This classic book should have been written by Will. It is recorded that he, from a priest in a small remote village, all the way to a high priest in the capital of Erasia, the city of Jericho, was highly regarded by the Griffin King.

In the classics, in addition to recording the difficulties and doubts that Will encountered? More importantly, it also records a secret method, which is also the most attractive place for Rhodes.

According to the records in the classics? This secret method is called [Secret Method of Access]. The priest can use this secret method to send the soul of the dying creature to the cloud city or **** according to a certain criterion.

If it is in peacetime, Rhode would definitely not appreciate this secret method? But now? This seems to be Rhode's only way out.

Rod did not forget that his current position is still a treasure house in the cloud managed by angels? It is far from safe.

In addition? The soul state cannot cast space magic? It also trapped Rohde deeply inside the treasure house? There is no way to get out? Let alone let his soul return to his body.

Just as Rod was looking at the contents of the classics a little bit? A heart-piercing roar suddenly came over his head.

The loud roar spread all over the space below the gold coin gully, and echoed over and over again in Rod's ears. He could hear, this roar? It belonged to Will who was waiting above the gully? He didn't know what happened to him.

After a little thought? Rhodes can realize? What happened above, those angels apparently discovered the abnormality in the treasure house, and Will in the form of vampire on the gully? Undoubtedly the best purification target of those angels.

There was no time to hesitate, looking at the body that fell on the ground without any breath, and checked the system log again, Rod's heart sank.


"You learned the skill [Secret Method of Access]."

"[Access to the secret method]: The secret method developed by the stigmata, only for human souls. After use, according to the soul's piety, it will be sent to the cloud city or hell."


In Rod’s current attribute panel, the previous values ​​and skills are all missing, and the only thing that lights up is the [Secret Method of Access], and this may be Rod’s only choice.

Rather than staying in the Treasure House in the Clouds and waiting to be discovered by the angels, Rhode is more willing to give it a go and leave the body here, allowing the separated soul to find a way to break the sacred curse. Rod is not willing to let everything end like this.

He took a deep breath. Even though these actions could not have any effect on Rhode in his soul state, he still retained his former habits.

Feeling the more and more intense holy breath on the top of his head, Rod no longer hesitated, put his hands on the soul's forehead, and a burst of shining light appeared in his palm, and he used the secret technique of enchantment.

The low and sacred words echoed in Lord's ears.

"Rhodes, are you willing to give your heart to God and confess to God piously?"

Rod was taken aback and looked around. Except for his original body and the fallen Will, there were no other people around him. The sound had no source at all, but seemed to be spontaneous in his soul.

"Who's pretending to be a god?" Rod asked in a soul state.

"What a pity..." The low voice came again.

Suddenly, Lord seemed to feel something, and he looked towards the ground below.

I don't know when, countless black arms appeared there. These arms were tightly wrapped around Luo Luo. This also made Luo in the soul state feel the actual touch for the first time. He can touch those arms.

Looking at those arms, Rod did not feel uneasy, what he felt was the breath that made him comfortable. The gray and black mist around the gully hovered around Rod as if he felt the presence of his arm.

The pitch-black arm entangled Rhode more and more, pulling him under the ground a little bit.

When there were more and more pitch-black arms, Rod also felt from these arms, a breath that was the same as the surrounding gray and black mist.

If the gray and black mist symbolizes greed, then the dark arm symbolizes all sin karma, which naturally also contains greed. Those dark arms are more advanced than the surrounding gray and black mist.

"Receiving the secret method..." As he read the name of this secret method silently, Rod seemed to realize something, and his eyes showed an unwilling look.

Looking at the powerful body that was half lying on the ground, once belonged to him, Rod's soul stretched out his hand, but it was immediately covered by the surrounding pitch black arms.

With the progress of the secret method, Rod was unable to get rid of the limitations of those dark arms anyway, and his consciousness became heavier and heavier. The arms wrapped around his soul more and more, and finally covered his sight completely, and Rod fell into the ultimate darkness.

Before the line of sight dissipated, the last thing Rohde saw in his eyes was still the powerful body that symbolized power.

"Wait for me...I will definitely be back."

In the boundless darkness, only Rod's low voice echoed.

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