101 – Report on the Fall of Kindness (11)

Through Henry’s knowledge, Roberta was able to perfect her own magic. It is a spell that transfers a person’s vices and sins to a tree, leaving only goodness, positivity, and happiness in the body.

Will not only the stupid and uneducated thieves and rural farmers, but also the wise, stubborn, and knowledgeable about the world come over?

Henry was a valuable resource in that respect. Thanks to her strong will and noble heart, Roberta was able to do whatever she wanted to her heart’s content.

No matter what Roberta did, Henry endured it. Like a training scarecrow that can be hit as hard as you like because it is hard.

But now Henry is useless. Because he was completely persuaded. The large tree that fell down was so devastated that nothing could be done about it. So playing with Henry wasn’t much fun.

‘Should I wait a little longer? Or is it okay if I leave now… ‘

Maria, who came down in front of the hesitant Roberta, was like a blessing from God. If we can persuade Maria, she will be able to move into the wider world.

But the process of persuasion is not easy. Roberta’s teachings should free her from her existing prejudices. We must abandon doubt and distrust and completely open our hearts. And in order to open your heart, you have to go through a process of more denial, denial, and denial.

So now, Maria’s resistance is Roberta’s joy.

Sin is planted on a tree and leaves only happiness in the body. The sins caught in the tree will be naturally purified within the great cycle of nature.

The process of persuasion is never easy. Before that, we must go through countless processes of denial, denial, and denial. Roberta knew that from countless experiences.

To open your mind, you must first tire your body. When the boundaries of the body are relaxed, the gates of the mind also become loose.

If you approach an animal after it has completely lost its strength, it will give up. Just a person…

“Where are you…?” ?”

Roberta’s hands groped her body. Her neck. Her shoulders. One goes over her left side and the other goes over her lower left breast.

If she pushes upward a little more, Roberta will be more satisfied.

‘Yes. It’s just a moment… What do you think… ‘

Roberta pushed the villagers. Let the tingling good feeling go to her more private places. A creeping exhilarating sensation slowly rises to her breasts.

“Aha… !”

Roberta, holding her breast, let out an exclamation. The villagers would follow her touch and spin around. At the tip of her chest, she felt the unfamiliar energy of a stranger.

The more they rebel, the more aroused Roberta feels. The more they become afraid, the more Roberta’s heart beats. The faster their breathing becomes, the faster Roberta becomes absorbed in her passion.

“Okay. Fill… Fill it up… ! Us… me!”

Pleasure runs down my spine and rises from the bottom to the top. Roberta, with her back arched, was so absorbed in her pleasure that she could do nothing. For her, who had been starving for so long, this satisfaction was an incomparable pleasure.

She enjoys driving her desirable prey wherever she wants. A huge wave coming. With her heart pounding, her mouth dry, and her legs crossed, she prepared for her pleasure to come.

The hunter lost his cool and did not realize that he had missed one of her signals.

* * * * *

Maria climbed the wall of the log cabin. It wasn’t difficult as there were plenty of places for her to put her hands and feet.

It would be nice to take a breather, but there is no time to do so. Because half the villagers are chasing Maria.

“Come on!”

Fortunately, there were many things to throw from the roof of this house. Roof tiles. Pressing stone. Maria threw them at random towards the villagers.

Even though the top of her foot is cut, her shoulder is broken, and blood flows from her forehead, the villagers just smile blankly and look up at Maria. She even waves her hand as if to come down and join us.

The house is already under siege. Ten people. Score… There are more people. People who were stuck together began to climb over each other. Just as swarms of ants gather and trample on each other, these people would also climb up to the roof.

The moment when people cling to the wall saying “Woo!” Maria snapped her fingers. A glorious light catches everyone’s eyes.

No heat, but extremely bright light. The villagers are panicking and waving their arms wildly. Just as you are momentarily blinded by light when you are in a dark place and go out to a bright place, the villagers also temporarily lost their eyesight.

Then Maria gave a thud and kicked her roof. She lightly jumped down on top of the villagers and then she ran to the next building.

“Come on! “I’m here, catch me!”

As if you were offering medicine.

A completely different scenery can be seen from a little distance away. Lily walked through the village as if she were taking a walk. However, if someone lunged at her with outstretched arms, she held out her baton without any hesitation.

Stab her solar plexus to break her posture and raise her lower jaw to knock her out. If one wasn’t enough, she struck twice or three times.

Unlike Maria and Cain, Lily was not good at her wall climbing skills.

Of course, she has passed all the basic training and tests that a security agency agent must undergo, and can even climb a castle wall as long as she has a strong rope, but being able to do so with confidence in actual combat is a slightly different story.

That’s why she chose a job she was good at. After she stands with both feet on the ground, she knocks down everything that comes her way.

It seems like a test to see how much strength a knight trained to the limit can exert against a human who lacks even an ounce of reason or judgment.

Another person falls down laughing happily.

“Wow… omg… “

But Lily was also quite tired. And the villagers do not decrease in number. This is probably because no matter how hard she gets hit, she ignores the pain and approaches her.

Not all of them, but these are people who have committed great sins in the empire. Lily knows that her sins have not been forgiven, her punishment has not been reduced, and that it is simply being suspended.

But that doesn’t mean you can treat them carelessly. Even if these people are criminals, Lily has no authority or right to punish them.

“I don’t want to hurt you. However, if it approaches you, you have no choice but to take it down. This is not to punish you, but to protect myself and my loved ones. So, please come to your senses.”

It was completely meaningless to people who were drooling and laughing hard, but Lily was determined. The light flashing on the other side of the village was visible to Lily.

