(Shen Bei is 18 years old and has reached adulthood)

"Shen Bei! What does it mean that you handed in a blank history paper?"

"Are you afraid of tampering with history?"

Changtu County, Class 3.

Teacher Shen Xinrou, wearing a simple and elegant one-shoulder long dress, stood on the podium.

She grabbed a piece of chalk, put it on the corner of her mouth and blew a breath.

With a flick of her slender finger, it accurately hit the forehead of Shen Bei, who was in a daze in the last row of the classroom.

"Ouch, what are you doing~~"

Shen Bei rubbed his red forehead and screamed.

The other students looked at Shen Bei and laughed in a low voice:

"The martial arts exam is approaching, but Shen Bei is still in a daze"

"He gave up on himself, his four-dimensional attributes were not up to standard, he became a non-warrior, and could only be a servant."

"If you don't study liberal arts well, how will you find a job in the future?"

"Then your worry is unnecessary. Shen Bei has already entered the society ahead of time. Yesterday I saw someone hiring Shen Bei to carry cement bricks to earn money for his studies."

"That means you can’t afford to eat, right?"


At this time, Teacher Gu Xinrou's crescent-shaped eyebrows twisted left and right.

She looked around the students in the classroom with cold eyes, pressed her hands, and said in a lecturing tone:

"No matter what, Shen Bei earns his living with his own hands, so who are you to criticize him?"

The students shrank their necks and stopped talking.

Gu Xinrou did not intend to let Shen Bei go. She shook the test paper that was cleaner than her face and questioned:

"Shen Bei, come and explain to me, it’s ok for you to just lie down in the military department, but why are you still doing so badly in the liberal arts department?"

Shen Bei smacked his lips and said,"Teacher, it’s unfair!"

"Where does the injustice come from?"

"There are no students around me, so there is no place to copy."

Gu Xinrou's beautiful eyes widened, and she raised her neck with a look of surprise.

She suppressed her anger and raised her hand:"Go, stand in the corridor!"

Shen Bei shrugged and left the classroom under the mocking eyes of other students.

But Shen Bei did not stand in the corridor as he was punished.

Instead, he opened the first-floor window, turned over and jumped out.

Skipping class directly!

Along the lush green grove, along the forest path, he climbed up the wall in a few steps and slipped out of the campus.

Shen Bei found a place where no one was, and his consciousness sank.

A line of words jumped out of the corner of his eyes

【Yesterday’s settlement rewards are as follows:】

【Complete 1 hour of unloading work, gain money +100, physical fitness +1, strength +1】

【After completing a 1-hour food delivery job, you will receive +40 cash, +1 movement speed, and +1 driving skill.】

【Finish 1 hour of dog walking and poop shoveling work, get money +20, strength +1, spirit +1】

Just in class.

Shen Bei was not in a daze with his brain empty.

As a time traveler, he just turned 18 this year, and suddenly awakened the daily settlement panel!

This world is very different from the blue star where Shen Bei is.

It is a world where monsters cholera, caves are frequent, warriors are respected, and the strong are rampant.

If you can't become a warrior, you can only do social scraps.

Even in this world, if you take the civil service exam, your competitor is a warrior.

That's embarrassing...

Every day's news is either this warrior breakthrough, or that warrior attacking the cave.

The main theme of civilian life is two words: just be alive.

After Shen Bei traveled through time, because his four-dimensional attributes were seriously substandard, he couldn't even catch up with the average passing line of other students.

It was almost a foolish dream to want to be admitted to Wuhan University.

Therefore, Shen Bei once gave up the idea of becoming a warrior.

In addition, when he traveled through time, he was already"powerful" and only lived in a small shabby house, and his savings were very few.

Shen Bei had no choice but to go out to work yesterday to save some money for his daily necessities.

But he never expected that today, he would trigger the awakening of the daily settlement panel by mistake!

"I carried cement and bricks yesterday. This is hard work. Not only does it make extra money, but it also helps me improve my physical fitness and strength!"

"It is also reasonable to increase the speed of moving by climbing stairs while delivering food."

"Walking the dog... the Husky is really hard to pull, but it increases strength"

"That idiot shits a lot of stinky shit, destroys my spirit, and then replenishes my spirit +1."

After a simple analysis, Shen Bei was extremely excited.

With this plug-in, Shen Bei felt that he could try to make a splash in the martial arts exam and enter Wuhan University!

"As long as we keep working, counterattack is a sure thing!"

Shen Bei's eyes flashed, and he felt itchy in an instant. He just wanted to move bricks and work!

You know, it is not easy to get into Wuhan University.

The basic attributes of candidates are quite high.

The comprehensive attribute value must not be less than 60 points.

Moreover, this is a floating indicator.

Once there is a demon student in this year's martial arts exam, this comprehensive attribute value will be raised.

The last time Shen Bei tested the attribute values at school, he couldn't bear to look at it.

Strength: 10

Constitution: 11

Spirit: 11

Agility: 10

It's only 42 points at most.

It's far from the average of martial arts exams in previous years. Standard, the difference is 18 points!

For ordinary students, it is extremely difficult to improve any attribute, even a little bit.

This requires digesting various pills to force the improvement.

But pills are not cheap, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars each.

It is not affordable for ordinary families.

Of course, some students may have very high attributes, reaching 30 or even 40.

For example, Shen Bei's deskmate, Jian Tong.

Her spiritual attribute is as high as 40 points.

It is really enviable.

This item alone is enough to touch the door of the martial arts exam. threshold.

But, now, at this moment.

Shen Bei doesn't need to envy anyone anymore, even though he started with a bad hand and a low start.

But our upper limit is high!

No need to take expensive pills, no need to spend money.

Even on the way to make money, you can improve the attribute value!

Far ahead!

At this time, Shen Bei had no mind to go to class.


Studying will only delay me from becoming a warrior!

Roll up your sleeves and run directly to the labor market to work.

The labor market in this world is similar to that of Blue Star.

What kind of carpenters, bricklayers, whitewashers, sewer dredgers...

There are also people like Shen Bei, Civilians who can contribute a bit of physical effort.

Of course, there are also civilians who lie in the corner and sleep soundly, working one day and playing for three days.

They cannot become warriors, and their paths to advancement are blocked, so it is no wonder that these people would lie down.

Shen Bei knew clearly that in order to meet the settlement conditions on this daily settlement panel, one must work.

Lifting weights to exercise is certainly not an option.

Earning money is a must for being employed.

Shen Bei did not work for long.

A van stopped at the entrance of the labor market.

A bald boss jumped out of the cab with a small leather bag, screaming at the top of his lungs:

"Come here, a laborer, your job is to break down the wall, the wall is not big, you will be paid 120 after breaking it down."

This job is not bad, the price is normal.

Many laborers immediately rushed forward and raised their hands:

"Boss, I’ll go, I’ll go!"

"I am strong and work very fast!"

"Damn, if you are strong, why don't you become a warrior? Boss, don't listen to his bragging, he is as skinny as a stick. Choose me, I only want 110!"

"Me 100!"

"Oh shit, it’s rolled up!"


At this time, Shen Bei quickly got into the cab of the van, started the engine, started the car, and honked the horn:

"The boss is gone!"

The bald boss was startled, then laughed, opened the passenger door and sat in.

"You are quite interesting, it's you, let's go!"

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