Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1733: Bloodline characteristics

According to the system log, the bloodline characteristics that Lord possessed at this time were already very different from the original.


"[Chaotic Bloodline]: Your bloodline is mixed with the blood of a variety of demons. The characteristics of the bloodline are extremely unstable and will change with the physical state."

"[Rage Singing Plains]: From the blood of Hell's Bimeng. Strong anger fills your heart. When you are in a state of anger, all attributes are +5, ignoring all the feelings of the body, and will not be affected by the injury until the battle To the last moment."

"[Cruel Claws]: It comes from the blood of Hell's Bimeng. When attacking with Cruel Claws, it ignores 80% of the enemy's defense power. In the state of scorching anger, it ignores 100% defense."

"[Legendary Body]: From the blood of Hell's Bimeng. The upper limit of health is increased by 1000, and 10% of health is restored every hour."

"[Pile of Flesh and Flesh]: From the chaotic bloodline. With the help of the witchcraft ritual, you break through the physical limitations. You can integrate any equipment into the body and enjoy all the attribute bonuses without being restricted by the equipment bar. You Will not be fatally injured."

"[Soul Imprisonment]: Your body has other souls imprisoned, and you only have partial control of your body. Once you try to harm another soul, your ability to control your body will decrease. Whenever your body is in accordance with your will After the action, your ability to control your body will decrease, and you must give your body to other souls to control it in order to regain control. Current control ability: 35%"


In addition to these bloodline characteristics, Rod noticed that this characteristic of [Soul Imprisonment] seems to be able to be explored.

Without any hesitation, Rod immediately unfolded this bloodline information, wanting to see what it contained.


"The fusion is over. You are trying to control the body..."

"Control in progress..."

"The end of control, according to the various behaviors you have done during the control process, your control ability will drop from 50% to 35%..."

"You stopped controlling."

"Current body control:"

"Your Soul: 35%"

"Soul of Ensia the Fallen: 0%"

"Hell than the soul of Monrita: 65%"


According to the prompts in the system, Rod seemed to understand his current state.

As the fusion ceremony progressed, after fusing with the Hell Beamon, the characteristics of Rhode's bloodline changed astonishing, but at this time, Rhode also faced some difficulties.

As the soul of Hell Beimeng has not yet been wiped out, at this time Rhode had to face the situation of sharing his body with Hell Beimeng.

According to the prompts in the system, his and Hell's control abilities can be accurately displayed in a digital form, and with the control of the body, the value will also change accordingly.

According to Rhodes's understanding, it is not so much control ability, it is more accurate that the ratio of the time the two control the body is more accurate.

After the fusion ceremony was completed, Lord controlled this body and spoke a lot with Hela and Tiss. According to the system's judgment, Lord led the control of the body during this period.

By now, Rod's ability to control the body has dropped a lot, and he must hand over the control of the body to Hell Beamon in order to regain control of this body later.

Although Rhodes did not know how the system came up with these numbers, Rhodes believed in them.

If Rhodes wants to continue to control the current body, his ability to control the body will have to further decline. In the end, when his control ability drops to close to 0, he will have a long time to hand over control. In the hands of Hell Beamon.

Rhode naturally didn't want to see this happening. If he was in danger, he would not dare to hand over the control of his body to Hell Beamon.

Except for the characteristics of [Soul Imprisonment], the other bloodline characteristics made Rhode very satisfied.

Through this fusion with Hell Bimeng, Rhode lost the bloodline characteristics of the little monster, and instead allowed a more powerful bloodline to exist in his body, which was the bloodline belonging to Hell Bimeng.

Compared with the bloodline of the great demon in Rhode's impression, the bloodline of Hellbeimeng does not have those unique and gorgeous abilities, but it can bring an extremely simple and direct improvement.

Rohde noticed that the [Rage Scorching Plains] in the bloodline characteristics should be the reason why Hellbeimeng was able to resist the heroes of Tiss.

In the state of scorching anger, the former Hell Bimeng, that is, Rhode at this time, will not feel any pain or the strange feeling of itching, even if the body is severely injured, it will not Stop fighting.

When looking at the characteristics of this bloodline, Lord couldn't help feeling a lingering fear.

Before the battle with Hell Beamon, Rod did not know that it had such an ability, it could almost completely ignore the weakening of the body caused by the power of the disease, even Tiss's heroic specialties would be ignored by it.

It's a pity that the hero's specialty of Tess, in addition to being able to convey painful feelings, even the damage suffered by Tess's body will be completely transmitted to other creatures, causing them to lose the corresponding feeling.

Hell Bimeng was affected by this ability. He had a powerful attribute, but because a pair of sharp claws could not be used, Rhode finally found the opportunity and merged successfully.

In Rod's view, Hell's only flaw is that it has only two hands. If it has more claws, it will not be so easily restrained by Tiss's heroic specialties.

According to the system log, the pair of terrifying claws of Hell Billy should be called the cruel claws, which can make Hell Billy ignoring the enemy's defense power by a large margin in the battle, if it is in the [Angry Fire] In the state, the Brutal Claw ignores the ability of defense, and can even reach 100%. As long as it touches, it will be instantly split.

Recalling his experience in the battle, Rod took a deep breath.

At the beginning of the battle, Hell Beamon was able to use only one claw to fight with Tiss's heroic specialties. Even so, Rhode was still deeply downwind and could only do his best to dodge.

The huge wound that appeared in front of Rod was also due to dodge carelessly, and was slashed by the brutal claws, causing his entire chest to be torn apart.

If it weren't for Rod's body, it would have been completely changed by the witchcraft ritual, and if it was replaced by any other creature, it would instantly die.

At this time, Rod has merged with the body of Hell Beamon. When he was in control of this body, he could use the pair of brutal claws to easily tear apart all the demons blocking the way. This was also the place that made Rod feel shocked.

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