So Lily ran wilder. She wants to attract at least one more person to her side. To further reduce the burden on Mary and Cain.

* * * * *

Roberta could not stand it any longer. Her ecstatic eyes looked up at her ceiling, her writhing on the soggy floor. The stimulation on her body was beyond imagination. She didn’t even have the presence of mind to form words, so she just kept mouthing.

Maria was, of course, the best. She is more stubborn and vicious than anyone she has hunted so far, and sometimes even bites back. From Roberta’s point of view, she was determined to rub the area around where she wanted to be touched.

I’m telling you to please catch me, but in reality, I have a conflicting feeling that I want this moment to last longer.

Even if it’s like this, even if it’s like this? Roberta continued to send people. As for Maria, she will not be able to escape.

Although it is a little less than Maria, the sweet sensation felt on the other side of her body is also significant. If one side is a familiar expectation, the other side is an unfamiliar seasoning. Although she had expected Maria’s resistance, she had not expected the resistance of the tall woman who had come with her.

‘Good…’ continue… sun!’

Roberta was happy. This is the fun of hunting. You must push ahead at the very brink, but never lose sight of it. As long as you keep them trapped inside the siege, it doesn’t matter how you push them.

My forehead feels pleasantly tingling. My back feels tingly, as if a lightning bolt trapped in my spine is emitting light. Roberta twisted her body on her floor.

Then she saw more roots coming out of her body, more roots digging into the floor of her mansion. Like a seed that has begun to sprout, Roberta did not stop her joyful movements.

‘More… more… !’

* * * * *

Maria’s body swayed. This is because her foot got caught on a tree root. She is ridiculous. She is a tree root in the middle of the village road.

Tree roots were sprouting from every path. It was as if it were a snare, and if she walked around without thinking, she would get caught.

Maria took a huge leap forward. She slid onto the path and got her bearings. And she was astonished.

“This is crazy.”

Tree roots sprouting from the ground wrapped around the bodies of the villagers. No, it would be more accurate to say that she stuck.

Tree roots became the bodies of people. Some people have an extra lower body like a centaur. Some had two more upper bodies, while others had three heads, competing for one body.

It’s like cutting a tree into a human body.

Maria ran along the road.

Her roots and vines grew along her path. It wraps around the house, licks the pillars, lifts the roof, and the ground keeps trying to peel off its skin.

Wriggling obscenely beneath them are trees that look like lumps of red flesh.

On the other side of the road. Lily came running. She was holding a lumberjack instead of a broken pole. The sword has no great meaning against things that are neither humans nor trees.

The villagers, the villagers who formed a large circle, gather from the far end. It’s tightening. It wraps around

Let’s go around the tree, go round and round, open the bag full of herbs, ahchwi. Hitch. Everyone has fallen!

Stomp your feet. Tree roots rise from the ground like waves. It wraps its roots around things that are in the way, crushes them, splits them, and sucks them in.

Let’s go around the tree, go round and round, open the bag full of herbs, ahchwi. Hitch. Everyone has fallen!

Human trees spin round and round, holding branches in their hands. They gather around in circles with Maria and Lily in the middle. It is faster than the monsoon rain that seeps into the dry, cracked ground.

Roberta’s hand movements become more intense.

People who have become trees burst into laughter.

Let’s go around the tree, go round and round, open the bag full of herbs, ahchwi. Hitch. Everyone has fallen!

The roots, seeking blood thicker than water, thirst for the women and grab and tear the soil.

Lily and Maria stand with their backs to each other.

The trees stop. Silence flows. Roberta catches her breath.

The time has come. There is only one move left. I can’t stand it anymore. One last time. Her fingers, which had already become branches, were where she wanted them so much. The place that made me anxious, circle around, wait, wait.



Dance. Pick it up.

Passion steals Roberta’s heart and picks it up.

Because I couldn’t even say the word thief. Roberta just opens her mouth. She just opens her pupils wide. She holds on to her heart and arches her back as much as possible. She opens her mouth that has become a flower.

In that way, she becomes a tree that blooms flowers. From a bare tree, honey flows instead of love juice.

The petals open. Honey overflows. The honey that flows along the roots is too small to reach all the villagers. It is just a drop of water that makes a thirsty person thirstier.


The trees are shouting. You can also see them biting, sucking, and rubbing against each other. But where can a tree suck a tree? It’s meaningless.

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“More…More! More! More! More!”

The villagers shake branches and shout.

“More! More! More! More! More! More!”

No. No. No. No. Roberta delays. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. Not until it becomes unbearable.

Until the unbearable longing ignores even the last command.

The human trees with their eyes turned upside down fly in to suck up the last drop of water from Lily and Maria.

Roberta opens her petal tassel.

On the rooftop of the mansion, there is now a tree shaped like a naked human body, a tree dripping with honey at every bend, a tree with red flowers instead of a face, and instead of pleasure, climax, and obscene language, it spreads pollen. It flies.

Enough to turn the heads of passing animals. He was frantically kissing the flowers, rubbing his body and bouncing his back, to the point where he grabbed the wings himself and ate them.

So that the human trees that smell the obscene smell of pollen will blow away their last sense of judgment.

So the trees became like that. Now, only desire remains for them.

Catch it. Tear. Eat. Suck.


The human trees soar to Maria and Lily. The tree roots that split the skin of the ground are living, breathing humans, and the energy, sweat, blood, and flesh of others are not my own.

To hold and tear and eat and suck To hold and tear and eat and suck To hold and tear and eat and suck


Lily slams the imperial sword on the floor. Maria shoots a pillar of light high into the sky.

The next moment, the trees’ heads exploded.

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