Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1632: The door of pain


"The meditation is over."

"According to your performance during meditation, your maximum mana has increased by 26 points. The current mana is 26/26."

"Shallow meditation cannot get special feedback."


As Rod opened his eyes again, the feedback about this meditation in the system log also passed to Rod's mind.

In order to obtain a better meditation effect, before meditation, Rod deliberately replaced his racing achievements with [Shen Heart].

After wearing the [Heart of Calm], Rod’s meditation effect has been increased by 20%, which also brought him more maximum mana. Those racing achievements that Rod was not concerned about, in some Moment can also play an unexpected role.

Since the newly-born monster body did not master any magic, for the current Rhodes, the meaning of mana was limited to transforming undead creatures, and could not cast spells.

There is no alternative to this. After offering sacrifices to the Demon King, Rhode can use the experience points in exchange for some simple spells. These spells are not very helpful to the current Rhodes, and Rhodes did not exchange them.

In addition to casting spells, mana can be used in many places. Whether it is to activate some delicate organs, or some special spell rituals, or even simply activate the space ring, mana is required. Meditation is a must for Rhodes. ongoing.

If he hadn't noticed the abnormal movement coming from nearby, Rohde could continue to meditate until his consciousness was completely fainted, but unfortunately, the abnormal movement in the perception caused Rohde to stop meditation quickly.

After finishing the meditation, Rod quickly got up. He noticed that the succubus Tiss was shrinking in a corner of the room, beside Clarol's bones, he seemed to be asleep, but his face still had some fear.

But outside the tent, there was a burst of noise, and it was this noise that caused Rod to stop meditation.

Pushing the tent away, Rod looked around and saw a lot of abyss demons ready to go. In addition, Hela's figure also appeared in a corner of the camp, surrounded by several flame elves.

Noting Rod's appearance, Hela spoke to the flame elf a few times, and then walked towards him.

"It seems you are very comfortable with this camp."

After coming to Rod's side, Hela took a look at him and said immediately.

"Any problem?" Rod asked with a shrug.

"Of course, I heard about your behavior during this time from other demons."

Hela seemed to have thought of something, with an inexplicable look in her eyes: "Even the little monster that touches the Awakened Wisdom Stone, may not be able to adapt to the environment of hell. What kind of creatures can come to **** in a short time Melt in? Unless that's a born demon..."

Seeing Rod's face calm and without any reaction, Hela shook her head and threw a black object at him.

Rod stretched out his hand and held the black thing in his hand. Looking carefully, Rod's eyes showed a look of surprise: "This is..."

"It seems you know how to use it." Hela said slowly, and the heat in his eyes was even more intense. "This is the space ring. Only the existence trusted by the king is qualified to use it. Now it belongs to you, together with the ring. Things together."

Rod nodded. He also understood that the preciousness of the space ring, even in hell, was a rare thing.

He put on the space ring, the mana in his body flows into it, and then he has contact with it.

After opening the space ring, Rod noticed that the ring was not empty, but the bodies of several little monsters piled up.

"This is your reward. In the next trial of Vulcan, I hope you can show your full strength and help me occupy the sixth door."

Closing the space in the ring, Rod put his hands in front of him, thought for a moment, and asked: "What does the'sixth gate' mean?"

"Don't you know the content of Vulcan's trial? The demons here didn't tell you?" Hela glanced at Rod and asked rhetorically.

"I only know that the demons participating in the trial must find a way to activate the Vulcan statue in the trial place, and then use the corpse of the dead creature to create an ultimate creature." There is nothing to hide, Rod said.

"The Vulcan statue is in the Huojin City. If you want to go to Huojin City, you can only pass through ten portals in the Trial Land except for the gates of **** opened by the great devil." Hela explained to Rod.

Rohde seemed to realize something. The bloodline of the great demon he once had may be because the bloodline was not pure enough and did not have the ability of the gate of hell. It should be a more powerful ability than the flame escape.

"After the trial begins, many demons will fight around the ten gates. Only the strongest ten demon lords are qualified to occupy the ten gates and go to the Fire Seal City where the Vulcan statue is located. And the one I intend to occupy is the ten. The sixth of the doors, the door of pain."

"Is there any difference between these doors?" Rhode asked if he noticed Hela's words.

"Of course." Hela looked expectant, "These ancient portals are accompanied by a kind of blessing, or a kind of authority, as long as you pass through them, you can get a unique reward. The door of pain comes with it. Blessing is to let the devil enjoy more pain..."

As if thinking of something, Hela's face sank, and her words were filled with a bit of resentment: "For other demons, the temptation of the Portal of Pain is not great, except for the succubus lord like me... "

The corners of Rod’s mouth twitched. For those demons and succubuses who enjoy pain under the rule of the **** king, the door of pain is undoubtedly a blessing, but for other demons, it doesn’t seem to be a good thing, Hela This point is also mentioned in his words.

In Luode's view, the ten blessings attached to the ten gates are not so much as ten curses. These curses seem to be endured if they want to lead to the Huo Yin City.

"Except for the Portal of Pain, what do other portals say?" Rod asked.

Hela glanced at Rod lightly: "Knowing so much, it’s no good for you. The gate of perfidy that ranks first is the object of competition for the big demons. Other portals are also powerful. The devil chooses, only the door of pain is suitable for us."

Seeing Hela didn't want to say more, Rod also witty did not ask much.

After putting on the ring, Rod heard Hela say again: "Get ready, soon we will set out to the trial place."

Rod nodded, and at this moment, there was a noise in the camp.

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